1. Who works only one day in a year but never gets fired? 谁一年只上一天班,但是不会被开除?
2. Who usually tries to make you smile? 谁总是想让你笑口常开?
3. Who makes a million dollars a day? 谁一天就能创造一百万?
4. Who can hold up automobiles with one hand? 谁只用一只手就能挡住汽车?
5. With which hand did the girl stir the soup? 女孩一般会用哪只手搅拌汤汁?
6. In what month do women talk the least? 什么月份女人说话最少?
7. What man can not live inside the hou? 什么人不能住在屋子里?
8. Which is the strongest animal in the world? 世界上最强壮的动物是什么?
9. What has a head but can’t think? 什么东西有头却不会思考?
10.What has feet but can’t walk? 什么东西有脚却不会走路?
11.What letter is a question? 什么字母是一个问题?
12. What can’t be ud unless broken? 什么东西不打破就不能用?
13.What goes up and never comes down? 什么只往上升不往下降?
1. Santa Claus. 圣诞老人。
2. A photographer. 摄影师。
3. The people who works in a mint. 造币厂里的工人。
4. A traffic policeman. 交通警察。
my son is yours 5. Neither. She ud a spoon. 哪只手也不用。她用汤匙。
6. February, becau it’s the shortest month. 二月,因为它是时间最短的月份。
7. Snow-man. 雪人。
8. The snail. It carries its hou on its back. 蜗牛。因为它背着自己的房子。
9. A nail. promoted一颗钉子。
10. A bed. 床。
11. The letter Y. 字母Y (Why)。
12. Eggs. 鸡蛋。
13. Your age. 年龄。
1. A man is 40 years old. His son is 13. How long ago was his age four times his son’s?
2. In which month do people speak least?
3. There are nine people in front of Bruce and six behind him. How many people are there altogether?
4. What do tigers have that no other animals have?
5. Find the missing number.
prius4 3 2 5
9 5 3 11
msds是什么11 7 5 ( )
6. What do you call your father-in-law’s only child’s mothering-law?
7. What is the largest ant in the world?
8. When young, I am sweet in the sun
When mid-aged, I make you gay
When old, I am valued more than ever
What am I?
9. I am always hungry
I must always be fed
The finger I lick
will soon turn red
What am I?
10. What is the smallest room in the world?
11. What are the strongest days of the week?
12. Where does afternoon come before morning in the world?
13. I have cities but no hous, forests but no trees, rivers without water.
What am I?
14. What can go around the earth without rockets?
15. Which is the dangerous ason?
16. How many sides does a hou have?
17. What is yours but is ud more by others than by you?
18. _____: a group of people who meet together regularly for a particular activity, sport, etc.
19. _____: to get pleasure from something
20. _____: having or showing good manners
21. _____: thin, in a way that is attractive
22. _____: have something on one’s body
23. _____: mark (a happy or important day, event. etc) by doing special things
24. _____: clothes of particular period, group or activity
25. _____: put on special clothes or costumes
26. _____: having a fine edge
27. _____: uncommon, unusual
28. _____: something very pleasant, especially something that you give somebody or do for them
29. _____: physical activity that you do to keep healthy
30. _____: having many different colors
31. _____: excellent, impressive
32. _____: give a speech on a particular subject
33. _____: looking attractive and stylish
34. What month do soldiers hate?
35. What kind of dog doesn’t bite or bark?
36. Which can move faster, heat or cold?
37. What has two hands and a face, but no arms and legs. 爱国演讲稿400字
38. We usually e the at night in the sky?
39. It’s green. We can walk on it and cows eat it.
单眼皮如何化妆40. This is a place for a lot of flowers, trees and vegetables.
41. It’s very hot. It gives us light and we can e it in the sky.
42. It’s white, cold and falls from the sky.
43. Which table can be eaten? 来源英文
44. The doctor told his wife to g___ up smoking.
45. Which city is different from the others?
45.London Rome Beijing Tokyo
agaNew York Moscow Brusls Ottowa
46. What goes on four legs at dawn, two at noon, and three at dusk?
47. What starts with T,ends with T and full of T
48. The longest word in the world.
49. What is the cheapest way to e the world东道国?
点读机下载50. What goes up and never goes down?
51. What is dark but made by light?