10, to begin with,the legal system has structure. the structure of a legal system consists of this kind:the number and size of courts;their jurisdiction;and modes of appeal from one court to another.structure also means how the legislature is organized,what a president canlegallydo or not do,what procedures the police department follows,and so on. another aspect of the legal system is its substance. by this it meant the actual rules,norms,and behavior patterns of people inside the system.
雅虎翻译在线11 , the law of contract is concerned with the enforcement of promissory obligations. contractuai liability is usually bad on connt freely given in the form of an express promi or one implied in fact form the acts of the parties. in some circumstances,however,the courts will imply a promioften called implied in law or quasi c
ontractin order to avoid unjust enrichment in spite of lack of connt by the party who is bound by.
景观设计培训>生殖器 英语
12 , 日语签名paragraph 1 of article 153 of the criminal law is amended as:"whoever smuggles goods or articles not specified in article 151 ,article 152 and article 347 herein shall,depending on the verity of the circumstances,be punished in accordance with the following provisions respectively:
1、if he smuggles goods and articles to evade or dodge the payable duties to a larger amount or commits smuggling again after being given administrative penalties twice against smuggling within one year,he shall be ntenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years or criminal detention, and be concurrently subject to a fine of not less than one time but not more than five times the amount of payable duties evaded
or dodged.
群星艺术学院2、if the amount of payable duties evaded or dodged for smuggling goods and articles is huge or there are other rious circumstances, he shall be ntenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than ten years,and shall be concurrently subject to a fine of not less than one time but not more than five times the amount of payable duties evaded or dodged.
3、if the amount of payable duties evaded or dodged for smuggling goods and articles is especially huge or there are other especially rious circumstances, he shall be ntenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than ten years or life imprisonment, and shall be concurrently subject to a fine of not less than one time but not more than five times the amount of payable duties evaded or dodged or confiscation of property.
13、debtsone article is added after article 276 of the criminal law as article 267 :
private law involves the various relationship that people have with one another and the rules that determine their legal rights and duties among themlves. the area is concerned with rules and principes pertaining to private ownership and u of property,contracts between individuals,family relationships,and redress by way of compensation for harm inflicted on one personby another. historically, government involvement was usually minimal. private law has also operated to provide general guidelines and curity in private arrangements and interactions in ways that are complementary to morality and custom but that are not necessarily enforceable in a court of law,such as non-contractual promis and agreements within an association of private individuals.
the relative significance of purely private law has decread in modern times. public law dominates in government-controlled societies; democratic societies increasingly have a mix of public and private law. the private sphere includes individuals and a vast array of groups,associations,organizations,and special legal entities such as corporations. they compete with one another and with government for control of resources,wealth,power,and the communication of ideas and values. special fields of law,such as labor law,facilitate and control this competition. much of such law is in the commercial and corporate areas. the formerly purely private law of property and contracts,for example,is now overlaid with legislation,regulationg,and judicial dicisions reflecting the competition. the public law of taxation has significant impact on the whole private sphere. courts have increasingly regarded resolution of emingly private dispute
s as vehicles for respon to changing social conditions and values especially in the u.s. thus,manufacturers have experienced an expansion of liability for physical injuries caud by defects in their products. the mechanism of insurance allows manufacturers to spread such costs across the general consuming public.