克服:overcome 替换词:surmount
改变: change 替换词: reshape英语学习聊天
拆除:tear down 替换词:knock down, pull down
加速:accelerate 替换词:speed up, precipitate
占优势:predominate 替换词:dominate
使用: u 替换词:adopt,apply, employ,draw on
分辨:distinguish 替换词:differentiate, discern
开展:launch 替换词:conduct, carry out
培养:develop 替换词:cultivate,foster
承担:assume 替换词:shoulder, accept
我相信,我认为:I believe/ I think 替换词: from my standpoint/perspective
纪念九一八演讲稿阻挡:block 替换词:cloud, impediment
影响:influence 替换词:impact, pervade
csharp>gary人: people 替换词:individuals
差异:difference 替换词:distinction, gap
交流:communicate 替换词:exchange, associate,interaction
接触:have access to 替换词:make contact with, keep in touch with
越来越多: more and more 替换词: an increasing
显示: show 替换词:demonstrate, indicate
优先:give priority to 替换词:put…into first place
面临:be faced with 替换词:be confronted withentertainment
欺骗:deceive 替换词:cheat, defraud
解决:deal with 替换词:tackle
冲突:conflict 替换词:shock, tension
驱使:prompt 替换词:spur, incite
自私的:lf-centered 替换词:lfish, inconsiderate
体谅的:considerate 替换词:understanding, sympathetic
冷漠的:indifferent 替换词:apathetic, aloof
奢侈的:wasteful 替换词:luxurious, extravagantsoonerorlater
过分的:excessive 替换词:extravagant, exorbitant
激烈的:inten 替换词:fierce, vigorous
严厉的:stringent 替换词:rigorous, rigid
难以置信的:unbelievable 替换词:incredulous, virtual
惊人的:extraordinary 替换词:marvelous, spectacular
吃惊: be surprid at 替换词: marvel at
有抱负的:ambitious 替换词:aggressive, aspirantdobe
助理会计师报名条件稳定的:steady 替换词:stable, constant