piss me off测试环境(test):⼀般是克隆⼀份⽣产环境的配置,⼀个程序在测试环境⼯作不正常,那么肯定不能把它发布到⽣产机上。
灰度环境(pre):灰度环境,外部⽤户可以访问,但是服务器配置相对低,其它和⽣产⼀样。 <;很多企业将test环境作为Pre环境 >
三个环境也可以说是系统开发的三个阶段:开发->测试->上线,其中⽣产环境也就是通常说的真实环境。packing list
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⼀开始,你可能觉得你只需要⼀个环境,well, at most two: ⼀个Dev环境(aka ur PC) + one rver. 但是随着项⽬的发展,可能需要更多的环境,那它们是什么,⼜有什么⽤处呢?
1. 环境的定义
Environment – In hosted software (eg web site/application, databa not shrinkwrap software) development, environment refers to a rver tier designated to a specific stage in a relea process.
2. a typical product relea cycle
Development Environment
This is where the software is developed. In some situations this could be the developer’s desktop, in other situations this would be a rver shared by veral developers working together on the same p Testing Environment
After the application was developed to an agreed stage it is relead to the testing environment. This
is where the testers ensures the quality of the application, open bugs and review bug fixes. This env Ur Acceptance Test Environment (UAT)
In a client-vendor projects, the software then moves from internal testing (done by the vendor’s testers) to client testing. This is where the client’s testers verify the quality of the application and s Staging Environment (AKA pre production)parate是什么意思
The staging site is ud to asmble, test and review new versions of a website before it goes into production. The staging pha of the software lifecycle is often tested on hardware that mirrors hardwa Production Environment
This is where the application goes out to the world and become production. Content can be updated from the staging environment in to Production Environment, when available, as well as new
So, how many do I need?
Note that small to medium software projects might not need all environments, on the other hand, from time to time you might want to add additional environments (for example to accommodate parate To make things even more complex, you might not need to have all the environments up
and running on the same time – you might want to buy the Staging Environment hardware only after the first re 3. Conclusion
The main purpo of the environments is to improve the development, testing, and relea process in client-rver applications.
There is no magic number of environments that make everything work OK. hopefully, with this article, you can determine what best suites your project.
It is the job of the architect, project manager, operations manager or change manager (pick one) to determine which environments are needed, to make sure the environments are in place and on time View Code