1.1 Contractor‘s Insurance 承包商保险
During the Term Contractor shall maintain in full force and effect:
(a) General Comprehensive Third Party Liability Insurance, including bodily injury, property damage, products/ completed operations, standard contractual and accidental environmental impairment/ pollution liability, with a combined limit of one million EUR (1,000,000 Euro) per occurrence and in annual aggregate; this cover may exclude however damage to property of third parties (including the Customer’s property) which is under care, custody or control of the insured.
(a) 第三方责任综合险,包括人身伤害,财产损失,产品/完成的操作,标准合同和意外环境伤害/污染责任,保险额为每次且每年累计限额壹佰万欧元(1,000,000欧元);此保险可以不含已被保险的第三方财产损坏(包括客户财产)。
(b) certaintyEmployer’s Liability and Workmen Compensation Insurance in accordance with any Applicable Laws; where any Applicable Laws do not require any specific regulations or amounts, the Contractor shall arrange this insurance as it is customarily done according to good industrial practices.
(b) 根据任何适用法律的雇主责任和工人补偿险,如任何适用法律未规定具体的规则和金额,承包商应根据良好的行业惯例定制办理此类保险。
(c) Automobile Liability Insurance in accordance with any Applicable Laws; where any Applicable Laws do not require any specific regulations or amounts, the Contractor shall arrange this insurance as it is customarily done according to good industrial practices.
轻狂是什么意思(c) 根据适用法律的汽车责任险;如任何适用法律未规定具体的规则和金额,承包商应根据良好的行业惯例定制办理此类保险。
The coverage shall be at the usual levels in the ordinary cour of business.
Upon request, Contractor shall provide to Customer certificates or other evidence of such coverage. Contractor shall give Customer thirty (30) days’ advance notice of any cancellation or material changes in such policies.
1.2 Customer’s Insurance 客户保险金山翻译在线
During the Term Customer shall maintain in full force and effect:
(a) escalatorConstruction/ Erection all Risk Insurance, covering the total contract value of the whole project which is being constructed/ erected until PAC of the project or commercial operation;
(a) 安装一切险,涵盖整个项目的合同金额,项目安装至预验收或商业运行。tails
(b) Property All Risk Insurance, including boiler and machinery breakdown coverage, covering all real and personal property of Customer on a one hundred percent (100 %) replacement cost basis;
(b) 财产一切险,包括锅炉和机损险,保险范围涵盖客户的所有不动产和个人财产,保额为更换费用的100%。
(c) Business Interruption Insurance (following property all risks including boiler and machinery breakdown insurance) to cover „gross earnings," which will include net profit, all fixed expens and interest with a minimum coverage of a twelve (12) months indemnity period;
(c) 业务中断险(涵盖包括锅炉及机损险在内的所有财产风险)以覆盖“总收入”,包括净利润、所有固定费用和利息,保险期限为最小12个月的受损期间。
(d) General Comprehensive Third Party Liability Insurance, including bodily injury, property damage, products/ completed operations, standard contractual, and accidental e
nvironmental impairment/ pollution liability, with a combined limit of five million EUR (5,000,000 Euro) per occurrence and in annual aggregate.
(d) 第三方责任综合险,包括人身伤害,财产损失,产品/完成的操作,标准合同和意外环境伤害/污染责任,保险额为每次且每年累计限额伍佰万欧元(5,000,000欧元)。
The Customer’s insurances shall provide the best terms and conditions as are reasonably available in the insurance market and shall be effected with insurers (or, where the local insurance market is a restricted insurance market, with reinsurers) being at least A-rated or better.
The Customer shall ensure that each of the insurances to be provided by the Customer in accordance with this Clau shall be primary to any insurance carried by the Contractor and Contractor’s subcontractors, and that each insurance shall name the Contractor and its subcontractors as co-insured with insurer’s waiver of subrogation.
Customer shall provide to Contractor a copy of the construction/ erection all risks, property all risks and machinery breakdown insurance and, upon request, certificates or other evidence of the other insurances. Customer shall give Contractor thirty (30) days‘ advance notice of any cancellation or material changes in such policies.
The deductibles of the insurances to be provided by the Customer shall not exceed with respect to (a) property all risks including machinery breakdown insurance shall not exceed one hundred thousand EUR (100,000 Euro) per occurrence as general deductible and (b) specific items such as gas turbines, steam turbines, generators, transformers etc., the lowest deductibles reasonably available in the insurance market.