高级英语 The Way To Rainy Mountain最经典的英文歌曲
高级英语Lesson 11 The Way to Rainy Mountain
1. Where is the Rainy Mountain? Why is the place important for the Kiowa? What is the weather like there? What is the most important feature of this landscape?
2. Why did the author like to think of his grandmother as a child? Could you infer when his grandmother Aho was born? When was the great moment in the history of the Kiowa? 3. What kind of fighters were the Kiowa? Why were they driven onto the Staked Plains? What did they do in order to save themlves? Why was it humiliating to them? Was the author’s
grandmother also humiliated?
4. Where did the Kiowa come from three centuries ago? When did they begin their long migration to the south and east? What changes did this migration bring to them? In what way were the Kiowa transformed?
5. According to their origin myth, how did the Kiowa enter the world? Why did the author say that, from one point of view, their migration was the fruit of an old prophecy?
6. What did the author think of Yellowstone? Why did he say that one may have a n of confinement there? Did the Kiowas enjoy perfect freedom in the wilderness of Yellowstone? 7. What kind of feeling does Devil’s Tower evoke in one’s heart? Why? What legend did the
Kiowa make at the ba of the rock?
8. How did the author’s grandmother regard the sun? What was the author’s feeling about the sun?
discrimination9. When was the last Sun Dance held? What was the esntial act of their religious ceremony? What was Tai-me? Why did a delegation of old men journey into Texas for a bull bison? 10. When did the Kiowas come together for the last time as a living Sun Dance culture? Were they able to hold their ceremony this time? What happened to them? Why did the government forbid this ancient ceremony?
11. How did his grandmother’s hou look to him at the time of his writing? How did he feel when he saw it again? What strange sight did he catch when he looked at the moon as he was sitting on the stone steps?
1. Rainy Mountain ris out of the plain in Oklahoma, north and west of the Wichita Range. Becau it is an old landmark for the Kiowa.
The weather there is very hard. There are blizzards in winter, hot tornadic winds in spring, and it is burning hot in summer.
The most important feature of this landscape is loneliness and isolation.
2. Becau his grandmother was born at a time when the Kiowas were living in the last moment of their golden time.
一见钟情英文Yes, we can infer that his grandmother Aho was born eight or ten years after the Kiowa’s failure in
pensionsthe war against US Cavalry.
The great moment in the history of the Kiowa had lasted for more than a hundred years when they controlled the open range from the Smoky Hill River to the Red, from the headwaters of the Canadian to the fork of the Arkansas and Cimarron, and ruled the whole of the southern Plains in
alliance with the Comanches.
成人英语考试3. They were good warriors. They fought for their militant tendency rather than their need for survival.
Becau they were divided by the US Cavalry and ran out of adequate supplies, especially food. In order to save themlves, they surrendered to the US Cavalry at Fort Sill. Becau they were imprisoned in the old stone corral which was ud to hold animals. No, she was spared the humiliation, becau she was born eight or ten years after the event. 4. The Kiowa came from the high country in western Montana three centu列夫托尔斯泰简介
ries ago. They began their long migration to the south and east in the late venteenth century. The migration brought them culture and religion of the plains, including hors, Tai-me, and the n of destiny, therefore, courage and pride.
The Kiowa transformed from the slaves to the simple necessity of survival to a lordly and dangerous society of fighters and thieves, hunters and priests of the sun.
5. According to their origin myth, the Kiowa entered the world through a hollow log. Becau the Kiowa’s migration confirmed their origin myth for they did emerge from the sunless mountain forests.
6. The author thought Yellowstone had the perfect freedom, but only animals can enjoy. Becau the skyline in all directions, that is, the high wall of the woods and deep cleavages of shade was clo at hand.
No, becau that perfect freedom only belonged to the animals and for the Kiowa, they could hardly stand straight or e very far in the den forests, therefore, it was a n of confinement for the Kiowas as hunters.
7. Devil’s Tower evokes the inspiring awe and awful quietness of people.
smartyBecau we caught sight of Devil’s Tower upthrust against the gray sky as if in the birth of time the core of the earth had broken its crust and the motion of the world was begun. It was very powerful and impressive.