图Ⅷ-1 整体骨骼侧面观The skeleton. Lateral View
图Ⅷ-2 整体骨骼左前面观The skeleton. Left anterior view
2胸椎thoracic vertebra
3 颈椎cervical vertebra
4 颅骨cranium
billy joel6肱骨hiimeius
9掌骨metacarpal bone
10 指骨digital bone
mula11 腰椎lumbar vertebra
12 髂骨ilium
18跖骨metatarsal bone
19 趾骨digital bonenetp
图Ⅷ-4 头骨侧面The skull. Lateral aspect 1枕骨occipital bone
2顶间骨interparietal bone
3 矢状缝sagittal suture
4颧骨malar bone
5上颌骨maxillary bone
6前颌骨premaxillary bone
7枕外嵴external occipital creat
8 顶骨parietal bone
9 额骨frontal bone
10 鼻骨nasal bone
11 鼻间缝internasal suture
12 前筛孔preethmoid pore
13 蝶腭孔sphenopalatine foramen
14 门齿incisor tooth
16视神经孔optic foramen
17 枕骨occipital bone
18茎突styloid process
19外耳道external acoustic meatus 20 颞骨temporal bone
图Ⅷ-6 下颌骨侧面The mandible. Lateral aspect 4颧骨malar bone
5上颌骨maxillary bone
6前颌骨premaxillary bone
14 门齿incisor tooth
17 枕骨occipital bone
19 外耳道external acoustic meatus
21 腭裂patoschisis
22 臼齿molar tooth
23 腭骨palatine bone
24 翼孔pterygoid apertures
25 破裂孔foramen lacerum
26 枕大孔foramen magnum
27 腭后孔posterior palatine foramen
28 鼻后孔posterior nasal apertures
elysium29 卵圆孔foramen ovale
30鼓骨tympanic bone
31舌下神经孔hypoglossal foramen
32 下颌联合mandibular symphysis
33 颏孔mental foramen
34 冠状突coronoid process
35 下颌支ramus of mandible
36 角状突process of horn
37 下颌孔mandibular foramen
38 翼肌窝pterygoid fossa
39 髁突condylar process
手榴弹英文图Ⅷ-7 颈椎与胸椎背面The cervical 图Ⅷ-9 前肢骨背面The bone of vertebra and thoracic vertebra.Dorsal aspect anterior 1imb.Dorsal aspect
图Ⅷ-8 前肢骨外侧面The bone of anterior
limb. Lateral aspect
1 枢椎axis
2 第4 颈椎4th cervical vertebra
3 第6 颈椎6th cervical vertebra
4 第1 胸椎1st thoracic vertebra
5 第4 胸椎4th thoracic vertebra
6 寰椎axis
小熊代网刷7 第3 颈椎3rd cervical vertebra 8 第5 颈椎5th cervical vertebra
9 第7 颈椎7th cervical vertebra 10 第3 胸椎3rd thoracic vertebra
l1 肱骨体shaft of humcrus 12 桡骨radius
13 尺骨ulna 14 尺骨茎突styloid process of ulna
15 掌骨metacarpal bone 16 肱骨头head of hurnerus
l7 肘突cubital process 18 腕骨carpal bone
19 指骨digital bone