Learning motivation promotes students' autonomous learning. In classroom teaching, teachers play an important role in motivating students' learning motivation. The so-called motivation strategy refers to a ries of specific behaviors adopted by teachers to stimulate the intrinsic motivation of students or to achieve teaching goals. The effective u of motivation strategies can not only transform students' learning methods, but also fundamentally improve the effectiveness and efficiency of learning. In recent years, rearch on teacher motivation strategies has achieved certain results. Among them, the ARCS motivation model has been widely ud in classroom teaching, teaching design, teacher training and other fields, but the rearch on teacher motivation strategies in the field of mathematics teaching is not enough.
Therefore, to analyze mathematics classroom teaching from the perspective of motivational strategies, and u ARCS motivational models as the theoretical basis and coding framework to conduct classroom video analysis. The main rearch questions include three aspects: (1) What motivational strategies did the teachers u in the "one teacher, one excellent cour" high school mathematics department-level excellent cour? (2) What are the characteristics of teachers' motivational strategies in "one teacher, one excellent cour" in nior high school mathematics? (3)
What is the application model of the teacher's motivation strategy in the "one teacher, one excellent cour" in nior high school mathematics?
The rearch is bad on the ARCS motivation model, and the literature analysis method is ud to collect relevant data and literature. The relevant concepts and motivation strategy coding system are determined. Take the high school mathematics department-level excellent cours in 20 “on e teacher and one excellent cour” as the rearch object, u Nvivo11 qualitative analysis software and u classroom video coding analysis method to encode and analyze the cour examples to ensure the reliable encoding results In particular, a cond random coding check was conducted, and the coding consistency of each lesson was between 88.46% and 100%. Bad on the original data obtained by encoding, further in-depth analysis was performed with the help of Excel data sorting and SPSS cluster analysis, including macro overall analysis, micro ca density analysis and dynamic curve analysis, cour examples, and motivation
strategy dimensions. Cluster analysis, etc.
Through the rearch and analysis of 20 lesson examples, combined with coded band density analysis and dynamic curve analysis, the following rearch results are obtained: 1. Attention strateg
ies run through the classroom throughout the cour with the largest changes, of which problem strategies and change strategies are the main ones; The classroom teaching styles are diversified, and different motivation strategies are ud crosswi; 3. The u of some motivation strategies is cloly related to the subject content; 4. Teachers are increasingly paying attention to multimedia prentation methods; 5. Teachers tend to u feedback and prai as Supporting strategies. Bad on the results of cluster analysis of class examples, class types are divided into three categories: intensive, variable, and multivariate; bad on the results of cluster analysis of motivation strategies, motivation strategies are reclassified into four categories: Most valued, cond valued, cond valued, and most valued. This paper summarizes the application models of motivation strategies of nior high school mathematics teachers from three aspects: introduction of new knowledge, cooperative inquiry, and knowledge application, and draws three model frameworks.
Bad on the analysis of the above rearch conclusions, combined with the interviews of three nior high school mathematics teachers, the author puts forward some enlightenments on the u of teachers' motivational strategies: 1. attach importance to the value of motivational strategies and give classroom vitality; 2.combine different teaching content and u flexibly Motivation strategies; 3.Grasp students' emotional states and stimulate learning motivation in a timely manner; 4.Switch m
otivation strategies in a timely manner to maintain students' attention; 5.Focus on the u of relevance strategies and indicate the motivation for goal matching; 6.Improve their professional abilities and ba themlves on students' long-term development.
Key words: high school math class, first division one excellent class, motivation strategies, learning motivation.
摘要........................................................ 错误!未定义书签。ABSTRACT ................................................................... II 目录....................................................................... IV 1 绪论. (1)
1.1 研究问题 (1)
1.2 研究意义 (2)
1.3 研究目的 (3)
2 概念界定、文献综述及理论基础 (4)
2.1 概念界定 (4)
2.2 文献综述 (6)
2.3 理论基础 (12)
3 研究设计 (15)
3.1 研究对象 (15)
3.2 研究方法 (16)
3.3 研究工具 (17)
3.4 研究思路 (18)
4 编码系统的改进与视频编码过程 (21)
4.1 编码系统改进的依据 (21)
4.2 编码系统的改进分析 (21)pert分析
4.3 编码实施过程 (30)
4.4 信效度检验 (34)
耗材英文5 高中数学优质课动机策略使用情况的宏观整体分析 (35)园林景观培训
5.1 动机策略使用类型比例分析 (35)
5.2 不同课例的动机策略使用比例分析 (37)
6 高中数学优质课动机策略使用特点的微观案例分析 (40)
6.1 高中数学教师动机策略的密度分析 (40)
6.2 高中数学教师动机策略的动态曲线分析 (50)
7 高中数学优质课动机策略运用的分层聚类研究 (61)
7.1 对教学视频进行聚类分析 (61)
7.2 对动机策略进行聚类分析 (63)
8 教师动机策略运用模式研究 (67)
8.1 新知引入环节——以问题策略为主,变化策略为辅的运用模式 (67)
8.2 合作探究环节——以小组讨论策略为主,关注策略为辅的运用模式 (70)
8.3 知识应用环节——以关注策略为主,展示策略为辅的运用模式 (72)
9 研究结论与展望 (75)
9.1 研究结论 (75)
9.2 研究启示 (78)
9.3 不足与展望 (80)
托福考多少分参考文献 (81)
附录 (84)
附录1 翻译:动机策略清单(2010版) (84)
附录2 高中数学教师动机策略研究访谈实录 (88)
杭州前端培训班致谢 (92)