China Debate Education Network
Curriculum Outline
Extending Arguments in Member Speeches*
Extending arguments in “Member” speeches 阁员陈词中的扩展论辩
I. Definition of “extending” arguments 一、扩展论辩的定义
A. Extension arguments are made by A.扩展论辩由谁做:
the Member of Government (MG) 政府阁员
and Member of Opposition (MO). 反对党阁员
B. Extension material = Anything that B.什么内容可以用作扩展:
moves the debate forward by 任何能使辩论在已经阐述的内容的基础上更进
providing a better understanding of 一步的有关的材料。
the relevant issues than has been
prented before.
C. Extension arguments must be C.扩展辩论必须与双方上院已经阐述的论点保持方向一致。
consistent with arguments
prented by the First Government
or First Opposition teams.
D. Extension material can include D.扩展辩论的内容可包括对先前已经展开的论点的更加
additional depth of analysis about 深入的分析。
previously started lines of
II. Extension arguments are an important 二、扩展辩论是阁员的很重要的角色特征。
feature of Member speeches.
A. Refutation, also a part of the A.反驳也是阁员陈词的一部分。
Member speech.
1. Refutation should be brief 1.反驳要简短精要
2. Refutation should focus on 2.反驳要聚焦最重要的点
the most important points
B. Extension arguments are the most B.扩展论辩是阁员陈词中最重要的部分
important part of the Member
1. Extension arguments should 1.扩展论辩应成为整个发言中最显著的部分。
constitute a significant
portion of this speech
2. Extension arguments should 2.扩展论辩应成为整个发言中最详细的部分。
be the most detailed part of
this speech
* Created September 2012
Extending in Member Speeches – 2
III. IV. Types of extensions 三、扩展的类型
A. New line of argument A.新论点
1. A new reason to support (or 1.支持或反驳辩题的新理由
oppo) the motion.
数据分析培训课程2. This new reason should be 2.这个新理由必须是独立于之前已经提出的strange
independent of earlier 论点的
arguments ud to support
(or oppo) the motion.
B. In‐depth development of a previous B.对先前论点的深入分析
1. More comprehensive 1.对先前论点的更加综合性地理解阐释
understanding of the
previous argument.
有雅思培训吗2. Clearly explain the reason 2.清晰揭示先前论点背后的道理。typer
少儿英语课behind each arguments
C. Focud ca study C.聚焦个案分析
1. Focus on one typical 1.聚焦一个典型的案例
2. Provide detailed analysis of 2.深入细致地分析这个案例,并说明它和正在
the example and apply it to 辩论的内容的紧密联系。
the issue being debated
Criteria for a good extension 四、好的扩展的特征
A. Is the argument or analysis really A.这个论点或分析真的是新的吗?
B. Is the new argument or new B.这个新论点或新分析是否忠诚于自己的上院?英文搜索引擎
坚持 英文analysis loyal to (i.e., consistent (比如方向一致,没有矛盾)
with) with the previous team?
C. Does the new argument or new C.这个新论点或新分析是否对深入理解辩论做出
analysis make a significant 了显著的贡献?
contribution to understanding the