Round-Robin Arbiter Design
Jinming Ge
Engineering & Computing
Wilberforce University
Wilberforce, OH, U.S.A.
Abstract - Round-robin has been ud as a fair (non starvation) scheduling policy in many computer applications. This paper prents a novel hardware design of a round-robin arbiter without any miss – It always grants an available resource to one of legitimate requests, which may be very unevenly generated from various sources. The design is modeled in HDL, logically verified and then synthesized targeting an ASIC technology. The speed and cost of this arbiter, compared with other designs, make it promi well for performance improvement in systems with potential non-uniform requests.
Keywords: Round-robin arbiter, Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC), Synthesis, Logic Verification.
1.0 Introduction
Round-robin has been ud as a fair (non starvation) scheduling policy [1] in many computer applications, either implemented in software as part of an operation system or in hardware, especially for real-time requests for one channel (positive direction along x dimension, x+) in a wormhole router [2]. There are physical channel and each may be requested to accept data (flit) from veral input channels according to the routing algorithm ud. So besides the arbitrator ud to manage the shared physical channel from
three virtual channels, there is one arbiter for each
output virtual channel. All possible requests to a
certain output channel are counted as the maximum
requests, which contribute directly to the complexity小沈阳补办婚礼
algorithm is ud, the output buffer such as an ejector can have as many as thirteen simultaneous requests for a two dimensional router. Under certain network traffic pattern, the requests can be very unevenly generated by the source (input) channels.
Fig. 1 Round-robin arbiters ud in the X+ channel of a wormhole router.
A round-robin arbiter is ud to resolve conflicting requests generated from various sources for a shared resource in a directional and cyclic order. The requests are generally tabulated by a fixed order in a multiple bit register with each bit corresponding to a specific request. An asrted bit meaning a request
is issued from the source (candidate ). At most one request can be granted at any time – this is defined as a turn being given. If the turn is given in a circular manner,
it can be viewed as an exclusive token cycling around. If
the request is in the same position as of the token being
asrted, it is called a turn-hit , otherwi it is a turn-miss .
Fig.2 illustrates both the hit and the miss cas for an arbiter managing six candidates. The token is cycling
around by shifting to the right each cycle. It gives turn to
the cond candidate but that one does not request so the
turn is misd. Although along the shifting direction there
are asrted requesting candidates, the nearest one is the fourth one, it must wait until its turn after two cycles later assuming the request still persist. Apparently there are much more cycles wasted in an arbiter managing more
candidates especially when they generate requests very unevenly. The arbiter generates the acknowledgement or grant signal if both of the following conditions are satisfied: (a) Turn-miss (b) Turn-miss (after waiting) Fig. 2 Turn-hit and turn-miss in a simple round-robin arbiter.- There is really a request, or the request bit is asrted; - The turn is exclusively given to this request, or a turn-hit.
Although the design of the arbiter in this way is quite straight forward and fast, it may potentially degrade system performance in which existing requests for rvice are denied or delayed for a long time and may force the candidate to switch request for other possible resources (maybe already busy) – if not, the system basically denying rvice while the requested resource is available. If the arbiter is designed in such a way that it can skip the non-requesting candidate and find and grant the clost asrted candidate along its arching direction, it can improve overall system performance.
The next ction discuss three designs of the arbiter starting from a brief analysis of the requirement 英语词源字典
for skipping logic in a simple design, then developing a hierarchy to enhance arbitrator performance when skipping is ud. A conclusion and further rearch direction is discusd in ction three.
2.0 Round-Robin Arbiter Design
Three basic steps are involved in the design of an arbiter: modeling, logic verification, and synthesis. The design is first modeled and may be reprented in schematic graphs. The model is then described in Verilog HDL [3] and the logic can then be verified by using simulation tools like SILOS. Finally, the design can be mapped into a specific process synthesized and optimized for area cost and clock frequency [5]. The synthesis tool ud is Synopsys, which optimizes a design constrained either by timing or chip area [6] [7]. The same design can achieve
a higher clock frequency by using more space design strategies of the same logic implementation, timing is ud as the primary target in this rearch.
(a) Schematic (b) Logic Simulation & Verification Fig. 3 A Simple Round-robin arbiter
2.1 A Simple Round-Robin Arbiter
A simple round-robin arbiter can be built with a
shift register and veral AND gates, as shown in Fig. 3. The turn is initialized to give the rightmost request only and then the exclusive turn-tag is cyclically shifted left at each cycle.
锐星健身The arbitration designed by this way is fair, but will be suboptimal in the following situations:
• If there are not many candidates to compete for the resource (one non-uniform distribution of
requests), then the probability that the token hits the request becomes very low. This leads to either turning the turn-misd request for another resource (if does exist) that may have been already very ‘hot’, or delaying its rvice.
• If the arbitrated resource is very non-uniformly ‘hot’, the asrted requests take a few
concutive bits but nothing in other bits. A miss in the concutive blank bit may lead to prolonged rvice for each of the requests.
As shown in Fig.3b for 16-candidate arbitration, the request from the lowest-numbered candidate at t4 cannot get rviced for 9 cycles, even when there are no other pending requests at all, and has to turn away at t12.
2.2 Arbiter with Naïve Skipping Logic
To eliminate the performance loss of turn miss, the arbiter should keep arching one by one in the cyclic direction, from the last turn hit until another hit. The circuit, as shown in Fig. 4, consists of a token register RRT, like a barrel shifter [8], which keeps the token
and the last turn given, and a combinational skipping logic (SL)
circuit. This tries to find the nearest asrted request along a
certain direction in ca there are any asrted bits. If the
nearest request bit is not asrted, it will check the next one
until a nearest bit is asrted. The first asrted request will be
granted rvice, and SL will refresh RRT with the current turn
法语元音When the number of candidates being arbitrated increas,
the skipping logic will not only take more chip area, but also
significantly slow down. The arbiter has two basic operations, matching and loading. The matching is to confirm whether the
pavementtabulated request bit, one by one along pre-defined direction
starting from the last token position, is valid. If the nearest asrted request is found, the RRT is re-loaded with a new token to specify the next turn-given. If the matching operation on each of the n candidates takes T m ns and the re-loading takes T l ns, the arbiter speed is limited by the time T a ,
Fig. 4. A round-robin arbiter with skipping logic. T a = (n-1) T m + T l ,
becau in the worst ca, the arbiter has to skip (n-2) times. RRT & SL RRT & SL
...RRT & SL ......
...01S(1)Fig. 5. An arbiter designed by grouping and hierarchic skipping
2.3 Effective Hierarchic Skipping The cycle time of the naïve skipping approach is of O(n), which may be on the critical path of the overall router design. To speed up the arbiter, the arbitrated candid
ates can be re-tabulated properly in groups and skipped hierarchically, as described in Fig. 5. The hierarchy has a topology similar to a tree. For partitioned into two groups and each has m candidates to be arbitrated. The top level then just needs to handle 2 requests,
and has a 2-bit turn register. Each of the two requests is a reduction of a group, that is, if any of the request bit in the
group is valid, the top level corresponding request is t. The naïve skipping logic works independently at each hierarchic level, and at each smaller group of the same level. After finishing its own operation, one of the lower level groups will get the turn (token) pasd from its parent node and its generated turn is pasd to its child node. The logic works in a manner of a chain, and the leaf node will finally grant the request.
The logic is verified as shown in Fig. 6 for 13 candidates partitioned into three levels. Each level has 1, 2, 4 node(s) respectively from top to low level, and the candidates are grouped as {{{4} {3}} {{3} {3}}}. The register RRu, RRm1, RRm0, RRd3, RRd2, RRd1, RRd0 is ud to log the token position in each node, and all of them are initiated with a token on the lowest position. At t4, only the lowest numbered request is asrted. After the request is granted, the corresponding token registers RRu, RRm0 and RRd0 are refreshed by
shifting the token to the next. All others remain unchanged as the given turns have not been ud and there are no requests under their control. RRd0 at t6 is unchanged becau the tokenized request is not asrted, but it is skipped to the nearest asrted request, 4, and the token is shifted to its next position (cyclically), the first position at next cycle. At t7, the request is granted becau
of the turn hit.
Fig. 6. Logic verification of arbitration of 13 candidates The cycle time of the arbiter (T a_g ) depends on the maximum time of its node operations (T a_gx ) and the maximum time for a token passing along the chain (T p ):
T a_g = T a_gx + T p .
T a_gx is much smaller than T a . Also, T p can be small if the hierarchy depth is properly designed. Therefore T a_g can also be smaller than T a .
2.4 Comparison of Three Designs
Grouping and hierarchy skipping can be faster than naive skipping if constrained by the same cost (chip-area). Table 1 shows the cost and speed of three different designs for arbiters in the router. To be consistent with each other, all the synthesis optimizations are bad on the timing constraint. The partition for the cas with 6, 10, 13 candidates is optimized as {{3} {3}}, {{{3} {2}} {{3} {2}}} and {{{4} {3}} {{3} {3}}} respectively. It can be en that - Skipping logic, although necessary, not only increas the
chip area cost, but will also slow
down the arbiter.
T HE COST AND SPEED OF R OUND -ROBIN ARBITERS Simple Skipping Hierarchy Skipping # Candidates Area (cells) Timing (ns) Area (cells) Timing (ns) Area (cells) Timing
(ns) 2 80 .20 204 .34 3 187 .27 444 .49 6 473 .30 1,908 .72 1,523 .59 10 906 .35 3,875 .88 3,830 .69
13 1,232 .39 7,324 .94 6,524 .76 - Grouping and hierarchy skipping is more cost-effective than naive skipping. Although the
initiative to speed up is not as much as expected in the ca of 13-candidate arbitration, the cost is reduced. To view this in another way, if under the same budget, it can be much faster.
3.0 Conclusion
Skipping unasrted requests may potentially improve system performance, but introducing skipping into hardware design slows down a round-robin arbiter’s clock cycle and increas its chip area cost. A novel design by using hierarchy grouping and skipping is a much better approach as illustrated in this paper in terms of chip cost and speed. As the skipping approach is targeting resource scheduling in systems with non-uniform distribution of request, using this approach for system with uniform request distribution is not recommended due to the cost increa and speed decrea.
s cute 247A general design guideline for hierarchy grouping, in terms of both mathematic relation and circuit model will be a further topic to be investigated. Another topic is to implement a reconfigurable arbiter for both skipping and non–skipping operations bad on either ur’s specification or recent history of request distributions.
[1] Silberschatz, A., “Operating System Concepts”. John Wiley & Sons, 2003.
[2] Ge, J., “Cost-effective Buffered Wormhole Routing”. Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany, Vol. 3358, pp666-676, 2004.
[3] Palnitkar, S., “Verilog HDL: A Guide to Digital Design and Synthesis”. SunSoft Press, Palo Alto,
CA, 1996.
[4] LSI Logic Corporation, “G12 Cell-Bad ASIC Library Relea Notes”, Oct. 1999.
[5] LSI Logic Corporation, “Using LSI Logic and Synopsys Design Tools and Libraries”, Oct. 1998.
[6] Synopsys, Inc., “Design Compiler Reference Manual: Optimization and Timing Analysis”, 1997.
[7] Synopsys, Inc., “Design Compiler Reference Manual: Constraints and Timing”, 1997.
[8] Katz, R.H., “Contemporary Logic Design”. The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Inc.,
Redwood City, CA, 1995.