怎样自制美白面膜入职知识产权声明IP statement of Employment大白菜的英文
本人就受聘于 公司事宜作如下声明:
I am employed byhah 蜘蛛的英文>68届金球奖 and make following statements:
于本声明签署之日起,本人与任何其他单位不存在任何劳动关系。并且,本人受聘于公司不会违反本人对前雇主的任何竞业禁止义务,公司不会因雇用本人而引发任何诉讼。公司因雇用本人而引发的任何法律责任由本人承担。Upon the signing time of this statement, I don’t have any employment relation with any other unit. Moreover, my current employment with HCW will not violate any Non-Competition Agreement signed with my previous employer. HCW will not involve in any lawsuit. I will take any legal liability caud by HCW’ employment of me. hitb
本人对前雇主或其他任何单位负有保守商业秘密义务。本人承诺不将任何涉及第三方的商业秘密带入公司,且不在公司使用。任何因本人违反对第三方的保守商业秘密的义务而导致的任何法律责任,由本人承担;因此给公司造成经济损失的,公司可依法向本人追偿。I have t
he obligation of keeping business crets of previous employers or any other units. I promi not to bring the business crets of any 3rd party into HCW and u in HCW. I will take any legal liability becau of my violation of keeping the business crets of any 3rd party; HCW has the legal right to demand compensation from me for the economic loss caud therefrom.badminton