A writer has to write and write and write配套文本及练习
Cathy: I'll keep this one. This one has to go. Keep. Go.
凯茜: 这个要留下,这个要扔掉。留下,扔掉。
Jennifer: Hi, Cathy, may I come in?
詹妮弗: 嗨,凯茜,能进来吗?
Cathy: Certainly. Come on in.
凯茜: 当然,进来吧。右脑潜能
Jennifer: Are you cleaning the room? Do you want some help?
詹妮弗: 你在收拾房间?要帮忙吗?
Cathy: 动物类英语单词No, thanks. I'm just sorting through the essays I wrote this year. Adam asked for some help with essay writing and I thought I'd look through mine to e if they might be examples for him.
凯茜: 不用了,谢谢!我正在整理我今年写的文章。亚当写作文要我帮忙,我想看看我的这些是否有可以给他做范文的。
Jennifer: You wrote a lot of essays this year! I'll have to avoid tho cours. Why do you have two piles?
詹妮弗: 你今年真写了不少东西,我得尽量避免上这种课。你为什么把它们分成两堆?
Cathy唐顿庄园第四季圣诞特辑: One pile is for essays I'm going to throw away. I don't think they're very good and I'm not going to take the sorts of cours again.
凯茜: 一堆是要扔的,我觉得写得不太好,而且我以后也不会再修这种课了。
Jennifer: What's the other pile for?
詹妮弗: 那另一堆呢?
Cathy: It's for essays I think are well written. I'll show some of the to Adam. The last time I talked to him, he sounded really desperate for some help with essay writing. He hasn't been getting very good marks lately. He just doesn't understand.
凯茜: 那是我觉得写得好的。我将把其中的一些拿给亚当看。上次和他聊天,他听起来极其需要写作方面的帮助。他最近成绩不太好,而且也不明白为什么。
Jennifer: I hope you can keep him from giving up.四六级官方网站
詹妮弗: 希望你能让他不要放弃。
Cathy: I think Adam is making the situation sound wor than it is. Here's one of his essays. He gave it to me to look at, so that I could think of some suggestions to improve his writing. Read it and e what you think.
凯茜: 我觉得实际情况没有亚当说的那么糟。这是他的一篇作文,他让我看看,好提些建议来改进他的写作。你读一读看感觉怎么样。
Jennifer: This isn't too bad at all. Some of the words are ud awkwardly. He should look up words he doesn't know very well in the dictionary.
詹妮弗: 不算太差,只是有些词用得不好。他不太熟悉的词,应该先查字典。
Cathy: That's one of the suggestions I'm going to make. He ems to think that it's better to u long words. He's wrong to think that it makes his essay sound intelligent.
凯茜: 这也是我要给他的建议之一。他好像觉得用大词更好,会使他的文章充满智慧,这是不对的。保证英文
Jennifer: vegaReally, it just makes it sound the opposite. His vocabulary needs more work than I thought. He us words unnecessarily, such as "In conclusion" when it's obvious that he's at the last paragraph.
詹妮弗: 确实,适得其反。他的词汇需要多下点工夫。他用了一些不必要的词,比如说最后一段都很明显是做结论了,他还要写上“结论是”。
Cathy: And he often says, "It goes without " If it's not necessary to say it, then why is he saying it? That's one important rule I'm going to suggest to him.
凯茜: limit而且他还经常说:“无须赘言……”如果没有必要说,为什么他还要说呢?这是我要告诉他的一个重要规则。
Jennifer: Do you have a more general suggestion to keep him from quitting?
詹妮弗: 你有没有更全面的建议使他不要放弃?
Cathy: I have a few suggestions. A really important one is to keep on writing down your ideas. A writer has to write and write and write. Adam will have to write veral drafts every time he has an essay topic to write. Eventually, his writing will improve.
凯茜: 有几条。非常重要的一点就是坚持把你所想的写下来。一个作家必须写作,写作,再写作。亚当在拿到写作题目之后必须打几次草稿,这样他的写作水平就会提高的。
Jennifer: One of my professors gave me a really good suggestion for writing essays. She
said to really think about the topic to be sure I knew exactly what I should discuss in my essay.
詹妮弗: 一个教授曾给过我一个关于写作的特别好的建议,她说要仔细思考你的主题,以确定你知道自己在文章中要讨论什么。
Cathy: That's a good idea. I'll tell that one to Adam for sure.
凯茜: 好主意。我一定要把这一条告诉亚当。
countyJennifer: You might think it's strange, but I enjoy reading essays.
詹妮弗: 你可能会觉得奇怪,但我喜欢阅读文章。
Cathy: Do you mean that you liked reading your friends' essays? That could be a form of punishment in some cas. Teachers have to read essays. I don't think I could be a teacher.
凯茜: 你是说你喜欢读你朋友的文章?在某些情况下,那会是一种惩罚。老师是不得不读,
Jennifer: No, that's not what I meant. I mean essays by good, published writers.
詹妮弗: 我不是这个意思,我是说读好作家发表的好文章。
Cathy: Oh, right. I haven't read too many. I guess I should. Do you have any suggestions?
凯茜: 是的。我读的不多,我想我应该多读一些,你有什么建议吗?
Jennifer: I started reading some essays by Virginia Woolf for one of my cours. Then I found some funny ones by different writers. I like to be amud. I have a book of essays in my room. I'll get it for you right now.
詹妮弗: 刚开始我是为了一门功课而阅读维吉尼亚·伍尔夫的文章,后来又发现了不同作家所写的有趣的文章,我喜欢那种愉快的感觉。我房间里就有一本文集,我现在就去拿给你。
Cathy: Thanks a lot.
凯茜: 非常感谢。
1.What is Cathy doing?
a) Finding essays to show to Jen.
b) Sorting through her university essays.
c) Trying to decide which of Adam's essays should be thrown away.
2.Why did Adam ask for help with his essay writing?