Achill es Tendon itis跟腱炎
alglobbyRuptur ed Achill es Tendon跟腱破裂
AnkleFractu re 踝部骨折
Ankylo singSpondy litis强直性脊柱炎
Apti c Necros is 无菌性坏死
Baker's Cyst 贝克囊肿
Bone Tumors骨肿瘤
Carpal tunnel syndro me 腕管综合症
Colles Fractu re 桡骨下端骨折
Compre ssion Fractu re of the Verteb rae 脊椎压缩性骨折Disloc ation脱位
Tennis Elbow网球肘
Fibrom yalgi a 纤维组织肌痛
Flat Foot 扁平足
Hammer Toe 锤状趾
Planta r Fascii tis 足底筋膜炎
Clavic le Fractu re锁骨骨折
山东中考成绩查询网Frozen Should er 冷冻肩
Gangli on 腱鞘囊肿
点读机英语教材下载Hand Fractu re 手骨折
Heel Spurs脚跟骨刺
Hernia ted Disk 椎间盘突出
Arthri tis of the Hip 髋关节炎
Totalhip replac ement全髋关节置换术
Totalknee replac ement全膝关节置换术
Femora l neck fractu re股骨颈骨折骨折
Intert rocha nteri c fractu re粗隆间骨折
Infect iousArthri tis 感染性关节炎
KneeArthri tis 膝关节炎
Menisc us tear半月板撕裂
Mallet Finger锤状指
Morton Neurom a 莫耳通氏神经瘤
Muscul ar Dystro phy 肌肉萎缩症
Wry Neck 颈部僵硬
Osteoa rthri tis 骨关节炎(退化性关节炎)
Osteom alaci a 软骨病
Osteom yelit is 骨髓炎
Osteop orosi s 骨质疏松症
PagetDias e Paget氏病
Ribs and Cartil age Inflam matio n 肋与软骨炎Sciati ca 坐骨神经痛
Kyphos is 脊柱侧弯
Scolio sis 脊柱侧弯
Should er Disloc ation肩脱位
Rotato r Cuff Tear 肩袖损伤
Swolle n 肿胀
Bursit is 滑囊炎
Tenosy novit is 腱鞘炎
Trigge r Finger扳机指
Acetab ulum髋臼Amputa tion截肢
Analge si c 止痛药
Arthro scopy关节镜检查Osteof ascia l compar tment syndro me骨筋膜室综合症Avascu lar necros is of femora l head 股骨头缺血性坏死Bone tracti on 骨牵引眼花缭乱是什么意思
Bowel and bladde r dysfun ction二便障碍
auntieBrachi al plexus anesth esia臂丛麻醉
Cervical spondy l osis颈椎病
Common perone al nerve腓总神经Congeni tal kyphos colio si s 先天性侧后凸畸形Congeni tal scolio si s 先天性脊柱侧凸Contra cture of both 臀肌挛缩
Core decomp ressi on 髓芯减压术Debrid ement清创
Decomp ressi on of spinal canal椎管减压
Discectomy椎间盘摘除Discectomyof hemive rtebrae 半椎体切除Dorsal artery of foot 足背动脉
Extensi on 伸直
Extern al fixture 外固定
Faciot omy 筋膜切除术Femora l neck 股骨颈
Flexio n屈曲
Forkli ke deform i ty 餐叉样畸形
Fractu re of ulnarbone 尺骨骨折
Fractu re of calcan eus 跟骨骨折
Fractu re of distal phalan ge 远端趾骨骨折
Fractu re of distal radius 桡骨远端骨折
Fractu re of greate r tubero sityo f humeru s 肱骨大结节骨折Fractu re of proxim al femur股骨近端骨折
Fractu re of phalan ge 指骨骨折
人山人海英文Fractu re of radius 桡骨骨折
Scapul ar glenoi d fractu re肩胛骨骨折
Glenoi d fossa关节盂
Hallux valgus 拇外翻
Hallux varus拇内翻
Humeral head 肱骨头
Humeral shaft fractu re 肱骨干骨折Immobi lizat i on 制动
Ice bag 冰袋
Interm i tten t claudi c atio n间歇跛行
Intram scula r hemato ma 肌间血肿Intrum edull ary needle髓内针
Kirsch ner wire 克氏针lipoma脂肪瘤Mc Murray’s test 麦氏实验Meniscectom y 半月板切除Metaca rpoph alangeal joint掌指关节Osteochondroma 软骨瘤Osteom yelit i s 骨髓炎Parapl egia截瘫Patell ar fractu re 髌骨骨折Plaste r slab 石膏托Poliom yeliti s 脊髓灰质炎Posteri or malleol us fractu re 后踝骨折
Protru si onof interv erteb ral disc 腰椎间盘突出Reducti on 复位Retina culum支持带Revisi on 翻修Sacroi liac骶髂关节Sinustract窦道
Skin tracti on 皮牵引Spondyl olis thesi s脊柱滑脱Stenosi s of Spinal Canal椎管狭窄
lumbar spinal s tenosi s腰椎管狭窄
Sublux ation半脱位flash 培训
subtro chanteri cfractu re 粗隆下骨折supracondyl ar fractu re 髁上骨折
synovi al chondromato si s 滑膜软骨瘤病Syring omyel ia 脊髓空洞症Tensio n band 张力带
Tibial fractu re 胫骨骨折
Tibial plateau fractu re 胫骨平台骨折Total knee arthro plast y 全膝置换
Total hip arthro plast y 全髋置换
Trimal leola r fractu re 三踝骨折