✓The importance of FS footnotes: ①basis of prentation, eg fiscal period ②a/c methods ③additional info. Such as acquisition or disposal, legal action, employee benefit plan
✓Management’s commentary/report/MD&A/operating and financial review: important part of annual report, 内容包含:nature of business, past performance, future outlook; 若为上市公司,还应包含:effects of inflation, off-balance obligations, accounting policies, forward-looking expenditure and divestitures.
✓Unqualified/clean opinion 无保留审计报告
✓Securities and exchange commission required filings
Form S-1 新证券出售前要进行登记
Form 10-K business and mgt information, audited FS and other disclosures
Form 10-Q 未审计的季度报表
Form DEF-14A 股东大会前 当prepare proxy statement时
Form 8-K: company must file to report events such as acquisition and disposal of asts
Form 3\4\5 管理层持有证券情况
Form 144 定向增发的报告nightwish nemo
✓Proxy statement: issue to shareholders when there are matters require a shareholder vote
john tucker must die
✓FS analysis framework:
1.State the objective and context
2.Gather data
3.Process the data
4.Analyze and interpret the data
5.Report the conclusion and recommendation
苏州印象城6.Update the analysis
✓Unearned revenue 预收收入,现在收到现金,但应记做将来的收入
Additional paid-in capital 资本公积 common stock MV高于BV的部分
✓Accrual 权责发生制:unearned revenue, accrued revenue, prepaid expen, accrued expen
✓Journal entries – general ledger – adjusted trial balance -FS
1.IFRS 将income and expens 视为 elements relate to performance, FASB 包含revenue, expen, gain, loss, comprehensive income
2.Ast 定义不同, IFRS 是 future economic benefit, FSAB是probable future economic benefit
3.FSAB 不允许向上调整资产价值
✓Revenue recognization
For goods
①risk and reward of ownership is transferred ②no continuing control over goods sold ③revenue can be readily measured ④probable flow of economic benefit ⑤cost can be reliably measured
For rvice
①revenue reliably measured ②probable flow of economic benefit ③the stage of completion can be measured ④cost can be reliably measured
Percentage of completion method:完工百分比=目前成本/预期总成本,收入、利润、费用按完工百分比确认
Completed contract method:项目unreliable时用,收入、费用、利润完全结束后确认
Installment sales 销售分期收款
Installment method: uncertain,收到现金才确认利润,利润=现金*利润率,利润率=总利润/总收入现金
Cost recovery method: highly uncertain, 利润只有在收到现金大于总成本时才计量
Barter transaction 以货换货:根据经验确定公允价值,计入收入
Straight-line depreciation
Declining balance method: constant depreciation rate
Double declining balance method: constant dep rate = 直线法折旧率的两倍
Units-of-production method 根据生产产品的数量分摊每年的折旧
Warranty expen and bad debt expen: 配比收入确认
✓Discontinues operation 损益单独列示,潜在的处置亏损及时确认,处置收益收到时确认
Measurement date(决定处置停止经营的项目)到disposal date之间的时间为phaout period
✓Unusual or infrequent items(减值或资产、部门出售):包含在持续经营利润中,按税前额列示
✓Extraordinary items:expropriation of asts, retirement of debt(提前赎回债务的损失),uninsured loss due to natural disaster, 在利润表中分开记录,按税后额列示
✓A/C change: change in a/c principle(IFRS的变更,应改写以前的FS,但允许将累计影响反应在利润表中), change in a/c estimates(公司决策,不需改写以前的FS), prior- period adjustment(一般在净收益中列示,也可在留存收益中调整). 这些变更不影响到现金流
✓利息费用、股利收入属于non-operating component
bargainingBasic EPS = (net profit – preferred stock dividend)/no. of shares
No. of shares 是以时间加权的平均在外发行股数
Stock dividend: 10% stock dividend, 则每个股东的股票*1.1
Stock split:
这两者都属于bonus issue, 股东的股票比例是不变的, 对股数的影响:要把stock div或stock split前的股数都比例调高
DEPS 存在可转换证券时,要计算DEPS
Dilutive curities:转换后EPS下降
Antidilutive curities: 转换后EPS增加
-Convertible preferred stock
分子- preferred dividend, 即直接用net profit
-Convertible bonds
分子+(1-t)*interest cost
-Convertible option or warrants
只调整分母, 用treasury stock method
Treasury stock method: 假设执行期权时,公司获得的资金全部用于在市场上购买普通股nbl是什么
✓Common-size income statement 各项列示为revenue的百分比
✓Other comprehensive income
Foreign currency translation gains and loss
bowangAdjustments for minimum pension liability
Unrealized gains and loss from derivatives or available-for-sale curity
Standard costing
Retail method 以零售价计存货,并从总收入中-利润以反映成本
sieg✓上海培训Deferred tax:
I锤子英文ncome tax expen = taxes payable + Δ DTL - Δ DTA
tax payable>income tax expen,deferred tax ast,相当于prepaid expen
taxable income>PBT, deferred tax ast
也就是应税扣除的expen<会计计量的expen时,记deferred tax ast
Tax ba > carrying value,形成DT ast
Tax ba与CV相当于未来抵税的部分,与当期抵税的expen成反比
Tax payable- 实付
income tax expen – 本期应付
ast/liability是从利润表计量的income tax expen的角度看的,应付的没付够则产生liability, 若付多了则产生ast