Their beef is the “996” regime, which refers to a work schedule of 9am to 9pm, six days a week, often without extra pay.
1. beef在这⾥是⼀个熟词偏意的⽤法。如果把它理解为“⽜⾁”,可就要闹笑话了。beef作名词,还有⼀个⽤法,表⽰“抱怨、牢骚”之意。
可以说one’s beef is 例如:
The wife's beef is that the husband is hitting the bottle too much.
注意:hit the bottle不是“打烂瓶⼦”,⽽是“酗酒”的意思,相当于excessive drinking,booze之意。
He hit the bottle whenever things became a bit difficult.
disgruntled Chine software developers; Fed up with the grindingly long work hours impod on them by China’s internet giants; Fewer workers now regard such long hours as something to be proud of.
2. the “996” regime:“996⼯作制”。外刊中对它有多种描述,如:uart
“China’s notorious 996 work culture”,China’s punishing “996” overtime work culture(punishing作形容词,就是变态的,⽆⼈情味的);
“the ‘996’ work schedule”,“Deadly ‘996’ Overtime Culture”,“the 996 approach”,“the ‘996’ business policy”,“the 996 working system”.
如果说企业“实⾏‘996⼯作制’,可以⽤这些动词,do 996,work 996,follow the ‘996’ work schedule,keep a 996 work schedule等等。
“开始实⾏996⼯作制”,就可以说be officially switching to 996/will implement a 996 schedule。今年年初,杭州电商公司有赞(Youzan)在公司年会上宣布将实⾏996⼯作制,引发员⼯吐槽不满。外媒是这么报道的:
Just a few months back, The CEO of Youzan, another large Chine e-commerce company, surprid his employees at their 2019 yearly company party by telling them Youzan is officially switching to 996.
3. 如何解释996呢?除了这个which refers to a work schedule of 9am to 9pm, six days a week, often without extra pay,也可以说which actually means that employees work from 9 to 21 hours, six days a wee或under which work begins at 9 am and finishes at 9 pm, six days a week。
4. extra pay,指“额外报酬,额外薪酬”,但这⾥就是指加班费,我们也可以⽤overtime pay表⽰,在外刊精读与翻译课程《新流⽔线的梦想》那篇⾥⾯有rarely get overtime pay or unemployment insurance很少有加班费或失业保险。
也可以⽤compensation来表⽰,即often without compensation,⽀付给员⼯的报酬,补偿。⽐如“加班⽆加班费”还可以说uncompensated overtime。
Toiling such hours has become an unspoken rule in the frenetic world of Chine tech.
1. “长时间⾟苦⼯作”就可以⽤toil这个词,它读作[tɔɪl],这⾥作动词,指长时间地苦⼲,⾟勤⼯作。后⾯直接加泛泛的时间,即Toiling such hours长时间⼯作。但是如果跟具体的时间,就加for,如work for no more than eight hours 每⽇⼯作时间不超过⼋⼩时。
Makeshift buildings lean precariously over the lanes, and labourers hurry home through the dirt after 12 hours of toil.
“⾟苦⼯作”还有⼀个表达叫toil and moil。例如“⼀年到头苦⼲”就可以说“toil and moil all the year round”。
A. “a grueling work schedule”;Grueling表⽰“使⼈极度疲劳的,使⼈筋疲⼒尽的”。《每⽇邮报》上在报道“996”时说道:he was left exhausted by his grueling work schedule which fueled his depression. 繁重的⼯作使他筋疲⼒尽,更加抑郁。
B. “the grindingly long work hours”;Grindingly指“苦不堪⾔地,苛刻地,虐待地”。举个例⼦,Nursing was ill-paid and grindingly hard-working. 护⼠⼯资低,⽽且每天累得要死。
C. “due to long hours and grueling stress”。
D. “clocked out at 11.16pm on average”:如经济学⼈是这么说的Staff , an e-commerce firm, clocked out at
putoff11.16pm on average电商企业京东的员⼯平均晚上11.16打卡下班。
E. “employees were left exhausted/burned out/worn out”。
2. an unspoken rule ⼀种不成⽂的规定,在外刊⾥⾯还有这些说法has become a new normal among Chine companies;become the norm for employees of internet companies成了⼀种新常态。也可以如100元31篇外刊⾥⾯学到的has become a way of life.詹姆斯 布朗特
3. in the frenetic world of Chine tech:frenetic [frəˈnetɪk]狂热的。World这⾥不是世界的意思,⽽是指⾏业、领域,所以这个翻译为狂热的中国科技⾏业/领域。
In late March anonymous activists created a webpage called 996.icu (the letters standing for “intensive care unit”).三⽉底,有匿名程序员创建了⼀个名为996.icu的⽹页(icu即intensive care unit “重症监护室”)。
By following the ’996’ work schedule, you are risking yourlf getting into the ICU.
the relentless nature of the work culture now ems to be taking a toll on tech workerspowering the ctor.
1. standing for 经常放在缩略字⾯后⾯表⽰代表。这⾥就是icu standing for “intensive care unit”,括号⾥⾯只是补充说明的,所以是standing,⽽不是stand。
2. risking yourlf getting into是risk onelf doing sth的⽤法,表⽰冒着⼲什么的风险。
3. take a toll是固定表达,意思是“造成恶果(不利影响,后果等)”。相当于affect, have a detrimental effect on, be harmful to。经济学⼈在表达“⾼昂物价使⽣活⽔准⼤打折扣”时是这么说的:
But despite 15 years of deflation, Japan's punishingly high prices still take a toll on its residents' standard of living.(punishingly在这句⾥⾯是极其,变态的意思,punishingly high prices就是⾼昂的物价)
Office workers in China organi a rare online labour movement.
1. Office workers在外媒上还有tech workers, techies(这个外刊精读与翻译班⾥⾯也讲过),protesters;
non-compliers(外刊是这么说的told non-compliers with it, more or less, to quit);
The anti-996 campaigners(经济学⼈是这么说的The anti-996 campaigners have a point. )
2. a labour movement也可以说a movement demanding more humane office hours
GitHub上同样讨论⽕热的,与“996”相对的还有⼀个“955.wlb”(standing for “work-life balance”)。所谓955,就是每天9点上班,下午5点下班,每周⼯作5天时间。⽽WLB,就是Work-Life Balance,即
龙岗o培训Article 36 of China’s labour law states that “The State shall practice a working hour system wherein labourers shall work for no more than eight hours a day and no more than 44 hours a week on average.”
1. states规定,也可以说stipulates。
2. 在法律英语中,中⽂⾥的“应”,“应当”之意常⽤英⽂的shall来表⽰,包含权⼒义务和责任的含义。
Article 38:The employing unit shall guarantee that its staff and workers have at least one day off in a week.
3. practice是动词,表⽰“实⾏”之意。还可以表⽰练习,例如Our programme ensures daily opportunities to practice your study language with native speakers. 我们的学习课程保证你们每天有机会和讲母语的⼈⼀起进⾏语⾔练习。
“正常⼯作制”可以说“a typical eight-hour office lifestyle”;“normal’ work hours”;如果并⾮特别强调时间的话,也可以说“more relaxed/healthier working/work hours”。可见,work也可以说working。
新西兰信托服务商Perpetual Trust每周4天⼯作试验结果显⽰,效率提⾼、员⼯精神压⼒减少。对此,The Sun上是这么说的:公使
Four-day working week really is cret to happier, healthier life, experts say.
因此,“正常⼯作制”我们也可以说“healthier working hours”。
The online complaints and discussions also come amid young people's changing attitudes toward life and work, and rising rights protection awareness. With improved living standards, more Chine people have adopted a "work hard, play hard" lifestyle, compared with the older generations' "work to live" mind-t.
1. amid的⽤法公众号之前有⼀篇⽂章单独讲到,这⾥那就不多加赘述,⼤家可以⾃⾏复习“amid”在《经济学⼈》中是怎么使⽤的?这⾥表⽰“在某种情况下/某种局⾯中”,表⽰⼤环境,⼤背景,⼤氛围。
2. attitudes toward,注意“对……的态度”,⽤的介词是toward。
3. adopt,动词,表⽰“采取,采纳,采⽤”。例如采取态度,采纳措施。
经济学⼈上说:The campaign is now trying to get other countries to adopt similar rules.
再⽐如说,We should adopt a healthy lifestyle. 我们要采纳健康的⽣活⽅式。
今天这⾥的adopt,也可以说embrace,即more Chine people have been embracing a "work hard, play hard" lifestyle
4. compared with the older generations' "work to live" mind-t:这⾥是在拿如今年轻⼈对待⼯作与⽣活的态度和⽼⼀辈⼈进⾏⽐较。“work to live”,to表⽰⽬的,所以是“⼯作即⽣活”的意思。
5. "work hard, play hard":英语⾥⾯有个谚语:
“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.”
“只学习不玩耍聪明的孩⼦也变傻 ”。
camera什么意思所以现在的千禧⼀代还是⽐较注重⽣活品质的,"work hard, play hard"“努⼒⼯作,尽情玩乐”。也就是我们⽗母常跟我们说的”学习的时候好好学,玩耍的时候好好玩“,”⼯作的时候好好⼯作,玩的时候好好玩“。
今天就分享这么多,希望我们都可以"work hard, play hard"“努⼒⼯作,尽情玩乐”。