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第一篇:黄源深 English book 6课后翻译
《高级英语》黄源深主编 Book6 课后句子翻译整理 Lesson 1(P20)1. 这种微妙的关系能维持多久呢?
How long can the subtle relationship be maintained? 2. 双方都将谈判破裂归咎于对方。
Both sides attributed the breakdown in negotiation to the other side.3. 力不但有大小而且有方向。A force has direction as well as magnitude.4. 在敌人的屠刀面前,他毫无惧色。He exhibited no fear before his enemy’s sword.5. 逆境中的三年使他得益非浅。
He benefited a lot from the three years in adver circumstances.6. 乔伊斯先生不赞成妻子买那么多衣服。
Mr.Joyce disapproved of his wife buying so many clothes.7. 那部小说索然无味,我读不下去。
The novel is so bland that I find it difficult to keep on reading it.8. 他感到无法将思想集中在那项研究上。
He found it difficult to focus his mind on the rearch(project).9. 那家伙是江湖医生,而不是眼科专家。That guy is a quack rather than an eye specialist.10. 他们得另辟蹊径,那种模式并不适合于本厂。
They will have to find a new way as that pattern cannot be applied to their factory.1. 他们把一笔款子交给董事会管理。
They committed a sum of money into the care of the board.2. 他们不愿意提出任何明确的建议。They are unwilling to(reluctant to)commit themlves to any definite proposals.3. 他不能去度假,因为他对雇主有承诺。
He can’t go on holiday, becau he has(made)a commitment to his employer/boss.4. 汽车相撞一事马上成为人们注意的中心。
The car crash immediately became the focus of public attention.5. 这片玻璃把太阳聚焦
The piece of glass focud the sunlight on the paper, and soon it began to smoke.6. 此刻公众的注意里集中在那件股票丑闻上。
Public attention at the/this moment is focud on the stock scandal.7. 他任然声称他是无罪的。
He still asrted that he had been innocent.8. 少年们坚持认为他们在各方面应该有自己的独立性。Teenagers asrt that they should have their independence in all fields.9. 她敢作敢为,有能力实现她的报复。
She is so asrtive that she will surely achieve her ambition.10. 针疗对那位病人效果不错。
The patient reacted well to acupuncture treatment.11. 这种粉末用做催化剂可以加速化学反应。although的用法>亮堂堂
This powder can be ud as a catalyst to speed up/quicken chemical reactions.12. 较高的工资影响了生产成本,而成本又作用于价格。Higher wages affect costs of production, and costs react on prices.Lesson 2(P43)1. 我仔细想了想后认为你是对的。I found you were right after I reflected on it.2. 对付这样的形势,需要采取比这严厉的措施。
To deal with such a situation, more vere measures than this are called for.3. 约翰在考试中名列年级第一。John came out first in his grade in the exam.4. 市政委员会选择了修建一条支路的办法来减少市中心的交通拥挤。The city council opted for a bypass to relax the heavy traffic in downtown areas.5. 他是个忙人,难得有机会好好地度假日。He is too busy to indulge in a holiday.6. 木匠用尺把棚屋量了一下,立即估计出了它的面积。The carpenter measured the shed with his ruler and sized it up at once.7. 我说迈克尔,你得整理整理你的房间啦,你的东西太杂乱无章。I say, Michael, do tidy up your room, everything is in such a mess.8. 我们暂时把这件事搁一下吧。2013 奥斯卡>son
Let’s leave the matter as it is for the time being.1. 她瞧着湖里柳树的倒影。
japanegirlswet 16
She was looking at the reflections of the willows in the lake.2. 在我和他们挥手道别时,
我思索着我见到的一切有什么意义。As I waved goodbye to them, I reflected on the significance of what I had en.3. 灯的反光一时使她眼睛发花。杭州英语翻译
感恩节快乐用英语怎么说The reflection of light blinded her(eyes)for a moment.4. 这个国家缺乏资源,很难与其他国家进行贸易竞争。
This country lacks resources and can hardly compete with other countries in trade.5. 面临几个外国企业的激烈竞争,我们获得了该项合同。We won the contract in the face of fierce competition from veral foreign companies.6. 这家公司要求对建造房屋的工程有竞争性的投标。The company asked for competitive bids on the housing project.7. 她下楼梯时非常小心。
She descended the stairs with great care.8. 在转弯的时候,我们看见道路突然往下倾斜。On turning the corner, we saw that the road descended sharply.9. 下山比上山更难。
The decent of the mountain was more difficult than the ascent.10. 老实说,我不满意你的回答。
To tell you the truth, I’m not content with your answer.11. 詹姆不满足于终生当店员。
James is not content to be a salesman all his life.12. 你可以尽情地欣赏这美妙的音乐。
You can enjoy the wonderful music to your heart’s content.Lesson 3(P65)1. 我们希望政府向我们为治疗这种疾病而进行的研究提供经费。We hope that the government will provide funds for our rearch for curing this dia.2. 我们既然找不到更宽敞的房间,那就只好充分利用现有的这一间了。Since we can’t find a bigger room, we have to make the best of this room.3. 我们必须培养年轻人,使他们成长为四化建设的有用人材。
We must nurture the young so that they will develop into people uful for the four modernizations.4. 医生明确地吩咐,这个病人不能见客。
The doctor gave express instructions that the patient should e no visitors.5. 总之,我们不能接受你对这件事的解释;它太离奇了。
In a word, we cannot accept your explanation of the incident;it’s too absurd.6. 他可能会发现要去掉从年轻时代起就根深蒂固的酗酒习惯很困难。He may find it difficult to get rid o
f the habit of excessive drinking ingrained in him since his youth.7. 迪克先在纸上勾出图样的轮廓,然后再把它移到布上去。Dick first traced a design on paper, and then transferred it to cloth.8. 她的话使他的心软下来了。Her words softened his heart.1. 除非你了解一部小说的背景,否则你就无法欣赏它。You can’t appreciate a novel if you don’t understand its tting.2. 她对音乐没有显示出应有的欣赏能力。She didn’t show due appreciation of good music.3. 一夜之间,气温就有了明显的变化。

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