1-Ship Types and Features
Several basic ship types are considered. The particular features of appearance, construction, l ayout, size, etc., will be examined for the following ship types:
(1) General cargo ships.
(2) Tankers.
(3) Bulk carriers.
(4) Container ships.
(5) Pasnger ships.
General cargo ships
留学日本1.The general cargo consists of as large a c l ear open cargo-carrying space as possible,
together with the facilities required for loading and unloading the cargo.
2.Access to the cargo storage areas or holds is provided by openings in the deck called
四级翻译预测hatches. Hatches are made as l arge as strength considerations will allow to reduce horizontal movement of cargo within the ship.
3.Hatch covers of wood or stee l, as in most modern ships, are ud to clo the hatch
openings when the ship is at a. The hatch covers are made watertight and lie upon coamings around the hatch which are t some distance from the upper or weather deck to reduce the risk of flooding in heavy as.
4.One or more parate decks are f i tted in the cargo holds and are known as tween decks.
Greater flexibility in loading and unloading, together with cargo gregation and improved stability, are possible using the tween deck spaces.
5.Various combinations of derricks, winches and deck cranes are ud for the
6.Handling of cargo.
7.The accommodation and machinery spaces are usually located with one hold between
them and the aft peak bulkhead.
2. to i ndividu transver bulkheads .
3. or/and double sides or double hull is fitted in the cargo-carrying
4. g tanks are created by longitudinal bulkheads. The wing t free surface effect.
5. Large amounts of piping are to be en on the deck running from the pump rooms to the
discharge manifolds positioned at midships, port and starboard.
二十六个英文字母读法1. The tanker is ud to carry bulk liquid cargoes, the most common type being the oil tanker.
The oil tanker al tanks by longitudinal and Double bottom ction of an oil tanker.
A pair of win anks helps reduces the has the cargo-carrying ction of the vesl split up in
6.LNG tankers carry methane and other paraff i n products obtained as byproduct of
petroleum drilling op e ra t ions. The gas is carried a t a tmospheric pressure and temperatures as low as -164°C in tanks of speci a l m a terials, which can accept the low tempera t ure. The t a nks u s ed may be prismatic, cylindrical or spherical in shape and lf-supporting or of membrane construction.
7.LPG tankers carry propane, butane, propylene, etc., which are extracted from natural gas.
The gas are carried ei t her fully pressurized, part pressurized part refrigera t ed or fully refrigerated. The fully pressurized tank operates at 18 bar and ambient temperature, the fully refrigerated tank at 0.25 bar and —50 C. Tank shapes are prismatic, spherical or cylindrical. Low temperature steels may be ud on the hull where it acts as a condary barrier.
Bu l k/Ore carriers
the newsroom
1. Bulk carriers are single-deck vesls, which transport single -commod i ty cargoes
3. 4. oned t a nks wh i ch surround it are ud for ballast purpos either on bal l ast 5. m t a
nks may be ud for fuel oil and fresh water.
2. such as gr a
in, sugar and ores in bulk.
The general-purpo bulk carrier, in which usua ll y the central hold ction only is ud for cargo
jackie chan
The partiti voyages or; in the ca of the saddle tanks, to rai the ship's center of gravi t y when a l o w density cargo is carried.
Some of t he double-botto
world是什么意思6.The saddle tanks also rve t o shape the upper region of the cargo hold and trim the
cargo. Large hatchways are a feature of bulk carriers, since they reduce cargo-handling
time during load i ng and unloading.
1.An ore carrier has two longitudinal bulkheads, which divide the cargo ction into wing
tanks port and starboard, and the cen t er ho l d, which is ud for ore.
2.On loaded voyages the ore is carried in the central hold, and the high double bottom
rves to rai the center of gravity of this very den cargo.
3.Two longitudinal bulkheads are employed to divide the ship into center and wing tanks
which are ud for the carriage of oil cargoes.
4.When ore is carried, only the center tank ction is ud for cargo.
5. A double bottom is f i tted beneath the center tank but is ud only for water ballast.
6.The structure is signif i cantly str o nger, since the bulkheads must be oil tight and the
double bottom must withstand the high-density ore load.
7.Large hatches are a feature of all bulk carriers, to facilitate rapid simple cargo handling.
8. A large proportion of bulk carriers do not carry cargo-handling equipment, becau they
trade between special terminals which have particular equipment for loading and unloading bulk commodities.
Container ships