altazimuth instrument 地平经纬仪;天体经纬仪
altazimuth 地平经纬仪;天体经纬仪
altazimuth 地平经纬仪天体经纬仪
alter cour to port 向左转向
alter cour to …改变航向到…
alter cour 改变航向
alter cour 转向
alter heading 改变航向
alter tack 掉抡
alter tack 掉抢
alter 变更
alter 改变
alteration delivery 变更卸货地交付货物
alteration in the loading plan 变更装货计划
alteration of bearing 改变方位
alteration of cour 改变航向
alteration of destination 变更卸港later什么意思
alteration of mark 航标变动
walks like rihannaconveyedalteration of name 换名
alteration of policy 保险条款改动
alteration of port 改港
alteration of ship's eta 到港时间有改变
alteration of trim 纵倾变值
alteration sheet 更正通知书
alteration surcharge 变更卸港附加费
alteration 变更
alteration 修改改装船舶变换
altered cour 改变了的航向
altered cour 改变了的航向改换航向
altered cour 已变航向
altered cour 已改向
alternate amplifier 交流放大器发证机构
alternate angle 错角
alternate current generator 交流发电机
alternate current rvomotor 交流伺服机构
alternate current trigger 交流触发器
alternate days 每隔日
alternate deposition 交互熔敷法
alternate distributor 交替式分配器
alternate exterior angle 外错角
alternate hold 隔舱装载
alternate lay wire rope 混合捻钢丝绳
alternate lay 交替编绳
alternate material 代用材料
alternate orientation 选用方位
alternate pha inverter 交流三相变流机
alternate route 比较路线
alternate route 迂回路由
alternate side-band 交错边带
alternate stress test 交变应力试验
alternate stress 交替应力
alternate 交变的
alternate 交互
alternating 互光
alternating and flashing 互闪光
alternating and flashing 互闪光
alternating bending test 交变弯曲试验
alternating component 交变分量交流分量
alternating current adapter charger 交流插塞充电器
alternating current ammeter 交流安培表
alternating current arc welding 交流电弧焊
alternating current biasing method 交流偏压法
alternating current biasing methyod 交流电弧焊
alternating current bridge 交流电桥
alternating current characteristic 交流特性
alternating current circuit 交流电路
alternating current commutator machine 交流换向器电机
alternating current commutator motor 交流换向器电动机
alternating current commutator type exciter 交流换向器式励磁机
alternating current compensating network 交流补偿网络
alternating current contactor 交流接触器
alternating current control circuit 交流控制电路
alternating current control magnet 交流控制磁铁
alternating current converter 交流变换器
alternating current electric propulsion apparatus 交流电力推进装置
alternating current electromotive force 交流电动势
alternating current exciter 交流励磁机
alternating current generator 交流发电机
alternating current hum 交流声
alternating current impedance 交流阻抗
alternating current indication 交流指示
alternating current machine 交流电机
alternating current mains 交流馈电线
alternating current motor 交流电动机
alternating current position control 交流位置控制
alternating current power station 交流电站
alternating current power system 交流电力系统
alternating current power 交流功率
alternating current reactor 交流电抗器
alternating current rectifier 交流整流器
alternating current relay 交流继电器
电脑怎么发传真alternating current resistance 交流电阻
alternating current ries motor 交流串励电动机
alternating current shaft generator 主机)轴带交流发电机
双眼皮胶水怎么洗alternating current shunt motor 交流并励电动机
alternating current single pha three wire insulated system 交流单机三线绝缘系统
alternating current single pha two wire insulated system 交流单相双线绝缘系统
alternating current speed control 交流转速控制
alternating current system 交流制
alternating current three pha four wire system with neutral earthed 中性点接地的交流三相四线系统
alternating current three pha three wire insulated system 交流三相三线绝缘系统
alternating current three pha three wire system with earthed hull as neutral wire 利用船体作为中性线回路的交流三相三线系统
alternating current transducer 交流电流变换器