牛津高中英语M5Unit 1 p22-25单词详解economy
/ ɪˈkɔnəmɪ; ɪˋkɑnəmɪ/ n
[C, U] (instance of) avoidance of waste (of money, strength, time, resources, etc) (金钱﹑ 力气﹑ 时间﹑ 资源等的)节省, 节约: practi economy 实行节约 * It's an economy to buy good shoes; they cost more, but they last much longer than cheap ones. 购买质量高的鞋很经济; 虽花钱多, 但比廉价鞋耐穿得多. * [attrib 作定语] We're having an economy drive (ie making a special effort to avoid waste or misu of resources, etc) at school. 我们学校正开展节约运动(尽 量避免浪费或滥用资源). * an economy pack, ie a large amount of a product offered for sale at a reduced price 经济装(减价发售的大包装货品) * economy class, ie the cheapest class of (air) travel 经济舱(最低廉的客机舱位).
[U] control and management of money, resources, etc of a community, society, houhold, etc 理财: political economy 政治经济学 * domestic economy 国内经济.
[C] (often 研究生考试方式常作 the economy) operation and management of a country's money supply, trade and industry; economic system (国家的)经济管理; 经济制度: The state of the economy is very worrying. 目前的经济状况令人十分担忧. * The economies of Japan and China 日本和中国的经济制度.
spokes|woman /sp'oʊkswʊmən/ (spokeswomen)
a woman who has been chon to speak officially for a group, organization, or government
A spokeswoman is a female spokesperson.
A United Nations spokeswoman in New York said the request would be considered.
/ kənˈsʌltənt; kənˋsʌltənt/ n
~ (on sth) person who gives expert advice (in business, law, etc) (商业﹑ 法律等方面的)顾问: a firm of management consultants 管理谘询公司 * the president's consultant on economic affairs 总统的经济事务顾问.
~ (in sth) (in Britain) hospital doctor of nior rank (英国)顾问医师, 会诊医师: a consultant in obstetrics 产科顾问医师 * [attrib 作定语] a consultant surgeon 外科顾问医师. Cf 参看 registrar 2.
/ dɪˈbeɪt; dɪˋbet/ n [C, U] (a) formal argument or discussion of a question, eg at a public meeting or in Parliament, with two or more opposing speakers, and often ending in a vote (正式的)辩论, 讨论(如在公众集会或议会中, 常以表决结束): After a long debate, the Hou of Commons approved the bill. 经过长时间的辩论, 下议院通过了议案. * to open the debate, ie be the first to speak 开始辩论(第一个发言) * the motion under debate, ie being discusd 在辩论中的动议. (b) argument or discussion in general (一般性的)辩论, 讨论: After much debate, we decided to move to Oxford. 我们经充分讨论决定迁往牛津. * We had long debates at college about politics. 我们上大学时曾长时间地辩论政治问题. * Her resignation caud much public debate. 她辞职一事引起群众议论纷纷.
> debate v
[I, Ipr, Tn, Tw, Tg] ~ (about sth) have a debate(2) about (sth); discuss (sth) 对(某事)进行辩论; 讨论(某事): What are they debating (about)? 他们在辩论什麽? * We're just debating what to do next. 我们正讨论下一步该做什麽事. * They debated closing the factory. 他们争论是否关闭工厂.
[Tn, Tw, Tg] think (sth) over in order to decide 考虑(某事物)以决定: I debated it for a
while, then decided not to go. 我反覆考虑後决定不去. * I'm debating where to go on holiday. 我在琢磨到何处度假. * He debated buying a new car, but didn't in the end. 他思量很久是否买辆新汽车, dii但最後还是没买. debater n person who debates (debate 1) 辩论的人.
the floor [sing] (a) part of an asmbly hall where members sit, eg in the Hous of Parliament, US Congress, etc 议员席(如英国议会两院﹑ 美国国会等的): speak from the floor 在议员席上发言. (b) right to speak in such an asmbly or meeting (在此种会议上的)发言权: The floor is yours you may prent your argument. 现在请您发言--尽请发表意见.
/ fləu; flo/ v (pt, pp -ed)
[I, Ipr, Ip] (a) (of a liquid) move freely and continuously (指液体)流动: Her tears flowed freely (down her cheeks). 她眼泪止不住地(顺着面颊)往下流. * Most rivers flow into the a. 江河大多流入海洋. * Blood suddenly started flowing out. 突然流出血来. (b) move freely and continuously, esp within a clod system; circulate 畅通无阻(尤指在封闭系统内); 流通; 流传: Keep the traffic flowing. 保持交通畅通无阻. * Electricity is flowing (in the circuit/wires). 电在(电路[导线]中)流动. * Blood flows round the body. 血液在体内循环. * In convection, hot currents flow upwards. 在对流中热气流向上运动.
[I] (of speech or writing) proceed evenly and continuously (指讲话或写作)流畅: Conversation flowed freely when the speaker invited discussion. 演讲人请大家讨论, 於是人人畅所欲言.
[I, Ipr, Ip] fall or hang (down) looly and freely 松散而无束缚地落下或垂下: long flowing robes 飘洒的长袍 * Her hair flowed (down) over her shoulders. 她长发垂肩.
[I, Ipr] ~ (with sth) be available plentifully; be distributed freely 有的是; 大量供应; 取之不尽: The party became lively when the drink began to flow. 饮料开始大量供应, 聚会的气
氛就活跃起来了. * a land flowing with milk and honey, ie place with rich natural resources 自然资源丰富的地方.
[I] (of the a tide) come in; ri (指海潮)涨, 涨潮: The tide began to flow and our footprints were covered. 开始涨潮了, 潮水遮住了我们的脚印. Cf 参看 ebb 1.
(phr v) flow in/into sth arrive in a steady stream 不断涌入: The election results flowed in throughout the night. 通夜不断传来各项选举结果. * Offers of help flowed into the office. 人们接连不断地向办事处表示愿意提供帮助. flow from sth come or derive from sth; result from sth 源於某事物;为某事物的结果: Many benefits will flow from this discovery. 这项发现将带来许多好处. flow out (of sth) leave in a steady stream 外流: Profits are flowing out of the country. 利润源源不断地流向国外. flow over sb take place without affecting sb (某事)发生而不影响某人: Office politics just em to flow over him. 同事之间互相倾轧﹑ 勾心斗角的事似乎并未波及到他.
> flow n (usu sing 通常作单数)
1 ~ (of sth/sb) (rate of a) flowing movement of sth/sb (某事物[某人]的)流动(量); 流量: a steady flow of traffic 川流不息的来往车辆 * The government is trying to stop the incr
easing flow of refugees entering the country. 政府正在设法阻止越来越多的难民流入本国.
2 ~ (of sth) (rate of a) continuous stream or supply of sth 某事物的持续或连续供应(量): cut off the flow of oil 切断石油输送 * the constant flow of information 源源不断的信息.
3 even and continuous outpouring of words 口若悬河; 滔滔不绝: I interrupted him while he was in full flow, ie talking away strongly. nuclearenergy他正在高谈阔论, 我打断了他的话.
4 incoming tide 涨潮: the ebb and flow of the a 海潮的涨落.
5 (idm 习语) the ebb and flow (of sth) => ebb n.
# `flow chart (also `flow diagram) diagram showing the development of sth through the different stages or process in a ries ne流程图.
/ ˈbɪlɪən; ˋbɪljən/ pron, det
(Brit) 1000000000000; one million million(s) 万亿; 兆兆. =>App 4 见附录4.
(esp US) 1000000000; one thousand million(s) 十亿; 千兆. =>App 4 见附录4.
> billion n (pl unchanged or ~s 复数或不变或作billions)
1 (Brit) the number 1000000000000 万亿之数乖戾的意思.
2 (esp US) the number 1000000000 十亿之数. Cf 参看 milliard. For the us of billion e the examples at hundred. 关於billion的用法见hundred词条中的示例
/ ˈdjuːtɪ; US ˈduːtɪ; ˋdutɪ/ n
[C, U] moral or legal obligation (道德上的或法律上的)责任, 义务: It's your duty to go. 你得去, 那是你的责任. * do one's duty 尽职 * It's not something I enjoy. I do it purely out of a n of duty. 那并不是我喜欢做的事, 我纯粹是出於责任感才做的. * I'll have to go, I'm afraid duty calls. 看来我得走了--公务在身.
[C, U] task or action that sb must perform (某人必须执行的)任务或行动: What are the duties of a traffic warden? 街道停车管理员的职责是什麽? * I'm doing night duty this week. 这个星期我上夜班.
[C, U] ~ (on sth) tax charged on certain goods, esp on imports wait and e(某些货物, pray justin bieber尤指进口货物交纳的)税; 关税: customs/exci duties 关税[消费税]. Cf 参看人教版英语 tariff 2.
(idm 习语) one's bounden duty => bounden. dereliction of duty => 人脉网dereliction (derelict). do duty for sth rve as or act as a substitute for sth el 充作或当作另一事物的代替品: An old wooden box did duty for a table. 把旧木箱当作桌子. in the line of duty => line1. on/off duty (of nurs, police officers, etc) engaged/not engaged in one's regular work 值[不值]班; 上[不上]班: I arrive at the hospital at eight o'clock, but I don't go o
n duty until nine. 我八点钟就到医院了, 但是九点钟我才去值班. * [attrib 作定语] off-duty activities, hours 业余活动﹑ 时间.
# ,duty-`bound adj [pred 作表语] obliged by duty 义不容辞: I'm duty-bound to help him. 就我来说, 帮助他是责无旁贷的.
,duty-`free adj, adv (of goods) that can be imported without payment of customs duties (指货物)免关税(的): You're allowed 1 litres of spirits duty-free. 你可免税带进1升烈性酒. * There's a good duty-free shop (ie one lling such goods) on the ferry. 渡船上有个挺不错的免税商店. * buy cigarettes duty-free 买免税香烟.
cut sth back shorten (a bush, shrub, etc) by cutting off shoots and branches clo to the stem; prune sth 修剪(矮树﹑ 灌木等); 给某树剪枝: cut back a ro bush 给玫瑰树剪枝. cut sth back; cut back (on sth) reduce sth considerably 大量削减某事物: If we don't ll more goods, we'll have to cut back (on) production. 我们若不能增加货物的销售量, 就必须大幅度降低产量. Cf 参看 cut-back. cut back phr v
to reduce the amount, size, cost etc of something
cut back on
Several major hospitals are cutting back on staff at the moment.
cut sth⇔back
Education spending cannot be cut back any further.
英语6级成绩查询 Richer countries must do more to cut back carbon emissions.
→ cutback
cut sth⇔back
to remove the top part of a plant in order to help it to grow
Cut back the shoots in spring to encourage bushier growth.
to eat, drink, or u less of something, especially in order to improve your health
cut back on
Try to cut back on foods containing wheat and dairy products.