
更新时间:2023-06-03 14:06:05 阅读: 评论:0

Cement Nomenclature and Categories
水泥 cement
水泥牌号 cement brand
水泥标号 cement mark, cement grade
袋装水泥 bagged cement, sacking (sacked) cement
散装水泥 bulk cement
桶装水泥 barreled cement
硅酸盐水泥 Portland cement
普通硅酸盐水泥 ordinary Portland cement
辛知勋矿渣硅酸盐水泥 Portland slag cement
火山灰质硅酸盐水泥 Portland pozzolana cement
粉煤灰硅酸盐水泥 Portland fly-ash cement
抗硫酸盐硅酸盐水泥 sulphate resistant Portland cement 混合硅酸盐水泥 mixed Portland cement
防潮硅酸盐水泥 hydrophobic Portland cement
塑化硅酸盐水泥 plasticized Portland cement
加气硅酸盐水泥 air-entraining Portland cement
白色硅酸盐水泥 white Portland cement
彩色硅酸盐水泥 colored Portland cement
高强硅酸盐水泥 high-strength Portland cement
高镁硅酸盐水泥 high magnesia Portland cement
无熟料水泥 cement without clinker
钢渣水泥 steel furnace slag cement
钢渣矿渣水泥 steel and iron slag cement
沸石水泥 zeolite cement
硬石膏水泥 anhydrite cement
石膏矿渣水泥,过硫化水泥 supersulphated cement
石灰矿渣水泥 lime pozzolanic cement
石灰火山灰质水泥 lime pozzolanic cement
石膏化铁炉渣水泥 cupola slag sulphated cement
赤泥硫酸盐水泥 red-mud sulphated cement
[钠]明矾石高强水泥 alunite high strength cement
高钙粉煤灰水泥 high calcium fly-ash cement
喷射水泥 jet cement
灌浆水泥 grout-cement, cement for grouting or injection
型砂水泥 sand casting cement
浇注水泥 cement for joints
低热硅酸盐水泥 low heat Portland cement
低热水泥 low heat of hydration cement
中热硅酸盐水泥 moderate heat Portland cement
钙镁铝酸盐水泥 calcium magnesium aluminate cement
高碱度水泥 high pH value cement
低碱度水泥 low pH value cement
含硼水泥 boron containing cement
钡[硅化]水泥 barium silicate cement
锶[硅化]水泥 strontium silicate cement
矿渣锶水泥 slag strontium cement
抗菌水泥 antibiosis cement, anti-bacteria cement
防藻水泥 anti-weeds cement
砌筑水泥 masonry cement
聚醋酸乙烯水泥 polyvinyl acetate cement
橡胶水泥 rubber cement
快凝水泥 rapid hardening cement, quick tting cement
快硬硅酸盐水泥 rapid hardening Portland cement
快凝快硬硅酸盐水泥 quick tting and rapid hardening Portland cement 特快硬硅酸盐水泥 super-high early strength Portland cement
高铝(矾土)水泥 high alumina cement
特快硬高铝水泥 super aluminous cement
碎纸机英文快硬硫铝酸盐水泥 sulphoaluminate early strength cement
石家庄雅思培训膨胀水泥 expansive cement
低热微膨胀水泥 low heat slag expansive cement
明矾石膨胀水泥 alunite expansive cement
抗渗性膨胀水泥 permeability resisting expansive cementparent的复数形式
抗渗性无收缩水泥 permeability resisting non-shrinkage cement
硅酸盐膨胀水泥 silicate expansive cement
矿渣膨胀水泥 slag expansive cement
硫铝酸盐膨胀水泥 sulphoaluminate expansive cement
石膏矾土膨胀水泥 gypsum aluminate expansive cement
氧化铁膨胀水泥 ferric-type expansive cement
自应力水泥 lf-stressing cement
硅酸盐自应力水泥 silicate lf-stressing cement
铝酸盐自应力水泥 alumina lf-stressing cement
硫[代]铝酸盐自应力水泥 sulphoaluminate lf-stressing cement 铝酸盐耐火水泥 aluminate refractory cement
低钙铝酸盐耐火水泥 low lime aluminate refractory cement
防潮水泥 waterproof cement
火山灰水泥 trass cement
火山灰硅酸盐水泥 trass Portland cement
含铁水泥 ferreous cement
改性树脂水泥 resin-modified cement
石灰渣水泥 grappier cement
淘宝服装拍摄技巧胶质水泥 glue-cement
正常凝结水泥 normal tting cement
无收缩水泥 non-shrinking cement
气硬性水泥 hydraulic cement
水硬性水泥 hydraulic cement
耐碱性水泥 alkali-resisting cement
保温水泥 insulating cement
早强水泥 high early strength cement
超早强水泥 super high early strength cement
高强度水泥 high-strength cement
高标号水泥 high-grade cement
高膨胀水泥 high-expansion cement
低标号水泥 low-grade cement
低强度水泥 low-strength cement
低矿渣水泥 low-slag cement
低碱水泥 low-alkali cement
低石灰水泥 low-lime cement
表面水化的水泥 surface hydrated cement
补偿收缩水泥 shrinkage compensating cement
Characters and Testing Methods of Cement
细度 finenesss
标准筛 standard sieve
筛余 residue on the sieve
比表面积 specific surface area
粒度分布 particle size distribution
水泥浆标准稠度需水量 water requirement for normal consistency of cement paste
凝结时间 tting time
水泥安定性 soundness of cement
饼形试件试验 pat test
压蒸试验 autoclave test
标准砂 standard sand
水泥砂浆 cement mortar
水泥砂浆流动度 flow of cement mortar
水泥砂浆强度 strength of cement mortar
水泥砂浆需水量 water requirement of cement mortar
水泥砂浆需水量比 water requirement ratio of cement mortar
矿渣水泥slag cement
硅酸盐水泥portland cement
主导产品leading product
年产量annual output
完全燃烧complete combustion
不完全燃烧incomplete combustion
机械不完全燃烧mechanical incomplete combustion
化学不完全燃烧chemical incomplete combustion
雾化介质atomizing medium
物料平衡material balance
实际空气量amount of actual air for combustion
理论空气量amount of theoretical air for combustion
理论烟气量amount of theoretical burned gas; amount of theoretical flue gas
形成热heat of formation
单位热耗unit heat consumption
标准煤Standard coal
标准煤耗standard coal consumption
实物煤耗raw coal consumption
窑炉的余热利用waste heat utilization of kiln
干燥周期drying cycle
焙烧周期firing cycle
热损失thermal loss; heat loss
燃烧热heat of combustion
有效热effective heat
热效率 heal efficiency
燃烧效率 combustion efficiency
一次空气primary air
二次空气condary air
系统漏入空气量fal air
空气系数air coefficient
废气含尘浓度dust content in stack gas
热平衡表heat balance table高薪工作
热流图heat balance diagram
回转窑rotary kiln
窑胭体内容积 inside volume of kiln shell
窑胴体有效内表面积 effective inside surface of kiln shell
窑或预热器排出飞灰量 dust emit out from the Kiln or preheater system
入窑回灰量 dust fed back into kiln system
飞损飞灰量 amount of flying loss of dust
生料中可燃物质 combustible components in raw meal
生料带入空气量 air volume carrying by raw meal
冷却机烟囱排灰量 dust content emitting from stack of cooler
特拉华大学排名煤磨从窑系统抽出的热气体量hot gas volume from Kiln system for coal mill
入窑回灰脱水及碳酸盐分解耗热heat consumption for dehydration and decarbonation for dust fed back into kiln system
回转窑用煤应用基coal ud in rotary kiln system
立窑shaft Kiln
漏风系数 fal air coefficient
普通立窑cement shaft Kilt / ordinary shaft Kiln
机械化立窑mechanized cement shaft kiln
立窑喇叭口inverd cone inlet of shaft kiln
立窑单位截面积产量production of shaft kiln for unit cross ction
立窑单位容积产量production of shaft Kiln for unit volume

本文发布于:2023-06-03 14:06:05,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:水泥   空气量   矿渣   燃烧   铝酸盐
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