CDO reference card
Climate Data Operators
April2005 Uwe Schulzweida
Max-Planck-Institute for Meteorology
-a Absolute time axis
-d Print debugging information
-f<format>Format of the outputfile(grb,nc,nc2,srv or ext) -g<grid>Grid name orfile
Available grids:t<RES>grid,r<LON>x<LAT> -h Help information for the operators
-m<missval>Default missing value
-p<prec>Precision of the output data in bytes
(4/8for nc,nc2,srv,ext;1/2/3for grb)
-R Convert reduced to regular grid
-r Relative time axis
-t<table>Parameter table name orfile
Predefined tables:echam4echam5mpiom1
-V Print version number
-v Print extra details for some operators Operators
info File information
info ifiles
infov File information
infov ifiles
map Print simple map
map ifiles
sinfo Shortfile information
sinfo ifile
sinfov Shortfile information
sinfov ifile
diffDifferences of twofiles
diffv Differences of twofiles
diffv ifile1ifile2
nyear Number of years
nyear ifile
nmon Number of months
nmon ifile
ndate Number of dates
ndate ifile
ntime Number of timesteps
ntime ifile
ncode Number of codes
ncode ifile
nvar Number of variables
nvar ifile
nlevel Number of levels
nlevel ifile
showyear Show years
showyear ifile
showmon Show months
showmon ifile
showdate Show dates
韩国网站大全showdate ifile
showtime Show timesteps
showtime ifile
showcode Show codes
showcode ifile
showvar Show variable names
showvar ifile
showlevel Show levels
showlevel ifile
vardes Variable description
vardes ifile
griddes Grid description
griddes ifile
vct Vertical coordinate table
vct ifile
File operations
copy Copyfiles
copy ifiles ofile
cat Concatenatefiles
cat ifiles ofile
merge Mergefiles
merge ifiles ofile
splitcode Split codes
splitcode ifile oprefix
splitvar Split variables
splitvar ifile oprefix
splitlevel Split levels
splitlevel ifile oprefix
splitgrid Split grids
splitgrid ifile oprefix
splitzaxis Split zaxis
splitzaxis ifile oprefix
splithour Split hours
splithour ifile oprefix
splitday Split days
splitday ifile oprefix
splitmon Split months
splitmon ifile oprefix
splitas Split asons
splitas ifile oprefix
splityear Split years
splityear ifile oprefix
splitrec Split records
splitrec ifile oprefix
Formatted I/O
output ASCII output
output ifiles
outputint Integer output
outputint ifiles
outputsrv SERVICE output
outputsrv ifiles
outputext EXTRA output
outputext ifiles
Generation of variables
const Constant variable
const,const,grid ofile
random Variable with random values
random,grid ofile
vardup Duplicate variables
vardup ifile ofile
varmul Multiply variables
varmul,nmul ifile ofile
Manipulating the header/field
tpartab Set parameter table
tpartab,table ifile ofile
tcode Set code
tcode,code ifile ofile
tvar Set variable name
tvar,name ifile ofile
tdate Set date
tdate,date ifile ofile
ttime Set time
ttime,time ifile ofile
tday Set day
tday,day ifile ofile
tmon Set month
tmon,month ifile ofile
tyear Set year
tyear,year ifile ofile
ttunits Set time units
ttunits,units ifile ofile
ttaxis Set time axis
ttaxis,date,time,[inc]ifile ofile treftime Set reference time
treftime,date,time ifile ofile shifttime Shift time steps
shifttime,sval ifile ofile
chcode Change code
chcode,ocode,ncode,...ifile ofile tgrid Set grid
tgrid,grid ifile ofile
tgridtype Set grid type
tgridtype,gridtype ifile ofile tgatt Set global attribute
tgatt,attname,attstring ifile ofile tgatts Set global attributes
tgatts,attfile ifile ofile
invertlat Invert latitude
invertlat ifile ofile
invertlon Invert longitude
invertlon ifile ofile
invertlatdes Invert latitude decription
invertlatdes ifile ofile invertlondes Invert longitude decription
invertlondes ifile ofile invertlatdata Invert latitude data
invertlatdata ifile ofile invertlondata Invert longitude data
invertlondata ifile ofile Selection
lcode Select codes
lcode,codes ifile ofile
delcode Delete codes
delcode,codes ifile ofile
lvar Select variables
lvar,vars ifile ofile
delvar Delete variables
delvar,vars ifile ofile
llevel Select levelssharky
llevel,levels ifile ofile
lgrid Select grids
lgrid,grids ifile ofile
lzaxis Select zaxis
lzaxis,zaxis ifile ofile
lrec Select records
lrec,records ifile ofile
ltimestep Select timesteps
ltimestep,timesteps ifile ofile
ltime Select times
ltime,times ifile ofile
lhour Select hours
lhour,hours ifile ofile
lday Select days
lday,days ifile ofile
lmon Select months
lmon,months ifile ofile
las Select asons
las,asons ifile ofile
lyear Select years
lyear,years ifile ofile
ldate Select dates惊喜的英语怎么写
ldate,date1,[date2]ifile ofile
llonlatbox Select lon/lat box
llonlatbox,lon1,lon2,lat1,lat2ifile ofile
lindexbox Select index box
lindexbox,ilon1,ilon2,ilat1,ilat2ifile ofile
Missing values
tmissval Set a new missing value
tmissval,miss ifile ofile
tctomiss Set constant to missing value
tctomiss,c ifile ofile
tmisstoc Set missing value to constant
tmisstoc,c ifile ofile
trtomiss Set range to missing value
trtomiss,rmin,rmax ifile ofile
sortcode Sort by code number
sortcode ifile ofile
sortvar Sort by variable name
sortvar ifile ofile
sortlevel Sort by level
sortlevel ifile ofile
timsort Sort over the time
timsort ifile ofile
Arithmetic processor
expr Evaluate expressions
expr,instr ifile ofile
exprf Evaluate expressions from scriptfile
exprf,filename ifile ofile
addc Add by constant
addc,c ifile ofile
subc Subtract by constant
subc,c ifile ofile
mulc Multiply by constant
mulc,c ifile ofile
divc Divide by constant
divc,c ifile ofile
add Add twofields
add ifile1ifile2ofile
sub Subtract twofields
sub ifile1ifile2ofile
mul Multiply twofields
mul ifile1ifile2ofile
div Divide twofields
div ifile1ifile2ofile
min Minimum of twofields
min ifile1ifile2ofile
max Maximum of twofields
max ifile1ifile2ofile
ymonadd Add multi-year monthly time averages
ymonadd ifile1ifile2ofile
ymonsub Subtract multi-year monthly time averages
ymonsub ifile1ifile2ofile
ymonmul Multiply multi-year monthly time averages
ymonmul ifile1ifile2ofile
ymondiv Divide multi-year monthly time averages
ymondiv ifile1ifile2ofile
Mathematical functions
sqr Square
sqr ifile ofile
sqrt Square root
really怎么读sqrt ifile ofile
exp Exp
exp ifile ofile
log Logarithm
log ifile ofile
log10Logarithm ba10
log10ifile ofile
sin Sine
sin ifile ofile
cos Cosine
cos ifile ofile
tan Tangent
tan ifile ofile
asin Arcus sine
asin ifile ofile
acos Arcus cosine
acos ifile ofile
atan Arcus tangent
atan ifile ofile
eq Equal
eq ifile1ifile2ofile ne Not equal
ne ifile1ifile2ofile le Less equal
le ifile1ifile2ofile lt Less thenthatisall
lt ifile1ifile2ofile ge Greater equal
ge ifile1ifile2ofile gt Greater then
gt ifile1ifile2ofile eqc Equal constant
eqc,c ifile ofile
nec Not equal constant
nec,c ifile ofile
lec Less equal constant
lec,c ifile ofile
ltc Less then constant
ltc,c ifile ofile
gec Greater equal constant
gec,c ifile ofile
gtc Greater then constant
gtc,c ifile ofile Conditions
ifthen If then
ifthen ifile1ifile2ofile
ifnotthen If not then
ifnotthen ifile1ifile2ofile
ifthenc If then constant
ifthenc,c ifile ofile
ifnotthenc If not then constant
ifnotthenc,c ifile ofile
Statistical description of the data
fldmin Field minimum
fldmin ifile ofile
fldmax Field maximum
fldmax ifile ofile
fldsum Field sum
fldsum ifile ofile
fldmean Field mean
fldmean ifile ofile
fldavg Field average
fldavg ifile ofile
fldstd Field standard deviation
fldstd ifile ofile
fldvar Field variance
fldvar ifile ofile
zonmin Zonal minimum
zonmin ifile ofile
zonmax Zonal maximum
zonmax ifile ofile
zonsum Zonal sum
zonsum ifile ofile
zonmean Zonal mean
zonmean ifile ofile
zonavg Zonal average
zonavg ifile ofile
zonstd Zonal standard deviation
zonstd ifile ofile
zonvar Zonal variance
zonvar ifile ofile
mermin Meridional minimum
mermin ifile ofile
mermax Meridional maximum
mermax ifile ofile
mersum Meridional sum
mersum ifile ofile
mermean Meridional mean
mermean ifile ofile
meravg Meridional average
meravg ifile ofile
merstd Meridional standard deviation
merstd ifile ofile
mervar Meridional variance
mervar ifile ofile
vertmin Vertical minimum
vertmin ifile ofile
vertmax Vertical maximum
vertmax ifile ofile
vertsum Vertical sum
vertsum ifile ofile
vertmean Vertical mean
vertmean ifile ofile
vertavg Vertical average
vertavg ifile ofile
vertstd Vertical standard deviation
vertstd ifile ofile
timmin Time minimum
timmin ifile ofile
timmax Time maximum
timmax ifile ofile
timsum Time sum
timsum ifile ofile
timmean Time mean
timmean ifile ofile
timavg Time average
timavg ifile ofile
timstd Time standard deviation
timstd ifile ofile
hourmin Hourly minimum
hourmin ifile ofile
hourmax Hourly maximum
hourmax ifile ofile
hoursum Hourly sum
hoursum ifile ofile
hourmean Hourly mean
hourmean ifile ofile
英汉在线互译houravg Hourly average
houravg ifile ofile
hourstd Hourly standard deviation
hourstd ifile ofile
daymin Daily minimum
daymin ifile ofile
daymax Daily maximum
daymax ifile ofile
daysum Daily sum
daysum ifile ofile
daymean Daily mean
daymean ifile ofile
dayavg Daily average
dayavg ifile ofile
daystd Daily standard deviation
daystd ifile ofile
vincemonmin Monthly minimum
monmin ifile ofile
monmax Monthly maximum
monmax ifile ofile
monsum Monthly sum
monsum ifile ofile
monmean Monthly mean
monmean ifile ofile
monavg Monthly average
monavg ifile ofile
monstd Monthly standard deviation
monstd ifile ofile
yearmin Yearly minimum
yearmin ifile ofile
yearmax Yearly maximum
yearmax ifile ofile
yearsum Yearly sum
yearsum ifile ofile
yearmean Yearly mean
yearmean ifile ofile
yearavg Yearly average
yearavg ifile ofile
yearstd Yearly standard deviation
yearstd ifile ofile
asmin Seasonally minimum
asmin ifile ofile
asmax Seasonally maximum
asmax ifile ofile
assum Seasonally sum
assum ifile ofile
asmean Seasonally mean
asmean ifile ofile
asavg Seasonally average
asavg ifile ofile
asstd Seasonally standard deviation
asstd ifile ofile
ydaymin Multi-year daily minimum
ydaymin ifile ofile
ydaymax Multi-year daily maximum
ydaymax ifile ofile
ydaymean Multi-year daily mean
ydaymean ifile ofile
ydayavg Multi-year daily average
ydayavg ifile ofile
ydaystd Multi-year daily standard deviation
ydaystd ifile ofile
ymonmin Multi-year monthly minimum
ymonmin ifile ofile
ymonmax Multi-year monthly maximum
ymonmax ifile ofile
ymonmean Multi-year monthly mean
ymonmean ifile ofile
ymonavg Multi-year monthly average
考研英文ymonavg ifile ofile
ymonstd Multi-year monthly standard deviation
ymonstd ifile ofile
yasmin Multi-year asonally minimum
yasmin ifile ofile
yasmax Multi-year asonally maximum
yasmax ifile ofile
yasmean Multi-year asonally mean
yasmean ifile ofile
yasavg Multi-year asonally average
yasavg ifile ofile
yasstd Multi-year asonally standard deviation
yasstd ifile ofile
runmin Running minimum
runmin,nts ifile ofile
runmax Running maximum
runmax,nts ifile ofile
runsum Running sum
runsum,nts ifile ofile
runmean Running mean
runmean,nts ifile ofile
runavg Running average
runavg,nts ifile ofile
runstd Running standard deviation
runstd,nts ifile ofile
detrend Detrend
detrend ifile ofile
trend Trend
trend ifile ofile1ofile2
subtrend Subtract trend
subtrend ifile1ifile2ifile3ofile
remapcon Conrvative remapping
remapcon,grid ifile ofile
remapbil Bilinear interpolation
remapbil,grid ifile ofile
remapbic Bicubic interpolation
remapbic,grid ifile ofile
remapdis Distance-weighted averaging
remapdis,grid ifile ofile
interpolate Interpolate
interpolate,grid ifile ofile
intgrid Grid interpolation
intgrid,grid ifile ofile
intpoint Point interpolation
intpoint,long,lat ifile ofile
ml2pl Model to pressure level interpolation
ml2pl,levels ifile ofile
ml2hl Model to height level interpolation
ml2hl,levels ifile ofile
inttime Time interpolation
inttime,date,time,[inc]ifile ofile
intyear Year interpolation
intyear,years ifile1ifile2ofile
Spectral transformation
sp2gp Spectral to gridpoint
sp2gp ifile ofile
gp2sp Gridpoint to spectral
gp2sp ifile ofile
sp2sp Spectral to spectral
sp2sp,trunc ifile ofile
spcut Cut spectral wave number
spcut,wnums ifile ofile
gradsdes GrADS data descriptorfile
gradsdes ifile
mastrfu Mass stream function
mastrfu ifile ofile