Medical Terminology
professions have different "languages". An example of this is auto maintenance: automobile mechanics u terms to describe the objects and situations they encounter while working, such as "master cylinder" and "oil filter". Comparatively, medical workers u terms to describe the objects and situations encountered in their fields, such as "hepatitis" and "intravenous". The words - or terms - which make up the language of medicine are referred
to as the terminology of the medical field, or Medical Terminology.
Like every other language, medical terminology has changed over time. The basis for medical terminology; however, remains the same. The majority of medical terms are bad in Latin or Greek.
Word Root Definition
abdomin abdomen
acanth thorny, spiny
acetabul acetabulum (hip socket)
acou hearing
acr extremities; height
actin ray; radius
adenoid adenoids
aden gland
adrenal adrenal gland
adren adrenal gland君子之交淡如水英文
aer air; gas
albumin albumin
algesi pain
alveol alveolus
ambly dull; dim
amni amnion
amnion amnion
amyl starch
andr male
angi vesl
anis unequal; dissimilar ankyl crooked; stiff; bent antr antrum
an anus
aort aorta
aponeur aponeurosis appendic appendix
周雯婷arche first; beginning
arteri artery
arteriol arteriole (small artery) arthr joint
articul joint
atel imperfect; incomplete ather yellowish; fatty plaque atri atrium
aur ear
aut lf
axill armpit
azot urea; nitrogen bacteri bacteria
balan glans penis
bi life
bil bile
blast developing cell blephar eyelid
brachi arm
bronch bronchus
bronchiol bronchiole
bucc cheek
burs bursa (cavity)
calc calcium
cancer cancer
bootstrap 中文
carcin cancer
cardi heart
carp carpals (wrist bones)
caud tail; toward the lower part of the body cec cecum
celi abdomen (abdominal cavity)
cephal head
cerebell cerebellum
cerebr cerebrum, brain
cerumin cerumen (earwax)
cervic cervix
cheil lip
chir hand
cholangi bile duct
chol gall; bile
choledoch common bile duct
chondr cartilage
chori chorion
chrom color
clavic clavicle (collarbone)
clavicul clavicle (collarbone)
col colon
colp vagina
coni dust
tnt是什么意思conjunctiv conjunctiva
core pupil
corne cornea
coron heart
cortic cortex (outer layer of body organ) cor pupil
cost rib
crani cranium (skull)
cry cold
crypt hidden
culd culdesac
cutane skin
cyan blue
cyes pregnancy
cyst bladder; sac
cyt cell
dacry tear, tear duct
dactyl fingers or toes
dent tooth
dermat skin
derm skin
dextr right
diaphor sweat
diaphragmat diaphragm
dipl two; double
dips thirst
disk intervertebral disk
diverticul diverticulum
dors back (of the body)
duoden duodenum
dur hard; dura mater
dynam power or strength
ech sound
ectop located away from usual place electr electricity, electrical activity embry embryo; to be full
emmetr a normal measues
encephal brain
endocrin endocrine
enter intestines
epididym epididymis
epiglott epiglottisexperimental
episi vulva
epitheli epithelium
erythr red
esophag esophagus
esthesi nsation, nsitivity, feeling eti cau (of dia)
faci face
femor femur (upper leg bone)
fet fetus; unborn child
stuffedfibr fibrous tissue, fibers
fibul fibula (lower leg)
gangli ganglion
ganglion ganglion
gastr stomach
ger old age; aged
geront old age; aged
gingiv gum
glomerul glomerulus
gloss tongue
gluc sweetness; sugar
glyc sugar
glycos sugar
gnath jaw
gnos knowledge
gon ed
gravid pregnancy
gynec woman
gyn woman
hem blood
hemat blood
hoghepat liver
herni hernia
heter other