Exerci 1
darumaIn his article “Ethical, Legal and Social Implications of Autonomous Systems”, Austin Modine puts forward that the autonomous systems may ri ethical, legal and social issues. People’s reactions to the technologies may be negative becau autonomous systems are inherently outside of their control. However, autonomous systems may be trusted more than human operators in some special situations in which humans may make bad choice as a result of panic. As we all know, all technologies are liable to failure, and autonomous systems will be no exception. Then, who will be responsible for the failure? There is still not a legal framework covering autonomous systems currently. As it is almost inevitable that autonomous systems will experience failures, actions must be taken to address the issues. Therefore, the kinds of social, legal and ethical questions need to be debated so that autonomous systems can be developed in a way that is legally and socially acceptable.
auxiliaryExerci 2支出英语
中国高校外语慕课平台 In his article “Why do Things Become More Complex?” Carrington,S. puts forward that co
mplexity tends to increa as functions and modifications are added to a system to break through limitations, handle exceptional circumstances or adapt to a world itlf more complex. Fifty years ago, things are simpler. But lately, things are getting more complicated as time pass. Taking jet engines for example, they were beautifully simple at first, but they steadily become more complicated over the years. However, there is nothing wrong with the increa in complexity, not only jet engines, but also higher organisms. Sometimes the results of growing complexity are not so streamlined, our lives are also in this way. Interestingly, there is hope even when a system gets lumbered down with complications becau growing complexity is often followed by renewed simplicity in a slow back-and-forth dance, with complication usually gaining a net edge over time. It is true that the cret of well-being is simplicity. Thus, we can’t ek complexity as an end or allow it to go unchecked. It is then that we need to discover the new modes and the bold strokes which bring fresh simplicity to our organizations, our technology, our government and our lives.