
更新时间:2023-06-05 07:48:32 阅读: 评论:0

In the wave style the arms and upper body are thrown forward over the water into the ba position, after each pull. 在波浪式蛙泳里,每次划臂后,两臂和上半身向前抛入水中,进入基本位置。In both the modified wave and the flat style the arms are pushed forward through the water and into the ba position. 改进的波浪式和水平式都是把两臂向前推动进入水中,然后进入基本位置。There is less resistance with your body underwater than when you kick with the body at the surface. 在踢腿时身体在水下遇到的阻力比身体在水面遇到的阻力小。Both the wave and flat styles of breaststroke benefit by putting your head and body underwater at the start of each kick. 在踢腿的启动阶段波浪式和水平式蛙泳都得益于把头部和身体放入水下。From US Masters Rule Book Some part of the swimmers head shall break the surface of the water at least once during each complete cycle of one armstroke and one leg kick. Article 101.2.2. since美国教练规则书中第101.2.2章规定:在一次由一次臂部划水和一次腿部踢水组成的完整的循环中,游泳者身躯的一部分头部应该抬出水面至少一次。This rule allows you to kick with your head underwater, reducing resistance. 这一规则允许您踢腿时把头放入水中,以减少阻力。Your head will break the waters surface when you breathe at the end of the insweep of each stroke, satisfying the rule. 根据这条规则,每次向内划水结束吸气的时候,可以把头部抬出水面。The best way to learn breaststroke is to think there is no pull back in the modern breaststroke! 学习蛙泳的最好途径是形成一个思路:在现代蛙泳里不存在向后划这个动作。The arms shall move simultaneously and in the same horizontal plane without any alternating movement. Article 101.2.2. US Rule Book. 美国规则书中第acquire名词101.2.2章规定:两臂应同时移动在同一个水平面,不得有任何交叉动作。There is simply a scull out and a scull inward to just under the face.显然,每次向外划水和每次向内划水刚好在水面下。
We start by learning the shoulder shrug, shrugging the shoulders up, the elbows out, and the palms of the hands facing outward. 我们从学习耸肩式开始,把肩部向上抬,肘部向外,两只手的掌面朝外。The shoulder shrug puts your shoulders and arms in the same position as a butterflyers when their arms are recovered forward.耸肩就是在臂部复位时部把肩部和臂部放置成和蝶泳同样的位置。 This is the ideal way to begin the out-scull as the shoulders are narrower during the shrug, reducing resistance.由于耸肩是肩部变窄,所以这是一个向外划水开始减少阻力的完美的途径。 The shrug makes it difficult to drop the elbows, a major stroke problem. 耸肩使的肘部不至于下落,解决了划水的一个大问题。It also us the pectoral and    lattissimus    muscles more, taking advantage of the large muscles.耸肩也便于更多地利用胸部和    部的肌肉,发挥这些大肌肉的优越性。
  The out scull is not very propulsive, to get any propulsion you must pitch the hands at an angle to the fore-arms, thirty to forty-five degrees. 向外划水产生的推动力并不大,为了产生一定的推动了必须让前臂和和手保持30度到45度的角度。The hands should be about six inches under the water's surface when beginning the out-scull.当外划开始时,两手应该在离水平面大约六英寸的水下。 Your hands should move out and slightly upwards so that your hands are just under the water's surface at the catch point, slightly past your shoulders width. 夏季防晒方法两手应该向外移动,同时略微有点向上,这样两手刚好在水面之下的抓水点上,两个抓水点比您的肩宽稍宽一些。How wide you make the catch point depends on how strong you are.您的抓水点所取的宽度取决于您的身体的强弱。At the catch the palms are changed from out and back to down and back. 在抓手点,手掌的变化是从向外向后变为向下和向后。 This down sweep begins the powerful insweep.这个向下的划动开始强有力的向内划水。
The insweep is the propulsive portion of the arm movement. 向内划水是臂部移动中产生主要推动力的部分。愚人节英文With the shoulders shrugged up the hands are accelerated first down and then inwards until the palms come together under the chin.随着肩部的向上耸动,两手先向下划动,然后向内划,直到在下巴下汇合。 The insweep ends with the hands moving up and forward together.内划结束时,两手一起向上、向前。
During this powerful insweep you should breathe with your head looking downwards or slightly forward. 在强有力的内划阶段,您的头部应该向下或稍微向前看。The hands shall be pushed forward together from the breast on, under, or over the surface of the water Article 101.2.2. 美国规则书101.2.2中写道:从呼吸开始,两手应该一起向前推动,向上、向下、或越过水平面。This is called the arm recovery and should be done by squeezing the elbows together in front of the chest, with the palms together. 这样的动作称之为臂部复位,它是这样完成的,在胸前将肘部挤压在一起,同时两手掌合并。htsc>did you know
If the elbows are not squeezed in front of the chest they can combine with the arms and chest as one massive resistance to the water. 如果肘部不能在胸前,他们可能与臂部结合和胸部作为一个对水的总的阻力。The elbows coming together forces the hands to move quickly from the insweep to the recovery; many breaststrokers have a problem with pausing at that point. 哪里学英语好从向内划水到复位,肘部汇合手的力量迅速地向前移动,许多蛙泳者都存在一个问题,即在哪个点上停顿。
When the hands are nearly extended, shrug the shoulders to begin the outscull. 当两手快要伸开时,耸起肩部开始向外划水。
hat什么意思The easiest way to learn the out-scull and insweep is to swim one lap of breast, starting with the hands fully extended.学习向外划水和向内划水的最简单的办法是游上一圈,从两手的完全伸展开始。 Scull out about ten inches and scull in with the hands until they clap together.向外划大约10英寸和向内划直到两手拍在一起。Then swim another lap sculling out to about twelve inches, emphasizing the insweep. 然后游另一个圈,向外划水大约12英寸,着重向内划水。Now swim another lap, sculling out to where it feels comfortable, emphasizing the power of the insweep.现在游另一个圈,向外划水到感到舒适的位置,着重是向内划水的力量。
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-12-13 5:53:53编辑过]

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