船舶大体根据各种构造结构和用途分为13种类别:General Cargo; Specialized Cargo; Container; Ro-Ro Cargo; Bulk Carriers; Oil and Chemical Tanker; Gas Tankers; Other Tankers; Pasnger Ship; Offshore Vesls; Service Ships; Tugs; Other ships,coordination
General Cargo ships;
Deck cargo
General cargo
Palletized cargo
Pasnger/general cargo
英语证书Refrigerated cargo
Specialized Cargo ships
Barge carrier
Heavyload carrier
Livestock carrier
Nuclea rfuel carrier
Stone carrier
教师代表发言稿Container Ships
container ship
pasnger/container ship
Ro-Ro Cargo Ships
Container ro-ro cargo ship
Ro-ro cargo ship
Vehicles carrier
在线发音Bulk Carriers
aggregated carrier
alumina carrier
bulk carrier
bulkdry storage ship
bulk/oil carrier
cement carrier
limestone carrier
ore carrier
ore/oil carrier
powder carrier
refined sugar carrier
lf-discharging bulk carrier
wood chips carrier
Oil and Chemical Tankers
Chemical tanker
Chemical/oil products tanker
Crude oil tanker
Oil products tanker
Gas Tankers
CO2 tanker
LNG tanker
LPG tanker
Other Tankers
Asphalt/bitumen tankers
Bitumen tanker
Bunkering tanker
Caprolactam tanker
Edible oil tanker
Fruit juice tanker
Latex tanker
Molass tanker
Oil-sludge tanker
Vegetable oil tanker
Water tanker
Wine tanker
Pasnger Ships
Pasnger(crui) ship
Pasnger ship
Pasnger/landing craft
Pasnger/ro-ro cargo ship
Offshore Vesls
心理防御机制Drilling ship
Mining vesl
Offshore processing ship
Offshore supply ship
Offshore tug/supply ship
Offshore support vesl
Pipe burying vesl
Production testing vesl
Standby-safety vesl
Supply vesl
Well-stimulation vesl
Service Ships
Buoy/lighthou vesl
Crane ship
Fire-fighting vesl
Hopper dredger
Ice breaker
Kelp dredger全国英语四级考试时间
Naval/naval auxiliary
Other non-merchant ship
Patrol vesl
Pilot vesl
Pollution control vesl
Power station ship
Rearch vesl
Sail training ship
Salvage ship
Sear & Rescue vesl
Tank-cleaning vesl
Training ship
Trans-shipment vesl
Utility vesl
Waste disposal vesl
Work/repair vesl
Pusher tug
Other (out of the scope)
Coal/oil mixture tanker
Exhibition vesl
Fish carrier
Fish factory ship
Fishing support vesl
Landing craft
Live-fish carrier
Mooring vesl
Motor hopper
Peal shells carrier
Sailing vesl
Trenching support vesl
Urea carrier
2012新课标文科数学Vesl(function unknown)