General Introduction to a Power Plant
turbine building 汽机房
indoor coal storage yard 干燥棚
water intake 取水口
cooling tower 冷却塔
boiler hou 锅炉房
开运输发票waterside pump hou 岸边水泵房
coal yard 煤场
central pump hou 中央水泵房
deaerator room 除氧间
indoor substation 室内变电所
wagon tipper 翻车机
outdoor switching station 室外变电所
coal conveyor control room输煤机控制室
storehou 仓库
hydrogen generation station制氢站
indoor coal yard 室内煤场
fuel oil tank 燃油罐
stacker-reclaimer 堆取料机
rvice building 办公楼
boiler hou layout 锅炉房布置图
gas-fired boiler 燃气锅炉
piping layout 管路布置图
steam turbine 汽轮机
chryslerwiring layout 线路图
gas turbine 燃气轮机
fossil-fired boiler 燃煤锅炉
condensing steam turbine 凝汽式汽轮机
oil-fired boiler 燃油锅炉
back pressure turbine 背压式汽轮机
Impul turbine 冲动式汽轮机
Generator t 发电机组
Reaction turbine 反动式汽轮机
Main transformer 主变压器
age treatment plant 污水处理厂
fire station 消防站
compressor hou 空气压缩机房
administration block 行政大楼
hydrogen generation an storage station制氢站
cooling water pump hou 冷却水泵房
control block 控制大楼
main chimney 主烟囱
ash pit 灰坑
blowdown disposal tank 排污处理罐
clean water pond 清水池
buffer storage tank 缓冲水箱niorhigh
flash tank 扩容器
dimentation tank 沉淀水箱
lubrication oil tank 润滑油箱
feedwater and saturated steam system 给水及饱和蒸汽系统
primary distribution system 一次配电系统
superheated steam system 过热蒸汽系统
power supply system 供电系统
water treatment system 水处理系统
coal handling system 输煤系统
gas-circulation system 烟气循环系统
furnace 炉膛
attemperator 减温器
water wall 水冷壁
economizer 省煤器
burner 燃烧器
air preheater 空气预热器
superheater 过热器
electrostatic precipitator 静电除尘器
reheater 再热器
Boiler and Auxiliaries 锅炉及辅机
mixing header 混合联箱
flame monitor 火焰监视器
distribution header 分配联箱
boiler water level gauge 锅炉水位计
support tube 支撑管
pressure parts 压力部件
connecting tube 连接管
air & gas system 空气及气体系统
nition oil torch 点火油枪
boiler auxiliary equipment 锅炉辅助设备
Auxiliary system & miscellaneous 附属系统及其他
Refractory insulation lagging 耐火及保温覆盖物质
flue gas recirculation 烟气再循环
induced draft fan (IDF) 引风机
forced draft fan (FDF) 送风机
gas-to-gas heat exchanger 气-气热交换器
platforms and stairs 平台和扶梯
mick jaggerrefractory material 耐火材料
thermal insulating material 保温材料
lagging 护板
power control valve 动力控制阀
soot blower 吹灰器
conical cyclone parator 旋风分离器
boiler water circulating pump 炉水循环泵
ash hopper 灰斗
Boiler air and flue gas system 锅炉烟风系统
pulverized coal system 制粉系统
fuel oil system 燃油系统
steam and water system 汽水系统
main steam and reheat steam system 主蒸汽和再热蒸汽系统
boiler feedwater system 锅炉给水系统
boiler drain and vent system 锅炉疏水和放气系统
auxiliary steam system 辅助蒸汽系统
steam air heater drain system 暖风器疏水系统
clod cycle cooling water system 闭式循环水系统
rvice water system in main building 主厂房内厂用水系统
station and instrument compresd air system 厂用和仪用压缩空气系统
coal handling system 输煤系统
ash handling system 除灰系统
fire fighting system 消防系统
chemical feed and sampling system 化学加药和取样系统
boiler blow out 锅炉冲管
auxiliary boiler 厂用锅炉
oil gun 油枪
steam parator 汽水分离器
drum drain valve 汽包疏水阀
heavy oil pump 重油泵
coal feeder 给煤机
coal pulverizer, coal mill 磨煤机
classifier 粗粉分离器
minimumtube burst 爆管
coal jamming 堵煤
pulverized coal deposits 积粉
too low drum water level 汽包水位过低
high pressure in the furnace 炉膛压力高
fire-off in the furnace 炉膛熄火