America's mid-term elections
The silent centre
If moderates don't vote next week, extremists willthrive
ALL political campaigns involve a certain amount oflooking voters straight in the eye and lying to them. But America's mid-term electioncampaign has involved more flim-flam than most. The Republicans, if you believe Democraticattack ads, oppo equal pay for women, want to ban contraception and just love it when bigcorporations ship American jobs overas. The Democrats, according to Republicans, havestood idly by as Islamic State ter
rorists—possibly carrying Ebola—prepare to cross the southernborder. And they, too, are delighted to e American jobs shipped overas.
Only a blinkered partisan would believe any of the charges. Alas, partisans are far more likelythan anyone el to vote, especially in elections like this one, where the presidency is not up forgrabs.scintilla
A survey by the Pew Rearch Centre finds that 73% of “consistently conrvative”Amer
icans are likely to cast a ballot on November 4th, along with 58% of consistent liberals.Among tho with “mixed” views, however, only 25% are likely to bother. That, in a nutshell, iswhy both parties are pandering to the extremes. Their strategy relies less on wooing swingvoters than on firing up their own side to get out and vote. Often, this involves telling themscare stories about the other lot. The same Pew poll finds that dislike of the other party is oneof the strongest incentives to vote. Republicans with a “very unfavourable” view of Democratsare far more likely to turn out, as are Democrats who loathe Republicans. With Barack Obama inthe White Hou Republicans are angrier than Democrats, and that is one reason why they areexpected to win. Most polls say they will capture the Senate and hold onto the Hou ofReprentatives.
成本管理制度 一项由皮尤组织(一个美国无党派人士组建的组织。它提供一些客观的美国乃至世界范围内的公众信息。 民意调查,社会科学调查。 它会回馈一些相关新闻,并解读调查中包含的重要数据信息。但是它没有任何的政治地位,也就是说非官方的。)发起的调查报告发现“一贯保守”的美国人中有73%的民众更愿意在11月4日投上自己宝贵的一票,而一贯的自由者也愿意在这一天投上自己的选票。在这些民众中带有综合观点的民众,仅仅只有25%
America's cycle of polarisation and alienation is lf-reinforcing. As the debate grows shriller,moderates tune out. Politicians come to rely more and more on the votes of die-hard partisans,so they say and do more extreme things, alienating yet more moderates. Most members ofCongress are more frightened of being tosd out by their own party's primary voters—typically for the heresy of compromi—than they are of losing an election to the otherparty.
学习英语的电影 极端化和疏远的美国系统圈正呈增强趋势。正如辩论变得更为尖锐,温和派选择退出。政
America's electoral system needs reform. It is too late to change the rules before this election,however, so it is up to moderates to walk to a polling booth and be counted. To tho whogrumble that there is no point voting becau they don't like any of the candidates, we offertwo counter-arguments.
Speak now, or be ignored
First, the elections matter. Control of the United States Congress—the body that write合作伙伴英文
s thelaws and holds the pur strings of the most important nation on Earth—is at stake. (So are36 out of 50 state governorships and thousands of local offices—e article.) Individually, it maybe rational not to vote: one ballot is unlikely to affect the outcome. But when whole groupsstay at home—centrists, young people and non-whites spring to mind—their interests will beignored.