China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission CIETAC Arbitration Rules (Revid and adopted by the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade/China Chamber of International Commerce on November 4, 2014. Effective as of January 1, 2015.) Chapter I General Provisions Article 1 The Arbitration Commission 1. The China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (“CIETAC”), originally named the Foreign Trade Arbitration Commission of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade and later renamed the Foreign Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, concurrently us as its name the “Arbitration Institute of the China Chamber of International Commerce”. 2. Where an arbitration agreement provides for arbitration by the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade/China Chamber of International Commerce, or by the Arbitration Commission or the Arbitration Institute of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade/China Chamber of International Commerce, or refers to CIETAC’s previous names, it shall be deemed that the parties have agreed to arbitration by CIETAC. Article 2 Structure and Duties 1. The Chairman of CIETAC shall perform the functions and duties vested in him/her by the Rules while a Vice Chairman may perform the Chairman’s functions and duties with the Chairman’s authorization. 2. CIETAC has an Arbitration Court (the “Arbitration Court”), which performs its functions in accordance with the Rules under the direction of the authorized Vice Chairman and the President of the Arbitration Court. 3. CIETAC is bad in Beijing. It has sub-commissions or arbitration centers (Appendix I). The sub-commissions/arbitration centers are CIETAC’s branches, which accept arbitration applications and administer arbitration cas with CIETAC’s authorization. 4. A sub-commission/arbitration center has an arbitration court, which performs the functions of the Arbitration Court in accordance with the Rules under the direction of the president of the arbitration court of the sub-commission/arbitration center. 5. Where a ca is administered by a sub-commission/arbitration center, the functions and duties vested in the President of the Arbitration Court under the Rules may, by his/her authorization, be performed by the president of the arbitration court of the relevant sub-commission/arbitration center. 6. The parties may agree to submit their disputes to CIETAC or a sub-commission/arbitration center of CIETAC for arbitration. Where the parties have agreed to arbitration by CIETAC, the Arbitration Court shall accept the arbitration application and administer the ca. Where the parties have agreed to arbitration by a sub-commission/arbitration center, the arbitration court of the sub-commission/arbitration center agreed upon by the parties shall accept the arbitration application and administer the ca. Where the sub-commission/arbitration center agreed upon by the parties does not exist or its authorization has been terminated, or where the agreement is ambiguous, the Arbitration Court shall accept the arbitration application and administer the ca. In the event of any dispute, a decision shall be made by CIETAC. Article 3 Jurisdiction 1. CIETAC accepts cas involving economic, trade and other disputes of a contractual or non-contractual nature, bad on an agreement of the parties. 2. The cas referred to in the preceding paragraph include: (a) international or foreign-related disputes; (b) disputes related to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Macao Special Administrative Region and the Taiwan region; and (c) domestic disputes. Article 4 Scope of Application 1. The Rules uniformly apply to CIETAC and its sub-commissions/arbitration centers. 2. Where the parties have agreed to refer their dispute to CIETAC for arbitration, they shall be deemed to have agreed to arbitration in accordance with the Rules. 3. Where the parties agree to refer their dispute to CIETAC for arbitration but have agreed on a modification of the Rules or have agreed on the application of other arbitration rules, the parties’ agreement shall prevail unless such agreement is inoperative or in conflict with a mandatory provision of the law applicable to the arbitral proceedings. Where the parties have agreed on the application of other arbitration rules, CIETAC shall perform the relevant administrative duties. 4. Where the parties agree to refer their dispute to arbitration under the Rules without providing the name of the arbitration institution, they shall be deemed to have agreed to refer the dispute to arbitration by CIETAC. 5. Where the parties agree to refer their dispute to arbitration under CIETAC’s customized arbitration rules for a specific trade or profession, the parties’ agreement shall prevail. However, if the dispute falls outside the scope of the specific rules, the Rules shall apply. 中英混搭网名Article 5 Arbitration Agreement 1. An arbitration agreement means an arbitration clau in a contract or any other form of a written agreement concluded between the parties providing for the ttlement of disputes by arbitration.唬杀 2. The arbitration agreement shall be in writing. An arbitration agreement is in writing if it is contained in the tangible form of a document such as a contract, letter, telegram, telex, fax, electronic data interchange, or email. An arbitration agreement shall be deemed to exist where its existence is asrted by one party and not denied by the other during the exchange of the Request for Arbitration and the Statement of Defen. 3. Where the law applicable to an arbitration agreement has different provisions as to the form and validity of the arbitration agreement, tho provisions shall prevail. 4. An arbitration clau contained in a contract shall be treated as a clau independent and parate from all other claus of the contract, and an arbitration agreement attached to a contract shall also be treated as independent and parate from all other claus of the contract. The validity of an arbitration clau or an arbitration agreement shall not be affected by any modification, cancellation, termination, transfer, expiry, invalidity, ineffectiveness, rescission or non-existence of the contract. Article 6 Objection to Arbitration Agreement and/or Jurisdiction 1. CIETAC has the power to determine the existence and validity of an arbitration agreement and its jurisdiction over an arbitration ca. CIETAC may, where necessary, delegate such power to the arbitral tribunal. 2. Where CIETAC is satisfied by prima facie evidence that a valid arbitration agreement exists, it may make a decision bad on such evidence that it has jurisdiction over the arbitration ca, and the arbitration shall proceed. Such a decision shall not prevent CIETAC from making a new decision on jurisdiction bad on facts and/or evidence found by the arbitral tribunal during the arbitral proceedings that are inconsistent with the prima facie evidence. 3. Where CIETAC has delegated the power to determine jurisdiction to the arbitral tribunal, the arbitral tribunal may either make a parate decision on jurisdiction during the arbitral proceedings or incorporate the decision in the final arbitral award. 4. Any objection to an arbitration agreement and/or the jurisdiction over an arbitration ca shall be raid in writing before the first oral hearing held by the arbitral tribunal. Where a ca is to be decided on the basis of documents only, such an objection shall be raid before the submission of the first substantive defen. 5. The arbitration shall proceed notwithstanding an objection to the arbitration agreement and/or jurisdiction over the arbitration ca. 6. The aforesaid objections to and/or decisions on jurisdiction by CIETAC shall include objections to and/or decisions on a party’s standing to participate in the arbitration. 7. CIETAC or its authorized arbitral tribunal shall decide to dismiss the ca upon finding that CIETAC has no jurisdiction over an arbitration ca. Where a ca is to be dismisd before the formation of the arbitral tribunal, the decision shall be made by the President of the Arbitration Court. Where the ca is to be dismisd after the formation of the arbitral tribunal, the decision shall be made by the arbitral tribunal. Article 7 Place of Arbitration 1. Where the parties have agreed on the place of arbitration, the parties’ agreement shall prevail. 2. Where the parties have not agreed on the place of arbitration or their agreement is ambiguous, the place of arbitration shall be the domicile of CIETAC or its sub-commission/arbitration center administering the ca. CIETAC may also determine the place of arbitration to be another location having regard to the circumstances of the ca. 3. The arbitral award shall be deemed as having been made at the place of arbitration. farm是什么意思Article 8 Service of Documents and Periods of Time 1. All documents, notices and written materials in relation to the arbitration may be delivered in person or nt by registered mail or express mail, fax, or by any other means considered proper by the Arbitration Court or the arbitral tribunal. 2. The arbitration documents referred to in the preceding Paragraph 1 shall be nt to the address provided by the party itlf or by its reprentative(s), or to an address agreed by the parties. Where a party or its reprentative(s) has not provided an address or the parties have not agreed on an address, the arbitration documents shall be nt to such party’s address as provided by the other party or its reprentative(s). 3. Any arbitration correspondence to a party or its reprentative(s) shall be deemed to have been properly rved on the party if delivered to the addre or nt to the addre’s place of business, place of registration, domicile, habitual residence or mailing address, or where, after reasonable inquiries by the other party, none of the aforesaid address can be found, the arbitration correspondence is nt by the Arbitration Court to the addre’s last known place of business, place of registration, domicile, habitual residence or mailing address by registered or express mail, or by any other means that can provide a record of the attempt at delivery, including but not limited to rvice by public notary, entrustment or retention. 4. The periods of time specified in the Rules shall begin on the day following the day when the party receives or should have received the arbitration correspondence, notices or written materials nt by the Arbitration Court. Article 9 Good Faith Arbitration participants shall proceed with the arbitration in good faith. Article 10 Waiver of Right to Object A party shall be deemed to have waived its right to object where it knows or should have known that any provision of, or requirement under, the Rules has not been complied with and yet participates in or proceeds with the arbitral proceedings without promptly and explicitly submitting its objection in writing to such non-compliance. Chapter II Arbitral Proceedings Section 1 Request for Arbitration, Defen and Counterclaim Article 11 Commencement of Arbitration The arbitral proceedings shall commence on the day on which the Arbitration Court receives a Request for Arbitration. Article 12 Application for Arbitration A party applying for arbitration under the Rules shall: 1. Submit a Request for Arbitration in writing signed and/or aled by the Claimant or its authorized reprentative(s), which shall, inter alia, include: (a) the names and address of the Claimant and the Respondent, including the zip code, telephone, fax, email, or any other means of electronic telecommunications; (b) a reference to the arbitration agreement that is invoked; (c) a statement of the facts of the ca and the main issues in dispute; (d) the claim of the Claimant; and (e) the facts and grounds on which the claim is bad. 2. Attach to the Request for Arbitration the relevant documentary and other evidence on which the Claimant’s claim is bad. 3. Pay the arbitration fee in advance to CIETAC in accordance with its Arbitration Fee Schedule. Article 13 Acceptance of a Ca 1. Upon the written application of a party, CIETAC shall accept a ca in accordance with an arbitration agreement concluded between the parties either before or after the occurrence of the dispute, in which it is provided that disputes are to be referred to arbitration by CIETAC. 2. Upon receipt of a Request for Arbitration and its attachments, where after examination the Arbitration Court finds the formalities required for arbitration application to be complete, it shall nd a Notice of Arbitration to both parties together with one copy each of the Rules and CIETAC’s Panel of Arbitrators. The Request for Arbitration and its attachments submitted by the Claimant shall be nt to the Respondent under the same cover. 3. Where after examination the Arbitration Court finds the formalities required for the arbitration application to be incomplete, it may request the Claimant to complete them within a specified time period. The Claimant shall be deemed not to have submitted a Request for Arbitration if it fails to complete the required formalities within the specified time period. In such a ca, the Claimant’s Request for Arbitration and its attachments shall not be kept on file by the Arbitration Court. 4. After CIETAC accepts a ca, the Arbitration Court shall designate a ca manager to assist with the procedural administration of the ca. Article 14 Multiple Contracts The Claimant may initiate a single arbitration concerning disputes arising out of or in connection with multiple contracts, provided that: (a) such contracts consist of a principal contract and its ancillary contract(s), or such contracts involve the same parties as well as legal relationships of the same nature; (b) the disputes ari out of the same transaction or the same ries of transactions; and (c) the arbitration agreements in such contracts are identical or compatible. Article 15 Statement of Defen 1. The Respondent shall file a Statement of Defen in writing within forty-five (45) days from the date of its receipt of the Notice of Arbitration. If the Respondent has justified reasons to request an extension of the time period, the arbitral tribunal shall decide whether to grant an extension. Where the arbitral tribunal has not yet been formed, the decision on whether to grant the extension of the time period shall be made by the Arbitration Court. 2. The Statement of Defen shall be signed and/or aled by the Respondent or its authorized reprentative(s), and shall, inter alia, include the following contents and attachments: (a) the name and address of the Respondent, including the zip code, telephone, fax, email, or any other means of electronic telecommunications; (b) the defen to the Request for Arbitration tting forth the facts and grounds on which the defen is bad; and (c) the relevant documentary and other evidence on which the defen is bad. 3. The arbitral tribunal has the power to decide whether to accept a Statement of Defen submitted after the expiration of the above time period. 4. Failure by the Respondent to file a Statement of Defen shall not affect the conduct of the arbitral proceedings. Article 16 Counterclaim 1. The Respondent shall file a counterclaim, if any, in writing within forty-five (45) days from the date of its receipt of the Notice of Arbitration. If the Respondent has justified reasons to request an extension of the time period, the arbitral tribunal shall decide whether to grant an extension. Where the arbitral tribunal has not yet been formed, the decision on whether to grant the extension of the time period shall be made by the Arbitration Court. 2. When filing the counterclaim, the Respondent shall specify the counterclaim in its Statement of Counterclaim and state the facts and grounds on which the counterclaim is bad with the relevant documentary and other evidence attached thereto. 3. When filing the counterclaim, the Respondent shall pay an arbitration fee in advance in accordance with the Arbitration Fee Schedule of CIETAC within a specified time period, failing which the Respondent shall be deemed not to have filed any counterclaim. 4. Where the formalities required for filing a counterclaim are found to be complete, the Arbitration Court shall nd a Notice of Acceptance of Counterclaim to the parties. The Claimant shall submit its Statement of Defen in writing within thirty (30) days from the date of its receipt of the Notice. If the Claimant has justified reasons to request an extension of the time period, the arbitral tribunal shall decide whether to grant such an extension. Where the arbitral tribunal has not yet been formed, the decision on whether to grant the extension of the time period shall be made by the Arbitration Court. 5. The arbitral tribunal has the power to decide whether to accept a counterclaim or a Statement of Defen submitted after the expiration of the above time period. 6. Failure of the Claimant to file a Statement of Defen to the Respondent’s counterclaim shall not affect the conduct of the arbitral proceedings. Article 17 Amendment to Claim or Counterclaim The Claimant may apply to amend its claim and the Respondent may apply to amend its counterclaim. However, the arbitral tribunal may refu any such amendment if it considers that the amendment is too late and may delay the arbitral proceedings. Article 18 Joinder of Additional Parties 1. During the arbitral proceedings, a party wishing to join an additional party to the arbitration may file the Request for Joinder with CIETAC, bad on the arbitration agreement invoked in the arbitration that prima facie binds the additional party. Where the Request for Joinder is filed after the formation of the arbitral tribunal, a decision shall be made by CIETAC after the arbitral tribunal hears from all parties including the additional party if the arbitral tribunal considers the joinder necessary. The date on which the Arbitration Court receives the Request for Joinder shall be deemed to be the date of the commencement of arbitration against the additional party. 2. The Request for Joinder shall contain the ca number of the existing arbitration; the name, address and other means of communication of each of the parties, including the additional party; the arbitration agreement invoked to join the additional party as well as the facts and grounds the request relies upon; and the claim. The relevant documentary and other evidence on which the request is bad shall be attached to the Request for Joinder. 3. Where any party objects to the arbitration agreement and/or jurisdiction over the arbitration with respect to the joinder proceedings, CIETAC has the power to decide on its jurisdiction bad on the arbitration agreement and relevant evidence. 4. After the joinder proceedings commence, the conduct of the arbitral proceedings shall be decided by the Arbitration Court if the arbitral tribunal is not formed, or shall be decided by the arbitral tribunal if it has been formed. 5. Where the joinder takes place prior to the formation of the arbitral tribunal, the relevant provisions on party’s nominating or entrusting of the Chairman of CIETAC to appoint arbitrator under the Rules shall apply to the additional party. The arbitral tribunal shall be formed in accordance with Article 29 of the Rules. Where the joinder takes place after the formation of the arbitral tribunal, the arbitral tribunal shall hear from the additional party of its comments on the past arbitral proceedings including the formation of the arbitral tribunal. If the additional party requests to nominate or entrust the Chairman of CIETAC to appoint an arbitrator, both parties shall nominate or entrust the Chairman of CIETAC to appoint arbitrators again. The arbitral tribunal shall be formed in accordance with Article 29 of the Rules. 6. The relevant provisions on the submission of the Statement of Defen and the Statement of Counterclaim under the Rules shall apply to the additional party. The time period for the additional party to submit its Statement of Defen and Statement of Counterclaim shall start counting from the date of its receipt of the Notice of Joinder. 7. CIETAC shall have the power to decide not to join an additional party where the additional party is prima facie not bound by the arbitration agreement invoked in the arbitration, or where any other circumstance exists that makes the joinder inappropriate. Article 19 Consolidation of Arbitrations 1. At the request of a party, CIETAC may consolidate two or more arbitrations pending under the Rules into a single arbitration if: (a) all of the claims in the arbitrations are made under the same arbitration agreement; (b) the claims in the arbitrations are made under multiple arbitration agreements that are identical or compatible and the arbitrations involve the same parties as well as legal relationships of the same nature; (c) the claims in the arbitrations are made under multiple arbitration agreements that are identical or compatible and the multiple contracts involved consist of a principle contract and its ancillary contract(s); or (d) all the parties to the arbitrations have agreed to consolidation. 2. In deciding whether to consolidate the arbitrations in accordance with the preceding Paragraph 1, CIETAC shall take into account the opinions of all parties and other relevant factors such as the correlation between the arbitrations concerned, including the nomination and appointment of arbitrators in the parate arbitrations. 3. Unless otherwi agreed by all the parties, the arbitrations shall be consolidated into the arbitration that was first commenced. 4. After the consolidation of arbitrations, the conduct of the arbitral proceedings shall be decided by the Arbitration Court if the arbitral tribunal is not formed, or shall be decided by the arbitral tribunal if it has been formed. Article 20 Submission and Exchange of Arbitration Documents 1. All arbitration documents from the parties shall be submitted to the Arbitration Court. 2. All arbitration documents to be exchanged during the arbitral proceedings shall be exchanged among the arbitral tribunal and the parties by the Arbitration Court unless otherwi agreed by the parties and with the connt of the arbitral tribunal or otherwi decided by the arbitral tribunal. Article 21 Copies of Arbitration Documents When submitting the Request for Arbitration, the Statement of Defen, the Statement of Counterclaim, evidence, and other arbitration documents, the parties shall make their submissions in quintuplicate. Where there are multiple parties, additional copies shall be provided accordingly. Where the party applies for prervation of property or protection of evidence, it shall also provide additional copies accordingly. Where the arbitral tribunal is compod of a sole arbitrator, the number of copies submitted may be reduced by two. Article 22 Reprentation A party may be reprented by its authorized Chine and/or foreign reprentative(s) in handling matters relating to the arbitration. In such a ca, a Power of Attorney shall be forwarded to the Arbitration Court by the party or its authorized reprentative(s). Article 23 Conrvatory and Interim Measures 1. Where a party applies for conrvatory measures pursuant to the laws of the People’s Republic of China, CIETAC shall forward the party’s application to the competent court designated by that party in accordance with the law. 2. In accordance with the applicable law or the agreement of the parties, a party may apply to the Arbitration Court for emergency relief pursuant to the CIETAC Emergency Arbitrator Procedures (Appendix III). The emergency arbitrator may decide to order or award necessary or appropriate emergency measures. The decision of the emergency arbitrator shall be binding upon both parties. 3. At the request of a party, the arbitral tribunal may decide to order or award any interim measure it deems necessary or proper in accordance with the applicable law or the agreement of the parties and may require the requesting party to provide appropriate curity in connection with the measure. Section 2 Arbitrators and the Arbitral Tribunal Article 24 Duties of Arbitrator An arbitrator shall not reprent either party, and shall be and remain independent of the parties and treat them equally. Article 25 Number of Arbitrators 1. The arbitral tribunal shall be compod of one or three arbitrators. 2. Unless otherwi agreed by the parties or provided by the Rules, the arbitral tribunal shall be compod of three arbitrators. Article 26 Nomination or Appointment of Arbitrator 1. CIETAC maintains a Panel of Arbitrators which uniformly applies to itlf and all its sub-commissions/arbitration centers. The parties shall nominate arbitrators from the Panel of Arbitrators provided by CIETAC. 2. Where the parties have agreed to nominate arbitrators from outside CIETAC’s Panel of Arbitrators, an arbitrator so nominated by the parties or nominated according to the agreement of the parties may act as arbitrator subject to the confirmation by the Chairman of CIETAC. Article 27 Three-Arbitrator Tribunal 1. Within fifteen (15) days from the date of receipt of the Notice of Arbitration, the Claimant and the Respondent shall each nominate, or entrust the Chairman of CIETAC to appoint, an arbitrator, failing which the arbitrator shall be appointed by the Chairman of CIETAC. 2. Within fifteen (15) days from the date of the Respondent’s receipt of the Notice of Arbitration, the parties shall jointly nominate, or entrust the Chairman of CIETAC to appoint, the third arbitrator, who shall act as the presiding arbitrator. 3. The parties may each recommend one to five arbitrators as candidates for the presiding arbitrator and shall each submit a list of recommended candidates within the time period specified in the preceding Paragraph 2. Where there is only one common candidate on the lists, such candidate shall be the presiding arbitrator jointly nominated by the parties. Where there is more than one common candidate on the lists, the Chairman of CIETAC shall choo the presiding arbitrator from among the common candidates having regard to the circumstances of the ca, and he/she shall act as the presiding arbitrator jointly nominated by the parties. Where there is no common candidate on the lists, the presiding arbitrator shall be appointed by the Chairman of CIETAC. 4. Where the parties have failed to jointly nominate the presiding arbitrator according to the above provisions, the presiding arbitrator shall be appointed by the Chairman of CIETAC. Article 28 Sole-Arbitrator Tribunal Where the arbitral tribunal is compod of one arbitrator, the sole arbitrator shall be nominated pursuant to the procedures stipulated in Paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 of Article 27 of the Rules. Article 29 Multiple-Party Tribunal 1. Where there are two or more Claimants and/or Respondents in an arbitration ca, the Claimant side and/or the Respondent side, following discussion, shall each jointly nominate or jointly entrust the Chairman of CIETAC to appoint one arbitrator. 2. The presiding arbitrator or the sole arbitrator shall be nominated in accordance with the procedures stipulated in Paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 of Article 27 of the Rules. When making such nomination pursuant to Paragraph 3 of Article 27 of the Rules, the Claimant side and/or the Respondent side, following discussion, shall each submit a list of their jointly agreed candidates. 3. Where either the Claimant side or the Respondent side fails to jointly nominate or jointly entrust the Chairman of CIETAC to appoint one arbitrator within fifteen (15) days from the date of its receipt of the Notice of Arbitration, the Chairman of CIETAC shall appoint all three members of the arbitral tribunal and designate one of them to act as the presiding arbitrator. Article 30 Considerations in Appointing Arbitrators When appointing arbitrators pursuant to the Rules, the Chairman of CIETAC shall take into consideration the law applicable to the dispute, the place of arbitration, the language of arbitration, the nationalities of the parties, and any other factor(s) the Chairman considers relevant. Article 31 Disclosure 1. An arbitrator nominated by the parties or appointed by the Chairman of CIETAC shall sign a Declaration and disclo any facts or circumstances likely to give ri to justifiable doubts as to his/her impartiality or independence. 2. If circumstances that need to be disclod ari during the arbitral proceedings, the arbitrator shall promptly disclo such circumstances in writing. 3. The Declaration and/or the disclosure of the arbitrator shall be submitted to the Arbitration Court to be forwarded to the parties. Article 32 Challenge to Arbitrator 1. Upon receipt of the Declaration and/or the written disclosure of an arbitrator, a party wishing to challenge the arbitrator on the grounds of the disclod facts or circumstances shall forward the challenge in writing within ten (10) days from the date of such receipt. If a party fails to file a challenge within the above time period, it may not subquently challenge the arbitrator on the basis of the matters disclod by the arbitrator. 2. A party having justifiable doubts as to the impartiality or independence of an arbitrator may challenge that arbitrator in writing and shall state the facts and reasons on which the challenge is bad with supporting evidence. 3. A party may challenge an arbitrator in writing within fifteen (15) days from the date it receives the Notice of Formation of the Arbitral Tribunal. Where a party becomes aware of a reason for a challenge after such receipt, the party may challenge the arbitrator in writing within fifteen (15) days after such reason has become known to it, but no later than the conclusion of the last oral hearing. 4. The challenge by one party shall be promptly communicated to the other party, the arbitrator being challenged and the other members of the arbitral tribunal. 5. Where an arbitrator is challenged by one party and the other party agrees to the challenge, or the arbitrator being challenged voluntarily withdraws from his/her office, such arbitrator shall no longer be a member of the arbitral tribunal. However, in neither ca shall it be implied that the reasons for the challenge are sustained. 6. In circumstances other than tho specified in the preceding Paragraph 5, the Chairman of CIETAC shall make a final decision on the challenge with or without stating the reasons. 7. An arbitrator who has been challenged shall continue to rve on the arbitral tribunal until a final decision on the challenge has been made by the Chairman of CIETAC. Article 33 Replacement of Arbitrator 1. In the event that an arbitrator is prevented de jure or de facto from fulfilling his/her functions, or fails to fulfill his/her functions in accordance with the requirements of the Rules or within the time period specified in the Rules, the Chairman of CIETAC shall have the power to replace the arbitrator. Such arbitrator may also voluntarily withdraw from his/her office. 2. The Chairman of CIETAC shall make a final decision on whether or not an arbitrator should be replaced with or without stating the reasons. 3. In the event that an arbitrator is unable to fulfill his/her functions due to challenge or replacement, a substitute arbitrator shall be nominated or appointed within the time period specified by the Arbitration Court according to the same procedure that applied to the nomination or appointment of the arbitrator being challenged or replaced. If a party fails to nominate or appoint a substitute arbitrator accordingly, the substitute arbitrator shall be appointed by the Chairman of CIETAC.editor是什么意思 4. After the replacement of an arbitrator, the arbitral tribunal shall decide whether and to what extent the previous proceedings in the ca shall be repeated. Article 34 Continuation of Arbitration by Majority After the conclusion of the last oral hearing, if an arbitrator on a three-member tribunal is unable to participate in the deliberations and/or to render the award owing to his/her demi or to his/her removal from CIETAC’s Panel of Arbitrators, or for any other reason, the other two arbitrators may request the Chairman of CIETAC to replace that arbitrator pursuant to Article 33 of the Rules. After consulting with the parties and upon the approval of the Chairman of CIETAC, the other two arbitrators may also continue the arbitral proceedings and make decisions, rulings, or render the award. The Arbitration Court shall notify the parties of the above circumstances. Section 3 Hearing Article 35 Conduct of Hearing 1. The arbitral tribunal shall examine the ca in any way it deems appropriate unless otherwi agreed by the parties. Under all circumstances, the arbitral tribunal shall act impartially and fairly and shall afford a reasonable opportunity to both parties to prent their ca. 2. The arbitral tribunal shall hold oral hearings when examining the ca. However, the arbitral tribunal may examine the ca on the basis of documents only if the parties so agree and the arbitral tribunal connts or the arbitral tribunal deems that oral hearings are unnecessary and the parties so agree. 3. Unless otherwi agreed by the parties, the arbitral tribunal may adopt an inquisitorial or adversarial approach in hearing the ca having regard to the circumstances of the ca. 4. The arbitral tribunal may hold deliberations at any place or in any manner that it considers appropriate. 5. Unless otherwi agreed by the parties, the arbitral tribunal may, if it considers it necessary, issue procedural orders or question lists, produce terms of reference, or hold pre-hearing conferences, etc. With the authorization of the other members of the arbitral tribunal, the presiding arbitrator may decide on the procedural arrangements for the arbitral proceedings at his/her own discretion. Article 36 Place of Oral Hearing 1. Where the parties have agreed on the place of an oral hearing, the ca shall be heard at that agreed place except in the circumstances stipulated in Paragraph 3 of Article 82 of the Rules. 2. Unless otherwi agreed by the parties, the place of oral hearings shall be in Beijing for a ca administered by the Arbitration Court or at the domicile of the sub-commission/arbitration center administering the ca, or if the arbitral tribunal considers it necessary and with the approval of the President of the Arbitration Court, at another location. Article 37 Notice of Oral Hearing 1. Where a ca is to be examined by way of an oral hearing, the parties shall be notified of the date of the first oral hearing at least twenty (20) days in advance of the oral hearing. A party having justified reasons may request a postponement of the oral hearing. However, the party shall communicate such request in writing to the arbitral tribunal within five (5) days of its receipt of the notice of the oral hearing. The arbitral tribunal shall decide whether or not to postpone the oral hearing. 2. Where a party has justified reasons for its failure to submit a request for a postponement of the oral hearing in accordance with the preceding Paragraph 1, the arbitral tribunal shall decide whether or not to accept the request. 3. A notice of a subquent oral hearing, a notice of a postponed oral hearing, as well as a request for postponement of such an oral hearing, shall not be subject to the time periods specified in the preceding Paragraph 1. Article 38 Confidentiality 1. Hearings shall be held in camera. Where both parties request an open hearing, the arbitral tribunal shall make a decision. 2. For cas heard in camera, the parties and their reprentatives, the arbitrators, the witness, the interpreters, the experts consulted by the arbitral tribunal, the apprairs appointed by the arbitral tribunal and other relevant persons shall not disclo to any outsider any substantive or procedural matters relating to the ca. Article 39 Default 1. If the Claimant fails to appear at an oral hearing without showing sufficient cau, or withdraws from an on-going oral hearing without the permission of the arbitral tribunal, the Claimant may be deemed to have withdrawn its application for arbitration. In such a ca, if the Respondent has filed a counterclaim, the arbitral tribunal shall proceed with the hearing of the counterclaim and make a default award. 2. If the Respondent fails to appear at an oral hearing without showing sufficient cau, or withdraws from an on-going oral hearing without the permission of the arbitral tribunal, the arbitral tribunal may proceed with the arbitration and make a default award. In such a ca, if the Respondent has filed a counterclaim, the Respondent may be deemed to have withdrawn its counterclaim. Article 40 Record of Oral Hearing 1. The arbitral tribunal may arrange for a written and/or an audio-visual record to be made of an oral hearing. The arbitral tribunal may, if it considers it necessary, take minutes of the oral hearing and request the parties and/or their reprentatives, witness and/or other persons involved to sign and/or affix their als to the written record or the minutes. 2. The written record, the minutes and the audio-visual record of an oral hearing shall be available for u and reference by the arbitral tribunal. 3. At the request of a party, the Arbitration Court may, having regard to the specific circumstances of the arbitration, decide to engage a stenographer to make a stenographic record of an oral hearing, the cost of which shall be advanced by the parties. Article 41 Evidence 1. Each party shall bear the burden of proving the facts on which it relies to support its claim, defen or counterclaim and provide the basis for its opinions, arguments and counter-arguments. 2. The arbitral tribunal may specify a time period for the parties to produce evidence and the parties shall produce evidence within the specified time period. The arbitral tribunal may refu to admit any evidence produced after that time period. If a party experiences difficulties in producing evidence within the specified time period, it may apply for an extension before the end of the period. The arbitral tribunal shall decide whether or not to extend the time period. 3. If a party bearing the burden of proof fails to produce evidence within the specified time period, or if the produced evidence is not sufficient to support its claim or counterclaim, it shall bear the conquences thereof. Article 42 Examination of Evidence 1. Where a ca is examined by way of an oral hearing, the evidence shall be produced at the oral hearing and may be examined by the parties. 2. Where a ca is to be decided on the basis of documents only, or where the evidence is submitted after the hearing and both parties have agreed to examine the evidence by means of writing, the parties may examine the evidence in writing. In such circumstances, the parties shall submit their written opinions on the evidence within the time period specified by the arbitral tribunal. Article 43 Investigation and Evidence Collection by the Arbitral Tribunal 1. The arbitral tribunal may undertake investigation and collect evidence as it considers necessary. 2. When investigating and collecting evidence, the arbitral tribunal may notify the parties to be prent. In the event that one or both parties fail to be prent after being notified, the investigation and collection of evidence shall proceed without being affected. 3. Evidence collected by the arbitral tribunal through its investigation shall be forwarded to the parties for their comments. Article 44 Expert’s Report and Apprair’s Report 1. The arbitral tribunal may consult experts or appoint apprairs for clarification on specific issues of the ca. Such an expert or apprair may be a Chine or foreign institution or natural person. 2. The arbitral tribunal has the power to request the parties, and the parties are also obliged, to deliver or produce to the expert or apprair any relevant materials, documents, property, or physical objects for examination, inspection or appraisal by the expert or apprair. 3. Copies of the expert’s report and the apprair’s report shall be forwarded to the parties for their comments. At the request of either party and with the approval of the arbitral tribunal, the expert or apprair shall participate in an oral hearing and give explanations on the report when the arbitral tribunal considers it necessary. Article 45 Suspension of the Arbitral Proceedings 1. Where the parties jointly or parately request a suspension of the arbitral proceedings, or under circumstances where such suspension is necessary, the arbitral proceedings may be suspended. 2. The arbitral proceedings shall resume as soon as the reason for the suspension disappears or the suspension period ends. 3. The arbitral tribunal shall decide whether to suspend or resume the arbitral proceedings. Where the arbitral tribunal has not yet been formed, the decision shall be made by the President of the Arbitration Court. Article 46 Withdrawal and Dismissal 1. A party may withdraw its claim or counterclaim in its entirety. In the event that the Claimant withdraws its claim in its entirety, the arbitral tribunal may proceed with its examination of the counterclaim and render an arbitral award thereon. In the event that the Respondent withdraws its counterclaim in its entirety, the arbitral tribunal may proceed with the examination of the claim and render an arbitral award thereon. 2. A party may be deemed to have withdrawn its claim or counterclaim if the arbitral proceedings cannot proceed for reasons attributable to that party. 3. A ca may be dismisd if the claim and counterclaim have been withdrawn in their entirety. Where a ca is to be dismisd prior to the formation of the arbitral tribunal, the President of the Arbitration Court shall make a decision on the dismissal. Where a ca is to be dismisd after the formation of the arbitral tribunal, the arbitral tribunal shall make the decision. 4. The al of CIETAC shall be affixed to the Dismissal Decision referred to in the preceding Paragraph 3 and Paragraph 7 of Article 6 of the Rules. Article 47 Combination of Conciliation with Arbitration 1. Where both parties wish to conciliate, or where one party wishes to conciliate and the other party’s connt has been obtained by the arbitral tribunal, the arbitral tribunal may conciliate the dispute during the arbitral proceedings. The parties may also ttle their dispute by themlves. 2. With the connts of both parties, the arbitral tribunal may conciliate the ca in a manner it considers appropriate. 3. During the process of conciliation, the arbitral tribunal shall terminate the conciliation proceedings if either party so requests or if the arbitral tribunal considers that further conciliation efforts will be futile. 4. The parties shall sign a ttlement agreement where they have reached ttlement through conciliation by the arbitral tribunal or by themlves. 5. Where the parties have reached a ttlement agreement through conciliation by the arbitral tribunal or by themlves, they may withdraw their claim or counterclaim, or request the arbitral tribunal to render an arbitral award or a conciliation statement in accordance with the terms of the ttlement agreement. 6. Where the parties request for a conciliation statement, the conciliation statement shall clearly t forth the claims of the parties and the terms of the ttlement agreement. It shall be signed by the arbitrators, aled by CIETAC, and rved upon both parties. 7. Where conciliation is not successful, the arbitral tribunal shall resume the arbitral proceedings and render an arbitral award. 8. Where the parties wish to conciliate their dispute but do not wish to have conciliation conducted by the arbitral tribunal, CIETAC may, with the connts of both parties, assist the parties to conciliate the dispute in a manner and procedure it considers appropriate. 9. Where conciliation is not successful, neither party may invoke any opinion, view or statement, and any proposal or proposition expressing acceptance or opposition by either party or by the arbitral tribunal in the process of conciliation as grounds for any claim, defen or counterclaim in the subquent arbitral proceedings, judicial proceedings, or any other proceedings. 10. Where the parties have reached a ttlement agreement by themlves through negotiation or conciliation before the commencement of an arbitration, either party may, bad on an arbitration agreement concluded between them that provides for arbitration by CIETAC and the ttlement agreement, request CIETAC to constitute an arbitral tribunal to render an arbitral award in accordance with the terms of the ttlement agreement. Unless otherwi agreed by the parties, the Chairman of CIETAC shall appoint a sole arbitrator to form such an arbitral tribunal, which shall examine the ca in a procedure it considers appropriate and render an award in due cour. The specific procedure and time period for rendering the award shall not be subject to other provisions of the Rules. Chapter III Arbitral Award Article 48 Time Period for Rendering Award 1. The arbitral tribunal shall render an arbitral award within six (6) months from the date on which the arbitral tribunal is formed. 2. Upon the request of the arbitral tribunal, the President of the Arbitration Court may extend the time period if he/she considers it truly necessary and the reasons for the extension truly justified. 3. Any suspension period shall be excluded when calculating the time period in the preceding Paragraph 1. Article 49 Making of Award 1. The arbitral tribunal shall independently and impartially render a fair and reasonable arbitral award bad on the facts of the ca and the terms of the contract, in accordance with the law, and with reference to international practices. 2. Where the parties have agreed on the law applicable to the merits of their dispute, the parties’ agreement shall prevail. In the abnce of such an agreement or where such agreement is in conflict with a mandatory provision of the law, the arbitral tribunal shall determine the law applicable to the merits of the dispute. 3. The arbitral tribunal shall state in the award the claims, the facts of the dispute, the reasons on which the award is bad, the result of the award, the allocation of the arbitration costs, and the date on which and the place at which the award is made. The facts of the dispute and the reasons on which the award is bad may not be stated in the award if the parties have so agreed, or if the award is made in accordance with the terms of a ttlement agreement between the parties. The arbitral tribunal has the power to fix in the award the specific time period for the parties to perform the award and the liabilities for failure to do so within the specified time period. 4. The al of CIETAC shall be affixed to the arbitral award. 5. Where a ca is examined by an arbitral tribunal compod of three arbitrators, the award shall be rendered by all three arbitrators or a majority of the arbitrators. A written disnting opinion shall be kept with the file and may be appended to the award. Such disnting opinion shall not form a part of the award. 6. Where the arbitral tribunal cannot reach a majority opinion, the arbitral award shall be rendered in accordance with the presiding arbitrator’s opinion. The written opinions of the other arbitrators shall be kept with the file and may be appended to the award. Such written opinions shall not form a part of the award. 7. Unless the arbitral award is made in accordance with the opinion of the presiding arbitrator or the sole arbitrator and signed by the same, the arbitral award shall be signed by a majority of the arbitrators. An arbitrator who has a disnting opinion may or may not sign his/her name on the award. 8. The date on which the award is made shall be the date on which the award comes into legal effect. 9. The arbitral award is final and binding upon both parties. Neither party may bring a lawsuit before a court or make a request to any other organization for revision of the award. Article 50 Partial Award 1. Where the arbitral tribunal considers it necessary, or where a party so requests and the arbitral tribunal agrees, the arbitral tribunal may first render a partial award on any part of the claim before rendering the final award. A partial award is final and binding upon both parties. 2. Failure of either party to perform a partial award shall neither affect the arbitral proceedings nor prevent the arbitral tribunal from making the final award. Article 51 Scrutiny of Draft Award The arbitral tribunal shall submit its draft award to CIETAC for scrutiny before signing the award. CIETAC may bring to the attention of the arbitral tribunal issues addresd in the award on the condition that the arbitral tribunal’s independence in rendering the award is not affected. Article 52 Allocation of Fees 1. The arbitral tribunal has the power to determine in the arbitral award the arbitration fees and other expens to be paid by the parties to CIETAC. 2. The arbitral tribunal has the power to decide in the arbitral award, having regard to the circumstances of the ca, that the losing party shall compensate the winning party for the expens reasonably incurred by it in pursuing the ca. In deciding whether or not the winning party’s expens incurred in pursuing the ca are reasonable, the arbitral tribunal shall take into consideration various factors such as the outcome and complexity of the ca, the workload of the winning party and/or its reprentative(s), the amount in dispute, etc. Article 53 Correction of Award 1. Within a reasonable time after the award is made, the arbitral tribunal may, on its own initiative, make corrections in writing of any clerical, typographical or calculation errors, or any errors of a similar nature contained in the award. 2. Within thirty (30) days from its receipt of the arbitral award, either party may request the arbitral tribunal in writing for a correction of any clerical, typographical or calculation errors, or any errors of a similar nature contained in the award. If such an error does exist in the award, the arbitral tribunal shall make the correction in writing within thirty (30) days of its receipt of the written request for the correction. 3. The above written correction shall form a part of the arbitral award and shall be subject to the provisions in Paragraphs 4 to 9 of Article 49 of the Rules.2223 Article 54 Additional Award 1. Where any matter which should have been decided by the arbitral tribunal was omitted from the arbitral award, the arbitral tribunal may, on its own initiative, make an additional award within a reasonable time after the award is made. 2. Either party may, within thirty (30) days from its receipt of the arbitral award, request the arbitral tribunal in writing for an additional award on any claim or counterclaim which was advanced in the arbitral proceedings but was omitted from the award. If such an omission does exist, the arbitral tribunal shall make an additional award within thirty (30) days of its receipt of the written request. 3. Such additional award shall form a part of the arbitral award and shall be subject to the provisions in Paragraphs 4 to 9 of Article 49 of the Rules. Article 55 Performance of Award 1. The parties shall perform the arbitral award within the time period specified in the award. If no time period is specified in the award, the parties shall perform the award immediately. 2. Where one party fails to perform the award, the other party may apply to a competent court for enforcement of the award in accordance with the law. Chapter IV Summary Procedure Article 56 Application 1. The Summary Procedure shall apply to any ca where the amount in dispute does not exceed RMB 5,000,000 unless otherwi agreed by the parties; or where the amount in dispute exceeds RMB 5,000,000, yet one party applies for arbitration under the Summary Procedure and the other party agrees in writing; or where both parties have agreed to apply the Summary Procedure. 2. Where there is no monetary claim or the amount in dispute is not clear, CIETAC shall determine whether or not to apply the Summary Procedure after full consideration of relevant factors, including but not limited to the complexity of the ca and the interests involved. Article 57 Notice of Arbitration Where after examination the Claimant’s arbitration application is accepted for arbitration under the Summary Procedure, the Arbitration Court shall nd a Notice of Arbitration to both parties. Article 58 Formation of the Arbitral Tribunal Unless otherwi agreed by the parties, a sole-arbitrator tribunal shall be formed in accordance with Article 28 of the Rules to hear a ca under the Summary Procedure. Article 59 Defen and Counterclaim 1. The Respondent shall submit its Statement of Defen, evidence and other supporting documents within twenty (20) days of its receipt of the Notice of Arbitration. Counterclaim, if any, shall also be filed with evidence and supporting documents within such time period. 2. The Claimant shall file its Statement of Defen to the Respondent’s counterclaim within twenty (20) days of its receipt of the counterclaim and its attachments. 3. If a party has justified reasons to request an extension of the time period, the arbitral tribunal shall decide whether to grant such extension. Where the arbitral tribunal has not yet been formed, such decision shall be made by the Arbitration Court. Article 60 Conduct of Hearing The arbitral tribunal may examine the ca in the manner it considers appropriate. The arbitral tribunal may decide whether to examine the ca solely on the basis of the written materials and evidence submitted by the parties or to hold an oral hearing. Article 61 Notice of Oral Hearing 1. For a ca examined by way of an oral hearing, after the arbitral tribunal has fixed a date for the first oral hearing, the parties shall be notified of the date at least fifteen (15) days in advance of the oral hearing. A party having justified reasons may request a postponement of the oral hearing. However, the party shall communicate such request in writing to the arbitral tribunal within three (3) days of its receipt of the notice of the oral hearing. The arbitral tribunal shall decide whether or not to postpone the oral hearing. 2. If a party has justified reasons for failure to submit a request for a postponement of the oral hearing in accordance with the preceding Paragraph 1, the arbitral tribunal shall decide whether to accept such a request. 3. A notice of a subquent oral hearing, a notice of a postponed oral hearing, as well as a request for postponement of such oral hearing, shall not be subject to the time periods specified in the preceding Paragraph 1. Article 62 Time Period for Rendering Award 1. The arbitral tribunal shall render an arbitral award within three (3) months from the date on which the arbitral tribunal is formed. 2. Upon the request of the arbitral tribunal, the President of the Arbitration Court may extend the time period if he/she considers it truly necessary and the reasons for the extension truly justified. 3. Any suspension period shall be excluded when calculating the time period in the preceding Paragraph 1. Article 63 Change of Procedure The Summary Procedure shall not be affected by any amendment to the claim or by the filing of a counterclaim. Where the amount in dispute of the amended claim or that of the counterclaim exceeds RMB 5,000,000, the Summary Procedure shall continue to apply unless the parties agree or the arbitral tribunal decides that a change to the general procedure is necessary. Article 64 Context Reference The relevant provisions in the other Chapters of the Rules shall apply to matters not covered in this Chapter. Chapter V Special Provisions for Domestic Arbitration Article 65 Application 1. The provisions of this Chapter shall apply to domestic arbitration cas. 2. The provisions of the Summary Procedure in Chapter IV shall apply if a domestic arbitration ca falls within the scope of Article 56 of the Rules. Article 66 Acceptance of a Ca 1. Upon receipt of a Request for Arbitration, where the Arbitration Court finds the Request to meet the requirements specified in Article 12 of the Rules, the Arbitration Court shall notify the parties accordingly within five (5) days from its receipt of the Request. Where a Request for Arbitration is found not to be in conformity with the requirements, the Arbitration Court shall notify the party in writing of its refusal of acceptance with reasons stated. 2. Upon receipt of a Request for Arbitration, where after examination, the Arbitration Court finds the Request not to be in conformity with the formality requirements specified in Article 12 of the Rules, it may request the Claimant to comply with the requirements within a specified time period. Article 67 Formation of the Arbitral Tribunal The arbitral tribunal shall be formed in accordance with the provisions of Articles 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 and 30 of the Rules. Article 68 Defen and Counterclaim 1. Within twenty (20) days from the date of its receipt of the Notice of Arbitration, the Respondent shall submit its Statement of Defen, evidence and other supporting documents. Counterclaim, if any, shall also be filed with evidence and other supporting documents within the time period. 2. The Claimant shall file its Statement of Defen to the Respondent’s counterclaim within twenty (20) days from the date of its receipt of the counterclaim and its attachments. 3. If a party has justified reasons to request an extension of the time period, the arbitral tribunal shall decide whether to grant such extension. Where the arbitral tribunal has not yet been formed, such decision shall be made by the Arbitration Court. Article 69 Notice of Oral Hearing 1. For a ca examined by way of an oral hearing, after the arbitral tribunal has fixed a date for the first oral hearing, the parties shall be notified of the date at least fifteen (15) days in advance of the oral hearing. A party having justified reason may request a postponement of the oral hearing. However, the party shall communicate such request in writing to the arbitral tribunal within three (3) days of its receipt of the notice of the oral hearing. The arbitral tribunal shall decide whether or not to postpone the oral hearing. 2. If a party has justified reasons for failure to submit a request for a postponement of the oral hearing in accordance with the preceding Paragraph 1, the arbitral tribunal shall decide whether to accept such a request. 3. A notice of a subquent oral hearing, a notice of a postponed oral hearing, as well as a request for postponement of such oral hearing, shall not be subject to the time periods specified in the preceding Paragraph 1. Article 70 Record of Oral Hearing 1. The arbitral tribunal shall make a written record of the oral hearing. Any party or participant in the arbitration may apply for a correction upon finding any omission or mistake in the record regarding its own statements. If the application is refud by the arbitral tribunal, it shall nevertheless be recorded and kept with the file. 2. The written record shall be signed or aled by the arbitrator(s), the recorder, the parties, and any other participant in the arbitration. Article 71 Time Period for Rendering Award 1. The arbitral tribunal shall render an arbitral award within four (4) months from the date on which the arbitral tribunal is formed. 2. Upon the request of the arbitral tribunal, the President of the Arbitration Court may extend the time period if he/she considers it truly necessary and the reasons for the extension truly justified. 3. Any suspension period shall be excluded when calculating the time period in the preceding Paragraph 1. Article 72 Context Reference The relevant provisions in the other Chapters of the Rules, with the exception of Chapter VI, shall apply to matters not covered in this Chapter. Chapter VI Special Provisions for Hong Kong Arbitration Article 73 Application 1. CIETAC has established the CIETAC Hong Kong Arbitration Center in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. The provisions of this Chapter shall apply to arbitration cas accepted and administered by the CIETAC Hong Kong Arbitration Center. 2. Where the parties have agreed to submit their disputes to the CIETAC Hong Kong Arbitration Center for arbitration or to CIETAC for arbitration in Hong Kong, the CIETAC Hong Kong Arbitration Center shall accept the arbitration application and administer the ca. Article 74 Place of Arbitration and Law Applicable to the Arbitral Proceedings Unless otherwi agreed by the parties, for an arbitration administered by the CIETAC Hong Kong Arbitration Center, the place of arbitration shall be Hong Kong, the law applicable to the arbitral proceedings shall be the arbitration law of Hong Kong, and the arbitral award shall be a Hong Kong award. Article 75 Decision on Jurisdiction Any objection to an arbitration agreement and/or the jurisdiction over an arbitration ca shall be raid in writing no later than the submission of the first substantive defen. The arbitral tribunal shall have the power to determine the existence and validity of the arbitration agreement and its jurisdiction over the arbitration ca. Article 76 Nomination or Appointment of Arbitrator The CIETAC Panel of Arbitrators in effect shall be recommended in arbitration cas administered by the CIETAC Hong Kong Arbitration Center. The parties may nominate arbitrators from outside the CIETAC’s Panel of Arbitrators. An arbitrator so nominated shall be subject to the confirmation of the Chairman of CIETAC. Article 77 Interim Measures and Emergency Relief 1. Unless otherwi agreed by the parties, the arbitral tribunal has the power to order appropriate interim measures at the request of a party. 2. Where the arbitral tribunal has not yet been formed, a party may apply for emergency relief pursuant to the CIETAC Emergency Arbitrator Procedures (Appendix III). Article 78 Seal on Award The al of the CIETAC Hong Kong Arbitration Center shall be affixed to the arbitral award. Article 79 Arbitration Fees The CIETAC Arbitration Fee Schedule III (Appendix II) shall apply to the arbitration cas accepted and administered in accordance with this Chapter. Article 80 Context Reference The relevant provisions in the other Chapters of the Rules, with the exception of Chapter V, shall apply to matters not covered in this Chapter. Chapter VII Supplementary Provisions Article 81 Language 1. Where the parties have agreed on the language of arbitration, their agreement shall prevail. In the abnce of such agreement, the language of arbitration to be ud in the proceedings shall be Chine. CIETAC may also designate another language as the language of arbitration having regard to the circumstances of the ca. 2. If a party or its reprentative(s) or witness(es) requires interpretation at an oral hearing, an interpreter may be provided either by the Arbitration Court or by the party. 3. The arbitral tribunal or the Arbitration Court may, if it considers it necessary, require the parties to submit a corresponding translation of their documents and evidence into Chine or other languages. Article 82 Arbitration Fees and Costs 1. Apart from the arbitration fees charged in accordance with its Arbitration Fee Schedule, CIETAC may charge the parties for any other additional and reasonable actual costs, including but not limited to arbitrators’ special remuneration, their travel and accommodation expens incurred in dealing with the ca, engagement fees of stenographers, as well as the costs and expens of experts, apprairs or interpreters appointed by the arbitral tribunal. The Arbitration Court shall, after hearing from the arbitrator and the party concerned, determine the arbitrator’s special remuneration with reference to the standards of arbitrators’ fees and expens t forth in the CIETAC Arbitration Fee Schedule III (Appendix II). 2. Where a party has nominated an arbitrator but fails to advance a deposit for such actual costs as the special remuneration, travel and accommodation expens of the nominated arbitrator within the time period specified by CIETAC, the party shall be deemed not to have nominated the arbitrator. 3. Where the parties have agreed to hold an oral hearing at a place other than the domicile of CIETAC or its relevant sub-commission/arbitration center, they shall advance a deposit for the actual costs such as travel and accommodation expens incurred thereby. In the event that the parties fail to do so within the time period specified by CIETAC, the oral hearing shall be held at the domicile of CIETAC or its relevant sub-commission/arbitration center. 4. Where the parties have agreed to u two or more than two languages as the languages of arbitration, or where the parties have agreed on a three-arbitrator tribunal in a ca where the Summary Procedure shall apply in accordance with Article 56 of the Rules, CIETAC may charge the parties for any additional and reasonable costs. Article 83 Interpretation 1. The headings of the articles in the Rules shall not be construed as interpretations of the contents of the provisions contained therein. 2. The Rules shall be interpreted by CIETAC. Article 84 Coming into Force The Rules shall be effective as of January 1, 2015. For cas administered by CIETAC or its sub-commissions/arbitration centers before the Rules come into force, the Arbitration Rules effective at the time of acceptance shall apply, or where both parties agree, the Rules shall apply. | 中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会仲裁规则(2015版) (2014年11月4日中国国际贸易促进委员会/中国国际商会修订并通过,自2015年1月1日起施行) 第一章 总 则 第一条 仲裁委员会 (一)中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会(以下简称“仲裁委员会”),原名中国国际贸易促进委员会对外贸易仲裁委员会、中国国际贸易促进委员会对外经济贸易仲裁委员会,同时使用“中国国际商会仲裁院”名称。 (二)当事人在仲裁协议中订明由中国国际贸易促进委员会/中国国际商会仲裁,或由中国国际贸易促进委员会/中国国际商会的仲裁委员会或仲裁院仲裁的,或使用仲裁委员会原名称为仲裁机构的,均视为同意由中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会仲裁。 第二条 机构及职责 (一)仲裁委员会主任履行本规则赋予的职责。副主任根据主任的授权可以履行主任的职责。 (二)仲裁委员会设有仲裁院,在授权的副主任和仲裁院院长的领导下履行本规则规定的职责。 (三)仲裁委员会设在北京。仲裁委员会设有分会或仲裁中心(本规则附件一)。仲裁委员会的分会/仲裁中心是仲裁委员会的派出机构,根据仲裁委员会的授权,接受仲裁申请,管理仲裁案件。 (四)分会/仲裁中心设仲裁院,在分会/仲裁中心仲裁院院长的领导下履行本规则规定由仲裁委员会仲裁院履行的职责。 (五)案件由分会/仲裁中心管理的,本规则规定由仲裁委员会仲裁院院长履行的职责,由仲裁委员会仲裁院院长授权的分会/仲裁中心仲裁院院长履行。 (六)当事人可以约定将争议提交仲裁委员会或仲裁委员会分会/仲裁中心进行仲裁;约定由仲裁委员会进行仲裁的,由仲裁委员会仲裁院接受仲裁申请并管理案件;约定由分会/仲裁中心仲裁的,由所约定的分会/仲裁中心仲裁院接受仲裁申请并管理案件。约定的分会/仲裁中心不存在、被终止授权或约定不明的,由仲裁委员会仲裁院接受仲裁申请并管理案件。如有争议,由仲裁委员会作出决定。 第三条 受案范围 (一)仲裁委员会根据当事人的约定受理契约性或非契约性的经济贸易等争议案件。 (二)前款所述案件包括: 1.国际或涉外争议案件; 2.涉及香港特别行政区、澳门特别行政区及台湾地区的争议案件; 3.国内争议案件。 第四条 规则的适用 (一)本规则统一适用于仲裁委员会及其分会/仲裁中心。 (二)当事人约定将争议提交仲裁委员会仲裁的, 视为同意按照本规则进行仲裁。 (三)当事人约定将争议提交仲裁委员会仲裁但对本规则有关内容进行变更或约定适用其他仲裁规则的,从其约定,但其约定无法实施或与仲裁程序适用法强制性规定相抵触者除外。当事人约定适用其他仲裁规则的,由仲裁委员会履行相应的管理职责。 (四)当事人约定按照本规则进行仲裁但未约定仲裁机构的,视为同意将争议提交仲裁委员会仲裁。 (五)当事人约定适用仲裁委员会专业仲裁规则的,从其约定,但其争议不属于该专业仲裁规则适用范围的,适用本规则。 第五条 仲裁协议 (一)仲裁协议指当事人在合同中订明的仲裁条款或以其他方式达成的提交仲裁的书面协议。 (二)仲裁协议应当采取书面形式。书面形式包括合同书、信件、电报、电传、传真、电子数据交换和电子邮件等可以有形地表现所载内容的形式。在仲裁申请书和仲裁答辩书的交换中,一方当事人声称有仲裁协议而另一方当事人不做否认表示的,视为存在书面仲裁协议。 (三)仲裁协议的适用法对仲裁协议的形式及效力另有规定的,从其规定。 (四)合同中的仲裁条款应视为与合同其他条款分离的、独立存在的条款,附属于合同的仲裁协议也应视为与合同其他条款分离的、独立存在的一个部分;合同的变更、解除、终止、转让、失效、无效、未生效、被撤销以及成立与否,均不影响仲裁条款或仲裁协议的效力。 第六条 对仲裁协议及/或管辖权的异议 (一)仲裁委员会有权对仲裁协议的存在、效力以及仲裁案件的管辖权作出决定。如有必要,仲裁委员会也可以授权仲裁庭作出管辖权决定。 (二)仲裁委员会依表面证据认为存在有效仲裁协议的,可根据表面证据作出仲裁委员会有管辖权的决定,仲裁程序继续进行。仲裁委员会依表面证据作出的管辖权决定并不妨碍其根据仲裁庭在审理过程中发现的与表面证据不一致的事实及/或证据重新作出管辖权决定。 (三)仲裁庭依据仲裁委员会的授权作出管辖权决定时,可以在仲裁程序进行中单独作出,也可以在裁决书中一并作出。 (四)当事人对仲裁协议及/或仲裁案件管辖权的异议,应当在仲裁庭首次开庭前书面提出;书面审理的案件,应当在第一次实体答辩前提出。 (五)对仲裁协议及/或仲裁案件管辖权提出异议不影响仲裁程序的继续进行。 (六)上述管辖权异议及/或决定包括仲裁案件主体资格异议及/或决定。 (七)仲裁委员会或经仲裁委员会授权的仲裁庭作出无管辖权决定的,应当作出撤销案件的决定。撤案决定在仲裁庭组成前由仲裁委员会仲裁院院长作出,在仲裁庭组成后,由仲裁庭作出。 第七条 仲裁地 (一)当事人对仲裁地有约定的,从其约定。 (二)当事人对仲裁地未作约定或约定不明的,以管理案件的仲裁委员会或其分会/仲裁中心所在地为仲裁地;仲裁委员会也可视案件的具体情形确定其他地点为仲裁地。 (三)仲裁裁决视为在仲裁地作出。 第八条 送达及期限 (一)有关仲裁的一切文书、通知、材料等均可采用当面递交、挂号信、特快专递、传真或仲裁委员会仲裁院或仲裁庭认为适当的其他方式发送。 (二)上述第(一)款所述仲裁文件应发送当事人或其仲裁代理人自行提供的或当事人约定的地址;当事人或其仲裁代理人没有提供地址或当事人对地址没有约定的,按照对方当事人或其仲裁代理人提供的地址发送。 (三)向一方当事人或其仲裁代理人发送的仲裁文件,如经当面递交收件人或发送至收件人的营业地、注册地、住所地、惯常居住地或通讯地址,或经对方当事人合理查询不能找到上述任一地点,仲裁委员会仲裁院以挂号信或特快专递或能提供投递记录的包括公证送达、委托送达和留置送达在内的其他任何手段投递给收件人最后一个为人所知的营业地、注册地、住所地、惯常居住地或通讯地址,即视为有效送达。 (四)本规则所规定的期限,应自当事人收到或应当收到仲裁委员会仲裁院向其发送的文书、通知、材料等之日的次日起计算。 第九条 诚实信用 仲裁参与人应遵循诚实信用原则,进行仲裁程序。 第十条 放弃异议 一方当事人知道或理应知道本规则或仲裁协议中规定的任何条款或情事未被遵守,仍参加仲裁程序或继续进行仲裁程序而且不对此不遵守情况及时地、明示地提出书面异议的,视为放弃其提出异议的权利。 第二章 仲裁程序 第一节 仲裁申请、答辩、反请求 第十一条 仲裁程序的开始 仲裁程序自仲裁委员会仲裁院收到仲裁申请书之日起开始。 第十二条 申请仲裁 当事人依据本规则申请仲裁时应: (一)提交由申请人或申请人授权的代理人签名及/或盖章的仲裁申请书。仲裁申请书应写明: 1.申请人和被申请人的名称和住所,包括邮政编码、电话、传真、电子邮箱或其他电子通讯方式; 2.申请仲裁所依据的仲裁协议; 3.案情和争议要点; 4.申请人的仲裁请求; 5.仲裁请求所依据的事实和理由。 (二)在提交仲裁申请书时,附具申请人请求所依据的证据材料以及其他证明文件。 (三)按照仲裁委员会制定的仲裁费用表的规定预缴仲裁费。 第十三条 案件的受理 (一)仲裁委员会根据当事人在争议发生之前或在争议发生之后达成的将争议提交仲裁委员会仲裁的仲裁协议和一方当事人的书面申请,受理案件。 (二)仲裁委员会仲裁院收到申请人的仲裁申请书及其附件后,经审查,认为申请仲裁的手续完备的, 应将仲裁通知、仲裁委员会仲裁规则和仲裁员名册各一份发送给双方当事人;申请人的仲裁申请书及其附件也应同时发送给被申请人。 (三)仲裁委员会仲裁院经审查认为申请仲裁的手续不完备的,可以要求申请人在一定的期限内予以完备。申请人未能在规定期限内完备申请仲裁手续的,视同申请人未提出仲裁申请;申请人的仲裁申请书及其附件,仲裁委员会仲裁院不予留存。 (四)仲裁委员会受理案件后,仲裁委员会仲裁院应指定一名案件秘书协助仲裁案件的程序管理。 第十四条 多份合同的仲裁 申请人就多份合同项下的争议可在同一仲裁案件中合并提出仲裁申请,但应同时符合下列条件: 1.多份合同系主从合同关系;或多份合同所涉当事人相同且法律关系性质相同; 2.争议源于同一交易或同一系列交易; 3.多份合同中的仲裁协议内容相同或相容。 第十五条 答辩 (一)被申请人应自收到仲裁通知后45天内提交答辩书。被申请人确有正当理由请求延长提交答辩期限的,由仲裁庭决定是否延长答辩期限;仲裁庭尚未组成的,由仲裁委员会仲裁院作出决定。 (二)答辩书由被申请人或被申请人授权的代理人签名及/或盖章,并应包括下列内容及附件: 1.被申请人的名称和住所,包括邮政编码、电话、传真、电子邮箱或其他电子通讯方式; 雅思考试报名网站 2.对仲裁申请书的答辩及所依据的事实和理由; 3.答辩所依据的证据材料以及其他证明文件。 (三)仲裁庭有权决定是否接受逾期提交的答辩书。 (四)被申请人未提交答辩书,不影响仲裁程序的进行。 第十六条 反请求 (一)被申请人如有反请求,应自收到仲裁通知后45天内以书面形式提交。被申请人确有正当理由请求延长提交反请求期限的,由仲裁庭决定是否延长反请求期限;仲裁庭尚未组成的,由仲裁委员会仲裁院作出决定。 (二)被申请人提出反请求时,应在其反请求申请书中写明具体的反请求事项及其所依据的事实和理由,并附具有关的证据材料以及其他证明文件。 (三)被申请人提出反请求,应按照仲裁委员会制定的仲裁费用表在规定的时间内预缴仲裁费。被申请人未按期缴纳反请求仲裁费的,视同未提出反请求申请。 (四)仲裁委员会仲裁院认为被申请人提出反请求的手续已完备的,应向双方当事人发出反请求受理通知。申请人应在收到反请求受理通知后30天内针对被申请人的反请求提交答辩。申请人确有正当理由请求延长提交答辩期限的,由仲裁庭决定是否延长答辩期限;仲裁庭尚未组成的,由仲裁委员会仲裁院作出决定。 (五)仲裁庭有权决定是否接受逾期提交的反请求和反请求答辩书。 (六)申请人对被申请人的反请求未提出书面答辩的,不影响仲裁程序的进行。 第十七条 变更仲裁请求或反请求 申请人可以申请对其仲裁请求进行变更,被申请人也可以申请对其反请求进行变更;但是仲裁庭认为其提出变更的时间过迟而影响仲裁程序正常进行的,可以拒绝其变更请求。 第十八条 追加当事人 (一)在仲裁程序中,一方当事人依据表面上约束被追加当事人的案涉仲裁协议可以向仲裁委员会申请追加当事人。在仲裁庭组成后申请追加当事人的,如果仲裁庭认为确有必要,应在征求包括被追加当事人在内的各方当事人的意见后,由仲裁委员会作出决定。 仲裁委员会仲裁院收到追加当事人申请之日视为针对该被追加当事人的仲裁开始之日。 (二)追加当事人申请书应包含现有仲裁案件的案号,涉及被追加当事人在内的所有当事人的名称、住所及通讯方式,追加当事人所依据的仲裁协议、事实和理由,以及仲裁请求。 当事人在提交追加当事人申请书时,应附具其申请所依据的证据材料以及其他证明文件。 (三)任何一方当事人就追加当事人程序提出仲裁协议及/或仲裁案件管辖权异议的,仲裁委员会有权基于仲裁协议及相关证据作出是否具有管辖权的决定。 (四)追加当事人程序开始后,在仲裁庭组成之前,由仲裁委员会仲裁院就仲裁程序的进行作出决定;在仲裁庭组成之后,由仲裁庭就仲裁程序的进行作出决定。 (五)在仲裁庭组成之前追加当事人的,本规则有关当事人选定或委托仲裁委员会主任指定仲裁员的规定适用于被追加当事人。仲裁庭的组成应按照本规则第二十九条的规定进行。 在仲裁庭组成后决定追加当事人的,仲裁庭应就已经进行的包括仲裁庭组成在内的仲裁程序征求被追加当事人的意见。被追加当事人要求选定或委托仲裁委员会主任指定仲裁员的,双方当事人应重新选定或委托仲裁委员会主任指定仲裁员。仲裁庭的组成应按照本规则第二十九条的规定进行。 (六)本规则有关当事人提交答辩及反请求的规定适用于被追加当事人。被追加当事人提交答辩及反请求的期限自收到追加当事人仲裁通知后起算。 (七)案涉仲裁协议表面上不能约束被追加当事人或存在其他任何不宜追加当事人的情形的,仲裁委员会有权决定不予追加。 第十九条 合并仲裁 (一)符合下列条件之一的,经一方当事人请求,仲裁委员会可以决定将根据本规则进行的两个或两个以上的仲裁案件合并为一个仲裁案件,进行审理。 1.各案仲裁请求依据同一个仲裁协议提出; 2.各案仲裁请求依据多份仲裁协议提出,该多份仲裁协议内容相同或相容,且各案当事人相同、各争议所涉及的法律关系性质相同; 3.各案仲裁请求依据多份仲裁协议提出,该多份仲裁协议内容相同或相容,且涉及的多份合同为主从合同关系; 4.所有案件的当事人均同意合并仲裁。 (二)根据上述第(一)款决定合并仲裁时,仲裁委员会应考虑各方当事人的意见及相关仲裁案件之间的关联性等因素,包括不同案件的仲裁员的选定或指定情况。 (三)除非各方当事人另有约定,合并的仲裁案件应合并至最先开始仲裁程序的仲裁案件。 (四)仲裁案件合并后,在仲裁庭组成之前,由仲裁委员会仲裁院就程序的进行作出决定;仲裁庭组成后,由仲裁庭就程序的进行作出决定。 第二十条 仲裁文件的提交与交换 (一)当事人的仲裁文件应提交至仲裁委员会仲裁院。 (二)仲裁程序中需发送或转交的仲裁文件,由仲裁委员会仲裁院发送或转交仲裁庭及当事人,当事人另有约定并经仲裁庭同意或仲裁庭另有决定者除外。 第二十一条 仲裁文件的份数 当事人提交的仲裁申请书、答辩书、反请求书和证据材料以及其他仲裁文件,应一式五份;多方当事人的案件,应增加相应份数;当事人提出财产保全申请或证据保全申请的,应增加相应份数;仲裁庭组成人数为一人的,应相应减少两份。 第二十二条 仲裁代理人 当事人可以授权中国及/或外国的仲裁代理人办理有关仲裁事项。当事人或其仲裁代理人应向仲裁委员会仲裁院提交授权委托书。 第二十三条 保全及临时措施 (一)当事人依据中国法律申请保全的,仲裁委员会应当依法将当事人的保全申请转交当事人指明的有管辖权的法院。 (二)根据所适用的法律或当事人的约定,当事人可以依据《中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会紧急仲裁员程序》(本规则附件三)向仲裁委员会仲裁院申请紧急性临时救济。紧急仲裁员可以决定采取必要或适当的紧急性临时救济措施。紧急仲裁员的决定对双方当事人具有约束力。 (三)经一方当事人请求,仲裁庭依据所适用的法律或当事人的约定可以决定采取其认为必要或适当的临时措施,并有权决定由请求临时措施的一方当事人提供适当的担保。 第二节 仲裁员及仲裁庭 第二十四条 仲裁员的义务 仲裁员不代表任何一方当事人,应独立于各方当事人,平等地对待各方当事人。 第二十五条 仲裁庭的人数 (一)仲裁庭由一名或三名仲裁员组成。 (二)除非当事人另有约定或本规则另有规定,仲裁庭由三名仲裁员组成。 第二十六条 仲裁员的选定或指定 (一)仲裁委员会制定统一适用于仲裁委员会及其分会/仲裁中心的仲裁员名册;当事人从仲裁委员会制定的仲裁员名册中选定仲裁员。爱无处不在 (二)当事人约定在仲裁委员会仲裁员名册之外选定仲裁员的,当事人选定的或根据当事人约定指定的人士经仲裁委员会主任确认后可以担任仲裁员。 第二十七条 三人仲裁庭的组成 (一)申请人和被申请人应各自在收到仲裁通知后15天内选定或委托仲裁委员会主任指定一名仲裁员。当事人未在上述期限内选定或委托仲裁委员会主任指定的,由仲裁委员会主任指定。 (二)第三名仲裁员由双方当事人在被申请人收到仲裁通知后15天内共同选定或共同委托仲裁委员会主任指定。第三名仲裁员为仲裁庭的首席仲裁员。 (三)双方当事人可以各自推荐一至五名候选人作为首席仲裁员人选,并按照上述第(二)款规定的期限提交推荐名单。双方当事人的推荐名单中有一名人选相同的,该人选为双方当事人共同选定的首席仲裁员;有一名以上人选相同的,由仲裁委员会主任根据案件的具体情况在相同人选中确定一名首席仲裁员,该名首席仲裁员仍为双方共同选定的首席仲裁员;推荐名单中没有相同人选时,由仲裁委员会主任指定首席仲裁员。 (四)双方当事人未能按照上述规定共同选定首席仲裁员的,由仲裁委员会主任指定首席仲裁员。 第二十八条 独任仲裁庭的组成 仲裁庭由一名仲裁员组成的,按照本规则第二十七条第(二)、(三)、(四)款规定的程序,选定或指定独任仲裁员。 第二十九条 多方当事人仲裁庭的组成 (一)仲裁案件有两个或两个以上申请人及/或被申请人时,申请人方及/或被申请人方应各自协商,各方共同选定或共同委托仲裁委员会主任指定一名仲裁员。 (二)首席仲裁员或独任仲裁员应按照本规则第二十七条第(二)、(三)、(四)款规定的程序选定或指定。申请人方及/或被申请人方按照本规则第二十七条第(三)款的规定选定首席仲裁员或独任仲裁员时,应各方共同协商,提交各方共同选定的候选人名单。 (三)如果申请人方及/或被申请人方未能在收到仲裁通知后15天内各方共同选定或各方共同委托仲裁委员会主任指定一名仲裁员,则由仲裁委员会主任指定仲裁庭三名仲裁员,并从中确定一人担任首席仲裁员。 第三十条 指定仲裁员的考虑因素 仲裁委员会主任根据本规则的规定指定仲裁员时,应考虑争议的适用法律、仲裁地、仲裁语言、当事人国籍,以及仲裁委员会主任认为应考虑的其他因素。 第三十一条 披露 (一)被选定或被指定的仲裁员应签署声明书,披露可能引起对其公正性和独立性产生合理怀疑的任何事实或情况。 (二)在仲裁程序中出现应披露情形的,仲裁员应立即书面披露。 (三)仲裁员的声明书及/或披露的信息应提交仲裁委员会仲裁院并转交各方当事人。 第三十二条 仲裁员的回避 (一)当事人收到仲裁员的声明书及/或书面披露后,如果以披露的事实或情况为理由要求该仲裁员回避,则应于收到仲裁员的书面披露后10天内书面提出。逾期没有申请回避的,不得以仲裁员曾经披露的事项为由申请该仲裁员回避。 (二)当事人对被选定或被指定的仲裁员的公正性和独立性产生具有正当理由的怀疑时,可以书面提出要求该仲裁员回避的请求,但应说明提出回避请求所依据的具体事实和理由,并举证。 (三)对仲裁员的回避请求应在收到组庭通知后15天内以书面形式提出;在此之后得知要求回避事由的,可以在得知回避事由后15天内提出,但应不晚于最后一次开庭终结。 (四)当事人的回避请求应当立即转交另一方当事人、被请求回避的仲裁员及仲裁庭其他成员。 (五)如果一方当事人请求仲裁员回避,另一方当事人同意回避请求,或被请求回避的仲裁员主动提出不再担任该仲裁案件的仲裁员,则该仲裁员不再担任仲裁员审理本案。上述情形并不表示当事人提出回避的理由成立。 (六)除上述第(五)款规定的情形外,仲裁员是否回避,由仲裁委员会主任作出终局决定并可以不说明理由。 (七)在仲裁委员会主任就仲裁员是否回避作出决定前,被请求回避的仲裁员应继续履行职责。 第三十三条 仲裁员的更换 (一)仲裁员在法律上或事实上不能履行职责,或没有按照本规则的要求或在本规则规定的期限内履行应尽职责时,仲裁委员会主任有权决定将其更换;该仲裁员也可以主动申请不再担任仲裁员。 (二)是否更换仲裁员,由仲裁委员会主任作出终局决定并可以不说明理由。 (三)在仲裁员因回避或更换不能履行职责时,应按照原选定或指定仲裁员的方式在仲裁委员会仲裁院规定的期限内选定或指定替代的仲裁员。当事人未选定或指定替代仲裁员的,由仲裁委员会主任指定替代的仲裁员。 (四)重新选定或指定仲裁员后,由仲裁庭决定是否重新审理及重新审理的范围。 第三十四条 多数仲裁员继续仲裁程序 最后一次开庭终结后,如果三人仲裁庭中的一名仲裁员因死亡或被除名等情形而不能参加合议及/或作出裁决,另外两名仲裁员可以请求仲裁委员会主任按照第三十三条的规定更换该仲裁员;在征求双方当事人意见并经仲裁委员会主任同意后,该两名仲裁员也可以继续进行仲裁程序,作出决定或裁决。仲裁委员会仲裁院应将上述情况通知双方当事人。 第三节 审 理 第三十五条 审理方式 (一)除非当事人另有约定,仲裁庭可以按照其认为适当的方式审理案件。在任何情形下,仲裁庭均应公平和公正地行事,给予双方当事人陈述与辩论的合理机会。 (二)仲裁庭应开庭审理案件,但双方当事人约定并经仲裁庭同意或仲裁庭认为不必开庭审理并征得双方当事人同意的,可以只依据书面文件进行审理。 (三)除非当事人另有约定,仲裁庭可以根据案件的具体情况采用询问式或辩论式的庭审方式审理案件。 (四)仲裁庭可以在其认为适当的地点以其认为适当的方式进行合议。 (五)除非当事人另有约定,仲裁庭认为必要时可以就所审理的案件发布程序令、发出问题单、制作审理范围书、举行庭前会议等。经仲裁庭其他成员授权,首席仲裁员可以单独就仲裁案件的程序安排作出决定。 第三十六条 开庭地 (一)当事人约定了开庭地点的, 仲裁案件的开庭审理应当在约定的地点进行,但出现本规则第八十二条第(三)款规定的情形的除外。 (二)除非当事人另有约定, 由仲裁委员会仲裁院或其分会/仲裁中心仲裁院管理的案件应分别在北京或分会/仲裁中心所在地开庭审理;如仲裁庭认为必要,经仲裁委员会仲裁院院长同意,也可以在其他地点开庭审理。 第三十七条 开庭通知 (一)开庭审理的案件,仲裁庭确定第一次开庭日期后,应不晚于开庭前20天将开庭日期通知双方当事人。当事人有正当理由的,可以请求延期开庭,但应于收到开庭通知后5天内提出书面延期申请;是否延期,由仲裁庭决定。 (二)当事人有正当理由未能按上述第(一)款规定提出延期开庭申请的,是否接受其延期申请,由仲裁庭决定。 (三)再次开庭审理的日期及延期后开庭审理日期的通知及其延期申请,不受上述第(一)款期限的限制。 第三十八条 保密 (一)仲裁庭审理案件不公开进行。双方当事人要求公开审理的,由仲裁庭决定是否公开审理。 (二)不公开审理的案件,双方当事人及其仲裁代理人、仲裁员、证人、翻译、仲裁庭咨询的专家和指定的鉴定人,以及其他有关人员,均不得对外界透露案件实体和程序的有关情况。 第三十九条 当事人缺席 (一)申请人无正当理由开庭时不到庭的,或在开庭审理时未经仲裁庭许可中途退庭的,可以视为撤回仲裁申请;被申请人提出反请求的,不影响仲裁庭就反请求进行审理,并作出裁决。 韦氏英语 (二)被申请人无正当理由开庭时不到庭的,或在开庭审理时未经仲裁庭许可中途退庭的,仲裁庭可以进行缺席审理并作出裁决;被申请人提出反请求的,可以视为撤回反请求。 第四十条 庭审笔录 (一)开庭审理时,仲裁庭可以制作庭审笔录及/或影音记录。仲裁庭认为必要时,可以制作庭审要点,并要求当事人及/或其代理人、证人及/或其他有关人员在庭审笔录或庭审要点上签字或盖章。 (二)庭审笔录、庭审要点和影音记录供仲裁庭查用。 (三) 应一方当事人申请,仲裁委员会仲裁院视案件具体情况可以决定聘请速录人员速录庭审笔录,当事人应当预交由此产生的费用。 第四十一条 举证 (一)当事人应对其申请、答辩和反请求所依据的事实提供证据加以证明,对其主张、辩论及抗辩要点提供依据。 (二)仲裁庭可以规定当事人提交证据的期限。当事人应在规定的期限内提交证据。逾期提交的,仲裁庭可以不予接受。当事人在举证期限内提交证据材料确有困难的,可以在期限届满前申请延长举证期限。是否延长,由仲裁庭决定。 (三)当事人未能在规定的期限内提交证据,或虽提交证据但不足以证明其主张的,负有举证责任的当事人承担因此产生的后果。 第四十二条 质证 (一)开庭审理的案件,证据应在开庭时出示,当事人可以质证。 (二)对于书面审理的案件的证据材料,或对于开庭后提交的证据材料且当事人同意书面质证的,可以进行书面质证。书面质证时,当事人应在仲裁庭规定的期限内提交书面质证意见。mba英语考试 第四十三条 仲裁庭调查取证 (一)仲裁庭认为必要时, 可以调查事实,收集证据。 (二)仲裁庭调查事实、收集证据时,可以通知当事人到场。经通知,一方或双方当事人不到场的,不影响仲裁庭调查事实和收集证据。 (三)仲裁庭调查收集的证据,应转交当事人,给予当事人提出意见的机会。 第四十四条 专家报告及鉴定报告 (一)仲裁庭可以就案件中的专门问题向专家咨询或指定鉴定人进行鉴定。专家和鉴定人可以是中国或外国的机构或自然人。 (二)仲裁庭有权要求当事人、当事人也有义务向专家或鉴定人提供或出示任何有关资料、文件或财产、实物,以供专家或鉴定人审阅、检验或鉴定。 (三)专家报告和鉴定报告的副本应转交当事人,给予当事人提出意见的机会。一方当事人要求专家或鉴定人参加开庭的,经仲裁庭同意,专家或鉴定人应参加开庭, 并在仲裁庭认为必要时就所作出的报告进行解释。 第四十五条 程序中止 (一)双方当事人共同或分别请求中止仲裁程序,或出现其他需要中止仲裁程序的情形的,仲裁程序可以中止。 (二)中止程序的原因消失或中止程序期满后,仲裁程序恢复进行。 (三)仲裁程序的中止及恢复,由仲裁庭决定;仲裁庭尚未组成的,由仲裁委员会仲裁院院长决定。 第四十六条 撤回申请和撤销案件 (一)当事人可以撤回全部仲裁请求或全部仲裁反请求。申请人撤回全部仲裁请求的,不影响仲裁庭就被申请人的仲裁反请求进行审理和裁决。被申请人撤回全部仲裁反请求的,不影响仲裁庭就申请人的仲裁请求进行审理和裁决。 (二)因当事人自身原因致使仲裁程序不能进行的,可以视为其撤回仲裁请求。 (三)仲裁请求和反请求全部撤回的,案件可以撤销。在仲裁庭组成前撤销案件的,由仲裁委员会仲裁院院长作出撤案决定;仲裁庭组成后撤销案件的,由仲裁庭作出撤案决定。 (四)上述第(三)款及本规则第六条第(七)款所述撤案决定应加盖“中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会”印章。 第四十七条 仲裁与调解相结合 (一)双方当事人有调解愿望的,或一方当事人有调解愿望并经仲裁庭征得另一方当事人同意的,仲裁庭可以在仲裁程序中对案件进行调解。双方当事人也可以自行和解。 (二)仲裁庭在征得双方当事人同意后可以按照其认为适当的方式进行调解。 (三)调解过程中,任何一方当事人提出终止调解或仲裁庭认为已无调解成功的可能时,仲裁庭应终止调解。 (四)双方当事人经仲裁庭调解达成和解或自行和解的,应签订和解协议。 (五)当事人经调解达成或自行达成和解协议的,可以撤回仲裁请求或反请求,也可以请求仲裁庭根据当事人和解协议的内容作出裁决书或制作调解书。 (六)当事人请求制作调解书的,调解书应当写明仲裁请求和当事人书面和解协议的内容,由仲裁员署名,并加盖“中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会”印章,送达双方当事人。 (七)调解不成功的,仲裁庭应当继续进行仲裁程序并作出裁决。 (八)当事人有调解愿望但不愿在仲裁庭主持下进行调解的,经双方当事人同意,仲裁委员会可以协助当事人以适当的方式和程序进行调解。 (九)如果调解不成功,任何一方当事人均不得在其后的仲裁程序、司法程序和其他任何程序中援引对方当事人或仲裁庭在调解过程中曾发表的意见、提出的观点、作出的陈述、表示认同或否定的建议或主张作为其请求、答辩或反请求的依据。 (十)当事人在仲裁程序开始之前自行达成或经调解达成和解协议的,可以依据由仲裁委员会仲裁的仲裁协议及其和解协议,请求仲裁委员会组成仲裁庭,按照和解协议的内容作出仲裁裁决。除非当事人另有约定,仲裁委员会主任指定一名独任仲裁员成立仲裁庭,由仲裁庭按照其认为适当的程序进行审理并作出裁决。具体程序和期限,不受本规则其他条款关于程序和期限的限制。 第三章 裁 决 第四十八条 作出裁决的期限 (一)仲裁庭应在组庭后6个月内作出裁决书。 (二)经仲裁庭请求,仲裁委员会仲裁院院长认为确有正当理由和必要的,可以延长该期限。 (三)程序中止的期间不计入上述第(一)款规定的裁决期限。 第四十九条 裁决的作出 (一)仲裁庭应当根据事实和合同约定,依照法律规定,参考国际惯例,公平合理、独立公正地作出裁决。 (二)当事人对于案件实体适用法有约定的,从其约定。当事人没有约定或其约定与法律强制性规定相抵触的,由仲裁庭决定案件实体的法律适用。 (三)仲裁庭在裁决书中应写明仲裁请求、争议事实、裁决理由、裁决结果、仲裁费用的承担、裁决的日期和地点。当事人协议不写明争议事实和裁决理由的,以及按照双方当事人和解协议的内容作出裁决书的,可以不写明争议事实和裁决理由。仲裁庭有权在裁决书中确定当事人履行裁决的具体期限及逾期履行所应承担的责任。 (四)裁决书应加盖“中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会”印章。 (五)由三名仲裁员组成的仲裁庭审理的案件,裁决依全体仲裁员或多数仲裁员的意见作出。少数仲裁员的书面意见应附卷,并可以附在裁决书后,该书面意见不构成裁决书的组成部分。 (六) 仲裁庭不能形成多数意见的,裁决依首席仲裁员的意见作出。其他仲裁员的书面意见应附卷,并可以附在裁决书后,该书面意见不构成裁决书的组成部分。 (七)除非裁决依首席仲裁员意见或独任仲裁员意见作出并由其署名,裁决书应由多数仲裁员署名。持有不同意见的仲裁员可以在裁决书上署名,也可以不署名。 (八)作出裁决书的日期,即为裁决发生法律效力的日期。 (九)裁决是终局的,对双方当事人均有约束力。任何一方当事人均不得向法院起诉,也不得向其他任何机构提出变更仲裁裁决的请求。 第五十条 部分裁决 (一)仲裁庭认为必要或当事人提出请求并经仲裁庭同意的,仲裁庭可以在作出最终裁决之前,就当事人的某些请求事项先行作出部分裁决。部分裁决是终局的,对双方当事人均有约束力。 (二)一方当事人不履行部分裁决,不影响仲裁程序的继续进行,也不影响仲裁庭作出最终裁决。 第五十一条 裁决书草案的核阅 仲裁庭应在签署裁决书之前将裁决书草案提交仲裁委员会核阅。在不影响仲裁庭独立裁决的情况下,仲裁委员会可以就裁决书的有关问题提请仲裁庭注意。 第五十二条 费用承担 (一)仲裁庭有权在裁决书中裁定当事人最终应向仲裁委员会支付的仲裁费和其他费用。 (二)仲裁庭有权根据案件的具体情况在裁决书中裁定败诉方应补偿胜诉方因办理案件而支出的合理费用。仲裁庭裁定败诉方补偿胜诉方因办理案件而支出的费用是否合理时,应具体考虑案件的裁决结果、复杂程度、胜诉方当事人及/或代理人的实际工作量以及案件的争议金额等因素。 第五十三条 裁决书的更正 (一)仲裁庭可以在发出裁决书后的合理时间内自行以书面形式对裁决书中的书写、打印、计算上的错误或其他类似性质的错误作出更正。 (二)任何一方当事人均可以在收到裁决书后30天内就裁决书中的书写、打印、计算上的错误或其他类似性质的错误,书面申请仲裁庭作出更正;如确有错误,仲裁庭应在收到书面申请后30天内作出书面更正。 (三)上述书面更正构成裁决书的组成部分,应适用本规则第四十九条第(四)至(九)款的规定。 第五十四条 补充裁决 (一)如果裁决书中有遗漏事项,仲裁庭可以在发出裁决书后的合理时间内自行作出补充裁决。 (二)任何一方当事人可以在收到裁决书后30天内以书面形式请求仲裁庭就裁决书中遗漏的事项作出补充裁决;如确有漏裁事项,仲裁庭应在收到上述书面申请后30天内作出补充裁决。 (三)该补充裁决构成裁决书的一部分,应适用本规则第四十九条第(四)至(九)款的规定。 第五十五条 裁决的履行 (一)当事人应依照裁决书写明的期限履行仲裁裁决;裁决书未写明履行期限的,应立即履行。 (二)一方当事人不履行裁决的,另一方当事人可以依法向有管辖权的法院申请执行。 第四章 简易程序 第五十六条 简易程序的适用 (一)除非当事人另有约定,凡争议金额不超过人民币500万元,或争议金额超过人民币500万元但经一方当事人书面申请并征得另一方当事人书面同意的,或双方当事人约定适用简易程序的,适用简易程序。 (二)没有争议金额或争议金额不明确的,由仲裁委员会根据案件的复杂程度、涉及利益的大小以及其他有关因素综合考虑决定是否适用简易程序。 第五十七条 仲裁通知 申请人提出仲裁申请,经审查可以受理并适用简易程序的,仲裁委员会仲裁院应向双方当事人发出仲裁通知。 第五十八条 仲裁庭的组成 除非当事人另有约定,适用简易程序的案件,依照本规则第二十八条的规定成立独任仲裁庭审理案件。 第五十九条 答辩和反请求 (一)被申请人应在收到仲裁通知后20天内提交答辩书及证据材料以及其他证明文件;如有反请求,也应在此期限内提交反请求书及证据材料以及其他证明文件。 (二)申请人应在收到反请求书及其附件后20天内针对被申请人的反请求提交答辩。 (三)当事人确有正当理由请求延长上述期限的,由仲裁庭决定是否延长;仲裁庭尚未组成的,由仲裁委员会仲裁院作出决定。 第六十条 审理方式 仲裁庭可以按照其认为适当的方式审理案件,可以在征求当事人意见后决定只依据当事人提交的书面材料和证据进行书面审理,也可以决定开庭审理。 第六十一条 开庭通知 (一)对于开庭审理的案件,仲裁庭确定第一次开庭日期后,应不晚于开庭前15天将开庭日期通知双方当事人。当事人有正当理由的,可以请求延期开庭,但应于收到开庭通知后3天内提出书面延期申请;是否延期,由仲裁庭决定。 (二)当事人有正当理由未能按上述第(一)款规定提出延期开庭申请的,是否接受其延期申请,由仲裁庭决定。 (三)再次开庭审理的日期及延期后开庭审理日期的通知及其延期申请,不受上述第(一)款期限的限制。 第六十二条 作出裁决的期限 (一)仲裁庭应在组庭后3个月内作出裁决书。 (二)经仲裁庭请求,仲裁委员会仲裁院院长认为确有正当理由和必要的,可以延长该期限。 (三)程序中止的期间不计入上述第(一)款规定的裁决期限。 第六十三条 程序变更 仲裁请求的变更或反请求的提出,不影响简易程序的继续进行。经变更的仲裁请求或反请求所涉争议金额分别超过人民币500万元的案件,除非当事人约定或仲裁庭认为有必要变更为普通程序,继续适用简易程序。 第六十四条 本规则其他条款的适用 本章未规定的事项,适用本规则其他各章的有关规定。 第五章 国内仲裁的特别规定 第六十五条 本章的适用 (一)国内仲裁案件,适用本章规定。 (二)符合本规则第五十六条规定的国内仲裁案件,适用第四章简易程序的规定。 第六十六条 案件的受理 (一)收到仲裁申请书后,仲裁委员会仲裁院认为仲裁申请符合本规则第十二条规定的受理条件的,应当在5天内通知当事人;认为不符合受理条件的,应书面通知当事人不予受理,并说明理由。 (二)收到仲裁申请书后,仲裁委员会仲裁院经审查认为申请仲裁的手续不符合本规则第十二条规定的,可以要求当事人在规定的期限内予以完备。 第六十七条 仲裁庭的组成 仲裁庭应按照本规则第二十五条、第二十六条、第二十七条、第二十八条、第二十九条和第三十条的规定组成。 第六十八条 答辩和反请求 npc是什么意思 (一)被申请人应在收到仲裁通知后20天内提交答辩书及所依据的证据材料以及其他证明文件;如有反请求,也应在此期限内提交反请求书及所依据的证据材料以及其他证明文件。 (二)申请人应在收到反请求书及其附件后20天内针对被申请人的反请求提交答辩。 (三)当事人确有正当理由请求延长上述期限的,由仲裁庭决定是否延长;仲裁庭尚未组成的,由仲裁委员会仲裁院作出决定。 第六十九条 开庭通知 (一)对于开庭审理的案件,仲裁庭确定第一次开庭日期后,应不晚于开庭前15天将开庭日期通知双方当事人。当事人有正当理由的,可以请求延期开庭,但应于收到开庭通知后3天内提出书面延期申请;是否延期,由仲裁庭决定。 (二)当事人有正当理由未能按上述第(一)款规定提出延期开庭申请的,是否接受其延期申请,由仲裁庭决定。 (三)再次开庭审理的日期及延期后开庭审理日期的通知及其延期申请,不受上述第(一)款期限的限制。 第七十条 庭审笔录 (一)仲裁庭应将开庭情况记入笔录。当事人和其他仲裁参与人认为对自己陈述的记录有遗漏或有差错的,可以申请补正;仲裁庭不同意其补正的,应将该申请记录在案。 (二)庭审笔录由仲裁员、记录人员、当事人和其他仲裁参与人签名或盖章。 第七十一条 作出裁决的期限 (一)仲裁庭应在组庭后4个月内作出裁决书。 (二)经仲裁庭请求,仲裁委员会仲裁院院长认为确有正当理由和必要的,可以延长该期限。 (三)程序中止的期间不计入上述第(一)款规定的裁决期限。 第七十二条 本规则其他条款的适用 本章未规定的事项,适用本规则其他各章的有关规定。本规则第六章的规定除外。 第六章 香港仲裁的特别规定 第七十三条 本章的适用 (一)仲裁委员会在香港特别行政区设立仲裁委员会香港仲裁中心。本章适用于仲裁委员会香港仲裁中心接受仲裁申请并管理的仲裁案件。 (二)当事人约定将争议提交仲裁委员会香港仲裁中心仲裁或约定将争议提交仲裁委员会在香港仲裁的,由仲裁委员会香港仲裁中心接受仲裁申请并管理案件。 第七十四条 仲裁地及程序适用法 除非当事人另有约定,仲裁委员会香港仲裁中心管理的案件的仲裁地为香港,仲裁程序适用法为香港仲裁法,仲裁裁决为香港裁决。 第七十五条 管辖权决定的作出 当事人对仲裁协议及/或仲裁案件管辖权的异议,应不晚于第一次实体答辩前提出。 仲裁庭有权对仲裁协议的存在、效力以及仲裁案件的管辖权作出决定。 第七十六条 仲裁员的选定或指定 仲裁委员会现行仲裁员名册在仲裁委员会香港仲裁中心管理的案件中推荐使用,当事人可以在仲裁委员会仲裁员名册外选定仲裁员。被选定的仲裁员应经仲裁委员会主任确认。 第七十七条 临时措施和紧急救济 (一)除非当事人另有约定,应一方当事人申请,仲裁庭有权决定采取适当的临时措施。 (二)在仲裁庭组成之前,当事人可以按照《中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会紧急仲裁员程序》(本规则附件三)申请紧急性临时救济。 第七十八条 裁决书的印章 裁决书应加盖“中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会香港仲裁中心”印章。 第七十九条 仲裁收费 依本章接受申请并管理的案件适用《中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会仲裁费用表(三)》(本规则附件二)。 第八十条 本规则其他条款的适用 本章未规定的事项,适用本规则其他各章的有关规定,本规则第五章的规定除外。 第七章 附 则 第八十一条 仲裁语言 (一)当事人对仲裁语言有约定的,从其约定。当事人对仲裁语言没有约定的,以中文为仲裁语言。仲裁委员会也可以视案件的具体情形确定其他语言为仲裁语言。 (二)仲裁庭开庭时,当事人或其代理人、证人需要语言翻译的,可由仲裁委员会仲裁院提供译员,也可由当事人自行提供译员。 (三)当事人提交的各种文书和证明材料,仲裁庭或仲裁委员会仲裁院认为必要时,可以要求当事人提供相应的中文译本或其他语言译本。 第八十二条 仲裁费用及实际费用 (一)仲裁委员会除按照制定的仲裁费用表向当事人收取仲裁费外,还可以向当事人收取其他额外的、合理的实际费用,包括仲裁员办理案件的特殊报酬、差旅费、食宿费、聘请速录员速录费,以及仲裁庭聘请专家、鉴定人和翻译等费用。仲裁员的特殊报酬由仲裁委员会仲裁院在征求相关仲裁员和当事人意见后,参照《中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会仲裁费用表(三)》(本规则附件二)有关仲裁员报酬和费用标准确定。 (二)当事人未在仲裁委员会规定的期限内为其选定的仲裁员预缴特殊报酬、差旅费、食宿费等实际费用的,视为没有选定仲裁员。 (三)当事人约定在仲裁委员会或其分会/仲裁中心所在地之外开庭的,应预缴因此而发生的差旅费、食宿费等实际费用。当事人未在仲裁委员会规定的期限内预缴有关实际费用的,应在仲裁委员会或其分会/仲裁中心所在地开庭。 (四)当事人约定以两种或两种以上语言为仲裁语言的,或根据本规则第五十六条的规定适用简易程序的案件但当事人约定由三人仲裁庭审理的,仲裁委员会可以向当事人收取额外的、合理的费用。 第八十三条 规则的解释 (一)本规则条文标题不用于解释条文含义。 (二)本规则由仲裁委员会负责解释。 第八十四条 规则的施行 本规则自2015年1月1日起施行。本规则施行前仲裁委员会及其分会/仲裁中心管理的案件,仍适用受理案件时适用的仲裁规则; 双方当事人同意的,也可以适用本规则。 |
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