
更新时间:2023-06-04 12:44:36 阅读:27 评论:0

THIS SHARE SUBSCRIPTION AGREEMENT is made as of October 12,2012,by and among:
Company A,⼀家在⽑⾥求斯共和国法律下成⽴的股份有限公司(Olympus#1);
Company A,a private company limited by shares incorporated under the laws of Republic of Mauritius;
Company B,⼀家在开曼群岛法律下组成的豁免有限合伙;
Company B,an exempted limited partnership organized under the laws of Cayman Islands ;
Company, a limited liability company incorporated under the la ws of the PRC(the “Company”);
a limited liability company incorporated under the laws of the PRC(the “ Parent”); and
XXX,⼀持有编号为XXX 的中国⾝份证的⼈⼠(“XXX”或“创办⼈”)。
XXX, a person holding PRC Identity Card numbered XXX(“XXX” or the “Founder”).
Each party to this agreement shall be referred to as a “Party” and shall collectively be referred to as “parties”.
WHEREAS,upon the completion of the restructuring steps t forth in the Restructuring Plan and prior to Closing,
(a) ⼀家拟由创办⼈在英属维尔京群岛法律下成⽴并全资拥有的业务公司(“BVI”控股公司)将持有⼀
(a) a business company to be incorporated (and wholly owned) by the Founder under the laws of the British Virgin Islands (the “BVI Hold Co”) shall hold 100% shareholding in a business company incorporated under the laws of the British Virgin Islands(the “Issuer”),
(b) 发⾏⼈将持有⼀家拟在开曼群岛法律下成⽴的获豁免股份有限公司(“上市公司”)
(b)the Issuer shall hold 70.0115% shareholding in an exempted company limited by shares incorporated under the laws of the Cayman Islands(the “Listco”);
(c) the Listco shall hold 100% of the Equity Securities in a business company incorporated under the laws of the British Virgin Islands (the “BVI Co”);
(d)BVI公司将持有⼀家拟在⾹港法律下成⽴的有限责任公司(⾹港公司)100%的股本证券,(d) the BVI Co shall hold 100% of the Equity Securities in a limited liability company incorporated under the laws of Hong Kong (the “HK Co”);
(e)⾹港公司将持有⼀家拟在中国法律下成⽴的有限责任公司(WOFE)100%的股本证券。(e) and the HK Co shall hold 100% of the Equity Securities in a limited liability company incorporated under the laws of the PRC(the “WOFE”).
The Issuer desires to issue and ll to the Investors, and the Investors desire to subscribe for and purcha from the Issuer such number of Preference Shares that equals the Subscription Price divided by the Purcha Price Per Share (the “Subscribed Preference Shares”),subject to the terms and conditions t forth in this Agreement;
NOW THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows:
分条1.1 认购受限于本协议中订明的条款及条件,以及依赖于本⽂及其他交易⽂件中做出的陈述与保证,发⾏⼈同意且创办⼈及BVI控股公司承诺促使发⾏⼈同意将标的优先股发⾏及出售予投资者,及投资者同意从发⾏⼈认购上述标的优先股。
Section 1.1 Subscription Subject to the terms and conditions in this agreement and in reliance upon the reprentations and warranties made herein and in the other transaction Documents, the Issuer agrees to and the Founder and BVI Hold Co undertake to procure the Issuer to agree to issue and ll to the Investor, and the Investor agree to subscribe for and purcha from the issuer, the Subscribed Preference Shares.
分条1.2 认购价款应付予发⾏⼈之标的优先股累计认购价款应为70,000,000.00美元(“认购价款”),且每股标的优先股的购⼊价应为等值于⼈民币6.5元的美元,以交割⽇前第五(5)个营业⽇中国银⾏在其官⽅⽹站公布的⼈民币兑美元汇率中间价计算。(“每股购⼊价”)。Section 1.2 Subscription Price The aggregate subscription price payable to the Issuer for the Subscribed Preference Shares shall be US$70,000,000.00(the “Subscription Price”), and the purcha price for each Subscribed Preference Shares shall be the United States Dollars equivalent of RMB 6.50, calculated at the central parity rate of United States Dollars against RMB published on the official website of the Bank of China on the fifth (5th) Business Day immediately prior to Closing Date (Purc
ha Price Per Share).
分条1.3 认购价款的⽀付在交割时,投资者应将认购价款以⽴刻可动⽤的资⾦电汇付⾄发⾏⼈指定的账户(“发⾏⼈账户”),发⾏⼈账户应在不少于交割⽇前五(5)个营业⽇由发⾏⼈
Section 1.3 Payment of Subscription Price Any payment of the subscription Price shall be made by the Investors by wire transfer of immediately available funds at the Closing to an account designated by the issuer in writing not less than five(5) Business Day prior to Closing Date(the “Issuer Account”).
分条1.4 标的优先股及投资者之间的认购价款之分配当本协议要求标的优先股的买卖或发⾏时,该标的优先股应按由投资者(在其绝对酌情权下)决定的并在投资者收到保证⼈的书⾯通知(确认列于本⽂第5条各交割⽅时旅⾏义务的所有先决条件得以完全满⾜)后的五(5)个营业⽇之前尽最⼤努⼒尽早(或其他各⽅同意的较后时间)向各⽅发出书⾯通知的⽐例计算之数额售予及发⾏⾄Company A及Company B.当本协议要求⽀付认购价款,该款项应由Company A及Company B 按其各⾃的投资⽐例⽀付。如投资者未能按上述规定向各⽅发出通知及直⾄其后投资者补发该通知前,则仅就⽀付认购价款⽽
⾔,Company A及Company B 将以七⼗⽐三⼗(70:30)的⽐例各⾃承担该付款责任及于此相关的违约责任(如有)。为免⽣疑问,投资者于本协议项下条款及条件履⾏(如适⽤)的义务是各⾃⽽⾮共同或连带的。Section 1.4 Allocation of Subscribed Preference Shares and Subscription Prices between Investors. Wherever this Agreement calls for the purcha and sale or issuance of any Subscribed Preference Shares, such Subscribed Preference Shares shall be purchad or issued to Company A and Company B in such proportion as determined by the Investors (in their absolute discretion) and specified in a written notice issued to the other parties as soon as possible with their best endeavors (and in any event within five(5)Business Days (or any other later time agreed among the Parties ))after receipt of a written notice issued by the Warrantors confirming the full satisfaction of all the conditions precedent to the Parties’ obligation at Closing as t forth in Section 5 of this Agreement .Where this Agreement calls for the payment of any Subscription price, such payment shall be made by Company A and Company B in accordance with their respective Investment Percentage. Where the Investors fail to notice in compliance with the foregoing and until such notice is issued retrospectively at a later time, only for the purpo of the payment of subscription price, Company A and Company B shall bear the payment liability and liability for default relating hereto (if any) in proportion to the ratio of venty to thirty (70:30), respectively . For the avoidance of doubt, the obligations of performance of the Investors under the terms and conditions of this Agreement (if applicable) shall be veral (and not joint or joint and veral).
分条1.5 优先股之条款及条件根据本协议项下发⾏的标的优先股应按优先股条件项下的条款及条件发售。
Section 1.5 Terms and Conditions of the Preferences Shares The Subscribed Preference Shares issued under this Agreement shall be issued with the terms and conditions as t forth in the Preferences Shares Conditions.
分条2.1 交割时间及地⽅受限于本协议中定名的条款及条件,买卖标的优先股的交割(“交割”)应在每⼀⽅履⾏交割义务的先决条件(于分条5.1、6.1及随附之附表2中订明)获满⾜或豁免后的第⼗⼆个营业⽇在投资者代表律师位于北京的办公室进⾏,或在发⾏⼈及投资
Section 2.1 Closing Time and Place Subject to the terms and conditions t forth in this Agreement, t
he closing of purcha and sale of the Subscribed Preference Shares(the "Closing")shall take place at the offices of the legal counl of the investors in beijing on the date which is 12 business days follwing the satisfaction or waiver of the conditions precedent to each party's obligations to the Closing as t forth in Sections 5.1,6.1 and Schedule 2 attached hereto, or at such other place and time as the Issuer and the Investors mutually agree in writting, subject to all of the Transaction Documents to be delivered by the Warrantors in connection with the Closing(the "Closing Escrow Documents") being delivered to the Investors' counl at least 3 business days prior to the Closing date; provided, that the investors counl shall hold the Closing Escrow Documents as a custodian and shall not relea the same to the investors until the closing date. The date of the Closing shall be referred to as the "Closing date".
分条2.2 交割时进⾏的交易在交割⽇:①交割托管⽂件应释放给投资者;②投资者将认购价款按其各⾃的投资⽐例计算的数额⽀付⾄发⾏⼈账户,将须由投资者交付的所有与交割有关的交易⽂件交付于保证⼈;③发⾏⼈应就BVI控股公司持有的发⾏⼈普通股⽀付相当于认购价款的特别股息予BVI控股公司,BVI控股公司应将前述特别股息⽀付予创办⼈,⽽投资者应尽最⼤努⼒进⾏作为发⾏⼈优先股股东的所有⾏动(包括⾏使其股东权利,或促使其按股东协议的条款指定的董事在发⾏⼈董事会上通过决议)以配合及协助发⾏⼈⽀付相当于认购价款的特别股息予BVI控股公司,且不得作为BVI控股公司
Section 2.2 Closing Transactions. On the Closing date,(1)the Closing Escrow Documents shall be relad to the investors;
最新英语国际音标表(2) the investors shall pay the Subscription Price to the issuer account in proportion to their respective investment percentage and deliver to the Warrantors all of the Transaction Documents to be delivered by the Investors in connection with the Closing;
(3)The issuer shall pay special dividends to BVI Hold Co on the Issuer Common Shares held by BVI Hold Co at a total amount equal to the Subscription Price, and the BVI Co shall pay the aforesaid special dividends to the Founder; and the Investors shall and shall u their best reasonable endeavors to take all actions as Preference Shareholders of the
学困生辅导计划Issuer(including exercising powers as shareholders , or procure the directors designated by them under the terms of the Shareholders Agreement at the Board of the Issuer to pass resolutions), so as
to cooperate and facilitate the payment of special dividends to BVI Hold Co by the Issuer at a total sum equal to the Subscription price, and shall not as a holder of the pledge of shares in the BVI Hold Co, hinder, prevent or otherwi affect the payment of the aforesaid special dividends to the Founder by the BVI Hold Co;
(4)the relevant Warrantors shall and shall procure the other relevant Warrantors to update the Register of Members and Register of Charges;
(5) the Warrantors shall procure the appointment of the person designated by the Investors, David Shen to the Boards of Directors of the Company, the Issuer , the Listco, the HK Co and the WOFE and an independent director to the Board of Directors of the Listco.
分条9.1 管辖法律本协议受⾹港法律管辖,并依⾹港法律解释,但其中关于法律冲突的规定则不予适⽤。
Section 9.1 Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with,
the laws of Hong Kong, without application of its conflicts of law provisions.nani
分条9.2 争议解决对于本协议或其项下拟进⾏的交易的争议,各⽅同意本着善意协商解决。若协商⽆法令各⽅合理满意的解决争议,则投资者及保证⼈应分别指定⼀名⾼级管理⼈员作为其代表。
Section 9.2 Dispute Resolution. The parties agree to negotiate in good faith to resolve any dispute between them regarding this agreement or the transactions contemplated hereby. If the negotiations do not resolve the dispute to the reasonable
satisfaction of the Parties, then the Investors, on the one hand, and the Warrantors, on the other hand, shall nominate one nior officer as its reprentative.
分条9.3 仲裁除就初步强制令、临时限制令或其他临时性平衡法救济措施的索请之外,因本协议引起的或与本协议有关的争议或申索或对本协议的违反,当本协议⼀⽅提出申请时,应按⼀下规定被提交⾹港国际仲裁中⼼根据当时有效的⾹港国际仲裁中⼼机构仲裁规则进⾏仲裁,但根据以下条⽂对规令进⾏修订:
Section 9.3 Arbitration Except for claims for a preliminary injunction, temporary restraining order or other temporary equitable relief, any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this Agreement,
or breach thereof, shall, upon application of a Party hereto, be submitted to the Hong KONG International Arbitration Center Administered Arbitration Rules as in force when submitted, as amended by the following provisions:
(i)There shall be 3 arbitrators who shall be fluent in Chine and English language, of whom one arbitrator shall be appointed by the Warrantors, one arbitrator shall be appointed by the Investors, and the third arbitrator shall be appointed by the two arbitrators designated by the Parties. If a party fails to designate an arbitrator within 30 days after designation of an arbitrator by the other party, the cond arbitrator shall be appointed pursuant to the Rules as soon as possible therefore. If the two arbitrators designated by the parties are unable to agree upon a third arbitrator within 30 days after the first two arbitrators are appointed, the third arbitrator shall be appointed pursuant to the Rules as soon as possible therefore.
(ii)仲裁员⽆权增加、修改或改变本协议的任何条⽂。仲裁员的裁决对争议的各⽅、其继任⼈和受让⼈是终局性的和具有约束⼒的,各⽅、其继任⼈和受让⼈应善意遵从该等裁决。各⽅兹同意接受仲裁地法院的司法管辖权,但该等管辖权仅以仲裁员裁决的登录判决为限。即时有前述约定,关于仲裁裁决的判决可再仲裁地所在国家的任何法院或任何有管辖权的法院登录。(ii) The arbitrators shall have no power to add to, modify or change any provision of this Agreement. The decision of the arbitrators shall be blinding and conclusive upon the parties to the dispute, their successors and assigns, and they shall comply with such decision in good faith. Each party hereby submits itlf to the jurisdiction of the courts of the place where the arbitration is held. but only for the entry of judgment with respect to the decision of the arbitrators hereunder. Notwithstanding the foregoing, judgment upon the award may be entered in any court in the country where the arbitration takes place, or any court having jurisdiction.
(iii)The arbitration proceeding shall be held in Hong Kong and shall be conducted in the Chine and English language. all documents submitted as evidence in such proceedings shall be submitted in their original language and, if not originally in Chine or English, with an english or Chine translati
(iv) The costs and expens of the arbitration, including the fees of the arbitrators, shall in the first instance be borne equally by the Investors, on the one hand, and the Warrantors, on the other hand, and each party shall in the first instance pay its own fees, disburments and other charges of its counl, and the liability for such costs and expens of the arbitration and the parities; fees,disburments and counl charges shall be borne by the party or parties as determined by the arbitrators in the award.
分条10.7 语⾔本协议以英语和中⽂签署。中英⽂版本应具同等效⼒。若中英⽂版本有任何不同、差异或冲突,应由双⽅协商解决。
Section 10.7 Language This Agreement is executed in the English and Chine languages. The Chine and English version of this Agreement shall have the same force and effect. In the event of any difference, discrepancy or conflict between the English and Chine versions, it shall be resolve
d by negotiation among the Parties.

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标签:投资者   协议   认购   仲裁   优先股   法律   交割   价款
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