颈椎病 Cervical spondylosis 骨质增生Hyperostosis 落枕stiff neck
腰椎间盘突出症 Lumbar disc herniation cooledit2 0 腰椎退行性病变 Lumbar degenerative dia
湿热性腰痛Hot and humid low back pain 椎间盘狭窄intervertebral space narrowing
腰痛 low back pain \lumbargo 腰扭伤Back sprain 腰肌劳损Lumbar muscle strain
椎间盘突出 Intervertebral disc herniation 退行性改变Degenerative changes
神经骨关节炎 nerve osteoarthritis 膝骨性关节炎KOA knee osteo arthiritis
膝关节炎toro什么意思Knee Arthritis 肘关节炎Elbow arthritis
肱骨外上髁炎 external humeral epicondylitis
肩周炎periarthritis humeroscapularis 面瘫Facial paralysis
强直性脊柱炎ankylosing spondylitis 马尾神经损伤Cauda equina injury
带状疱疹herpes zoster 近视myopia 慢性胃炎chronic gastritis 肥胖obesity
月经不调irregular periods, delay period, period in advance 更年期menopau
脑中风 apoplexy\stroke 中风后遗症apoplexy quela 脊椎 spine
脊髓损伤后遗症spinal cord injury quela 脑血管畸形boss是什么意思cerebrovascular malformation
股骨头坏死Femoral head necrosis 周围神经炎Peripheral neuritis 中暑Sunstroke
僵直stiffness 腰酸soreness of waist
腿部放射性疼痛Radiating pain in the legs 手臂方向放射radiate down one’s arms
手脚麻木Numbness in hands and feet\palm and sole 下肢lower limbs
口眼歪斜facial distortion 吞咽困难 dysphasis 半身不遂hemiplegia
压迫神经Nerve compression
视力下降vision loss, blurred vision 耳鸣 tinnitus 失眠insomnia
commercialize呃逆电影mp3hiccup 便秘constipation
小便失禁incontinence of urine 小便不利dysuria
潮热 hot flashes 烦躁dysphoria
3 治疗
穴位注射attractiveacupoint injection therapy 弥可保Mecobalamin 1ml 水针water injection
头针Scalp acupuncture 耳穴ear acupuncture 围刺encircling needling
刮痧gua sha 生物陶瓷med-ceramic 神灯 heat lamp
拔罐cupping 闪罐flashing cupping 梅花针Plum blossom needle
电针Electro-acupuncture 低频Low frequency 连续波Continuous wave
温针灸 needle warming moxibustion 灯火灸burning rush moxibustion 艾灸moxa
隔姜灸ginger moxa 灸盒moxa pot 腕踝针wrist ankle acupuncture
浅针surface needle 放血let the blood out\ relea blood
熏蒸fuming or steaming 晕针acupuncture syncope
进针:inrtion of needle 得气the qi nsation\receive qi 调针上海英孚少儿英语needle adjust
针感needling nsation 浅刺shallow needling 深刺deep---傲慢与偏见电视剧
直刺perpendicularly 斜刺obliqnely 平刺horizontally
推拿massage揉法kneading滾法rolling按法pressing拨法plucking扳法wrenching manipulation
牛角梳buffalo comb 平补平泻half nourishing and purging 触电感nsation like electric shock
脊柱按摩法Chiropractic 整骨疗法Osteopathy