OWLViz – A visualisation plugin for the Protégé OWL Plugin 1About OWLViz
OWLViz is designed to be ud with the Protege OWL plugin. It enables the class hierarchies in an OWL Ontology to be viewed and incrementally navigated, allowing comparison of the asrted class hierarchy and the inferred class hierarchy. OWLViz integrates with the Protege-OWL plugin, using the same colour scheme so that primitive and defined class can be distinguished, computed changes to the class hierarchy may be clearly en, and inconsistent concepts are highlighted in red. OWLViz has the facility to save both the asrted and inferred views of the class hierarchy to various concrete graphics formats including png, jpeg and svg.德文字母
OWLViz was developed as part of the CO-ODE project (-ode) by Matthew Horridge at the University Of Manchester. It is licend under the Lesr GNU Public Licen. Copyright The University Of Manchester 2004. OWLViz us the layout algorithms provided by the GraphViz software by AT&T, and also us the Batik libraries by the Apache Software Foundation.
2Installing OWLViz
You must have pre-installed:
•The very latest version of Protégé 2.1 (currently in beta stage)
•The latest version of the Protégé-OWL plugin.
•GraphViz version 1.10 or later
(available /sw/tools/graphviz/download.html)
(Although it is not necessary, is recommended that GraphViz is installed in the default location suggested by the GraphViz installer).
To install OWLViz, simply unzip the OWLViz.zip file into the Protégé Plugins folder, which will create folder named ‘uk.ac.man.de.owlviz’ containing the necessary jar files.
If GraphViz is not installed in the default location, then you will need to specify the location of the GraphViz DOT application – instructions for this can be found in ction 4.
3Using OWLViz
美式英语和英式英语的区别3.1The OWLViz Ur Interface
The OWLViz ur interface consists of the following parts:
3.1.1The OWLViz toolbar
The OWLViz toolbar is shown in Figure 1. All the functionality offered by OWLViz may be accesd via this toolbar.
Figure 1 - The OWLViz Toolbar
From left to right, the buttons are as follows:
•Show class
昨梦录翻译htu•Show subclass
•Show superclass
•Hide class
•Hide subclass
•Hide superclass
•Hide class past a specified radius
西诺•Hide all class
•Display only primitive class
•Zoom out
•Zoom in
•Export to graphics format
3.1.2The Asrted Model and Inferred Model Tabs
OWLViz makes is possible to view all or part of the asrted and inferred class hierarchies. The asrted and inferred class hierarchies appear on different tabs (Asrted Model for the asrted class hierarchy and Inferred Model for the inferred hierarchy). Unless the ontology that is being edited has been classified at least once, the class in the inferred hierarchy will be displayed withou
t any edges connecting them – this is becau the edges reprent inferred subsumption relationships, which do not exist until classification has taken place. Each tab contains a scrollable ‘main’ view, in which the class being displayed appear as directed graphs as shown in Figure 2, which shows part of the class hierarchy from a Pizza ontology.
Figure 2 - The Main Class Hierarchy View
3.1.3Class Hierarchy Tree Views
On both the asrted and inferred model tabs there are tree views of the class hierarchy (like the traditional tree view on the Protégé-OWL class tab). The tree views make it possible to lect any class in the current ontology. If the lected class is being displayed in the OWLViz hierarchy views, then the lection is indicated by a lection box that is drawn around the class. Many of the functions such as ‘Show Class’, ‘Show Subclass’ etc. relate to the lected class.
3.1.4Thumbnail Viewssurf
Both the inferred model and asrted model tabs contain thumbnail views, which are uful if the displayed class hierarchies are too big to fit on the screen. The red box on each thumbnail view reflects the portion of the main class hierarchy views being displayed, and can be dragged around to reposition the main views.
3.2The Class View Colouring and Icons
3.2.1Colouring Of Class
As can be en from Figure 2, the colour coding of class is the same as that ud by the Protégé-OWL plugin. Primitive class (class that have no equivalent class – or definitions) are coloure
potd yellow (system class and non-editable class such as owlThing are shown in a paler yellow). Defined class (class that have at least one equivalent class) are coloured in orange. If the option to show hidden and system class has been lected for the Protégé Project, then the graph is also able to show system class and meta class, which are displayed in a green colour as they are in Protégé.
3.2.2Selected Class
The main graph view supports class lection. In Figure 2, the ‘PizzaTopping’ class is lected, which is indicated by the surrounding blue box. Edges between class are coloured light grey, unless they join the lected class with another class, in which ca, super class edges are shown in green, and subclass edges are shown in purple.
3.2.3Disjoint Class
A small ‘disjoint class’ icon is drawn next to a class if it is disjoint with the lected class –for example, in Figure 2, the class Pizza, VegetarianPizza, PizzaBa, ThinAndCrispy and DeepPan are disjoint to the lected class PizzaTopping. Note that ‘inherited disjointedness’is shown, so although ThinAndCrispy and DeepPan are not explicitly stated to be disjoint to PizzaTopping, they ar
e in fact disjoint becau their super class PizzaBa is disjoint the PizzaTopping.
3.2.4Reclassified And Inconsistent Class
After running a classifier, class may have been reclassified or have been found to be inconsistent. If a class has been reclassified, then it’s border and label will be coloured blue as shown in Figure 3, where Margherita (a kind of Pizza with only Mozzarella and Tomato toppings) has been reclassified as a subclass of vegetarian pizza. If a class has been found to be inconsistent, then it’s border and label are coloured red as shown in Figure 3, where ‘ProbeMeatAndVegetable’ has been found to be inconsistent (becau it’s a subclass of Vegetable and Chee Toppings which are disjoint to each other).
Figure 3 - Class Colouring
够了英文3.3Displaying a Class
To display a class, first lect the class to be displayed in the tree view. Next click the Show class button on the OWLViz toolbar. This will pop up a ‘class radius’ dialog box as shown in Figure 4, which is ud to specify a radius that indicates how many levels of superclass and subclass should be shown around the lected class. For example, a class radius of 1 would indicate that the lected class and it’s super class and sub class should be displayed. If the class radius is t to zero, then only the lected class is displayed
Figure 4 Class Radius Dialog
3.4Incrementally Navigating the Class Hierarchy
The class hierarchy may be incrementally navigated by expanding and collapsing super class and sub class of any class. If a lected class does not have all of it’s super class or sub class displayed, then black ‘expansion arrows’ are drawn to indicate this. For example, Figure 5 shows part of the class hierarchy from a pizza ontology. The small black expansion arrow on the ‘PizzaTopping’ node indicates that PizzaTopping has some sub class that are not shown.
Figure 5 Expansion Arrows
The subclass of PizzaTopping may be shown by lecting PizzaTopping by clicking on it, then either pressing the ‘Show subclass’ button on the toolbar, or by right clicking (ctrl + click on the Mac) and then lecting the ‘Show subclass’ item from the menu (shown in Figure 6). Other comm
ands such as ‘Show superclass’, ‘Hide subclass’ etc. may be ud in a similar way. The Show Info command en on the context menu in Figure 4 displays the traditional Class Information dialog box in Protégé.