十二怒汉 中英对照台词

更新时间:2023-06-02 12:58:18 阅读: 评论:0

You did a wonderful job. Wonderful. 你做的很好非常好
To continue, you've listened to a long and complex ca, 漫长复杂的审理程序已经结束murder in the first degree. 这是一宗一级谋杀案
Premeditated murder 预谋杀人
is the most rious charge tried in our criminal courts. 在刑事诉讼中是刑责最重的罪名
wallstreetYou've listened to the testimony, 你们都已经听过证词
had the law interpreted as it applies in this ca. 也明了法律条文的规定
It's now your duty to sit down 现在你们必须坐下来
and try and parate the facts from the fancy. 好好地理清这宗案子的真伪
One man is dead. 在本案中已有一人身亡
Another man's life is at stake. 另一个人的生死掌握在你们手上
If there's a reasonable doubt in your minds 如果你们能提出合理的怀疑
as to the guilt of 无法确认被告是否有罪
a reasonable doubt, 基于这个合理的怀疑
then you must bring me a verdict of not guilty. 你们必须做出无罪的判决
If there's no reasonable doubt, 如果你们找不出合理的怀疑
then you must, in 你们必须基于良知
find the accud guilty. 判决被告有罪
However you decide, your verdict must be unanimous. 然而你们的决定必须一致
In the event that you find the accud guilty, 如果你们裁定被告有罪
the bench will not entertain a recommendation for mercy. 本庭将会对他施以严厉的惩罚
The death ntence is mandatory in this ca. 最高的刑罚会是死刑
You are faced with a grave responsibility. 这是一项沉重的责任
Thank you, gentlemen. 谢谢各位
The alternate jurors are excud. 后备陪审员可以离去
The jury will now retire. 陪审团请退下
Wanna piece of gum? 要来块口香糖吗?
- No, thanks. - This thing isn't movin'. 我不要谢谢-这扇窗户卡住了
- I'll give you a hand. - That's it. 快来帮帮我-好了
You know somethin'? I called the Weather Bureau this morning. 你知道吗? 我打电话问过气象局
This is gonna be the hottest day of the year. 今天将是今年中最热的一天
You'd think they'd air-condition this place. 我还以为这里有空调
What is your name, sir? 先生请问尊姓大名?
Oh, hat one. - Thank you very much. 就是那个-谢谢你
OK, gentlemen. Everybody's here. 好了各位大家都到了
Now, if there's anything you want, 如果你们需要别的东西
I'll be right outside the door. Just knock. 我就在外面尽管叫我
I never knew they locked the door. 我不知道他们会锁上门
Sure they lock the door. What'd you think? 他们当然会锁门你以为他们会怎么做?
I don't know. It just never occurred to me. 我不知道我只是从来没想过会有这种事
- What's that for? - I thought we might wanna vote by ballot. 那是什么东西? -我还以为我
Great idea. Maybe we can get him elected nator. 好主意或许我们该选他当参议员
- How'd you like it? - I don't know. It was pretty interesting. 你觉得如何? -我不知道挺有趣的
Yeah? I almost fell asleep. 是吗? 我差点就睡着了
I mean, I've never been on a jury before. 我从来没有当过陪审员
No? I've sat on many juries. 是吗? 我有很多次的经验
Tho lawyers talk and talk, 律师们说的话让我很火大
even when it's an open-and-shut ca like this one. 凶手是谁真的是太明显了
Ever hear so much talk about nothin'? 你听过这么多无聊的话吗?
I guess they're entitled. 那是他们的工作
They're entitled. It's the system, 一点都没错这就是司法系统
if you ask me, I'd slap tho tough kids down 我觉得现在孩子得吃点苦头
before they start any trouble. 才不敢惹麻烦
It saves a lot of time and money. 这能帮我们省下时间跟金钱
Let's get started. - Good idea. 开始裁决吧-好主意
We've probably all got things to do here. 大家动作快一点我们还有很多工作要做
We can start with a five- minute break. 先等一下
One gentleman is in the bathroom. 还有一个人在洗手间里
- we gonna sit in order? - I don't know. I guess so. 我们照常规坐吗? -我不知道应该是吧
Buddy, you're in my at. 你坐到我的位置了
- Oh, excu me. - That's all right. 对不起-没关系
Hey, that's not a bad view, huh? 这里的风景还不错吧
What did you think of the ca? 你对这个案子有什么看法?
I mean, it had a lot of interest for me. 我觉得很有趣
dead spots. You know what I mean. 一点都不无聊你了解我的意思吧
We were lucky to get a murder ca. 能遇上谋杀案算我们运气好
I figured us for an assault or burglary. 我还以为我们会遇上伤害案或窃盗案
Boy, they can be the dullest! 那真的很无聊!
- Hey, is that the Woolworth Building? - That's right. 那是伍尔沃斯大楼吗? -没错
I've lived here all my life. I've never been inside it. 我从小到大都住在纽约却从来没有去过那里
If you had to sort out all that junk, 你们得抽丝剥茧地把案情弄清楚
like that thing with the movies. 就跟电影上演的一样
Yeah. What about that business with the knife? 对关于凶刀又是怎么一回事呢?
Asking grown-up people to believe that kind of jazz. 他们竟要我们这些成年人去相信那种胡言乱语
You expect that. You know what we're dealing with. 我早就知道事情会变成这样
Yeah, I guess so. 你说的对
Well, your horn works. Now try your lights. 你的鼻子通了现在来看看你的眼睛吧
You got a cold? 你感冒了吗?
Hot-weather colds can kill you. 因为太热引起的感冒真是要人命
I can hardly touch my no. 我只要一摸鼻子就会觉得很痛
Sure do. I just got over one. 我真的了解我感冒才刚好
Oh, come on! Mr Foreman, let's go. 快点! 团长先生要开始了
The guy's still in the bathroom. 那家伙还在洗手间里
What's new? I didn't get a chance to e a paper this morning. 有什么消息吗? 我还没有空看报纸
I was only wondering how the market clod. 不知道今天的股市指数是多少
You got a at on the exchange? 你是做股票的?
I'm a broker. 我是股票经纪人
cutupI run a mesnger rvice. 我开了一间传呼公司
The Beck and Call Company. 叫做贝克传呼公司
The name is my wife's idea. 公司名字是我太太取的
Got 377 men workin'. Started with nothin'. 我白手起家现在雇了37个人
OK, men. Let's take our ats. 好了大家快坐下
We can all get out of here pretty quick. 好了我们可以很快离开这里
I have tickets to that ball game tonight. 我已经买好今晚的球赛门票
Yanks and Cleveland. 是洋基队对克利夫兰队的比赛
We've got this kid Modjelewski in there. 本案的被告是摩杰路斯基
He's a real bull, this kid. 这孩子简直无药可救
Real jug-handled. You know? 他应该被关进牢里你知道吗?
You're a real baball fan, aren't ya? 你真的很喜欢看棒球对吧?
Where do we sit here? 我们要坐在哪里?
I thought we'd sit in order, by jury numbers. 我想我们得依照陪审员的编号坐下
One, two, three and so on around the table, 一二三以此类推沿着桌子坐下
if that's OK with you gentlemen. 希望大家别介意
a great big world
- What's the difference? - It's reasonable to sit in order. 那有什么差别呢? -听起来挺合理的
- Let it be. - That's twelve. 就这么办吧-十二号坐这
We go around one, 从你开始一二
What was your impression of the procuting attorney? 你对检察官的印象如何?
I beg pardon? 你说什么?
I thought he was really sharp, 我觉得他很尖锐
the way he handled all tho points one 像连珠炮似地提出问题
in logical quence. 但前后顺序相当有逻辑
I was very impresd. 让我留下了深刻的印象
I he did an expert job. 我觉得他非常专业
A lot of drive, too. You know? Real drive. 也非常有冲劲
OK, fellas. Can we hold it down a minute? Fellas? 大伙们请安静
Say, we'd like to get started. 我们就要开始了
Gentleman at the window. 站在窗户旁边的先生
- We'd like to get started. - Oh, I'm sorry. 我们就要开始了-对不起
The kid kills his father, just like that. 这真的很难懂对吧? 那孩子杀了他的父亲Listen, it happens all the time. 听我说这种事常发生
They let tho kids run wild up there. 养子不教父之过或许那是他活该
Is everyone here? - the old man is inside. 大家都到了吗? -那老头还在洗手间里
- Would you knock on the door for him? - Yeah. 麻烦你去叫他过来好吗? -没问题
Are you a Yankee fan? 你是洋基队的球迷吗?
No, Baltimore. 不我支持巴尔的摩队
Baltimore? 巴尔的摩队?
That's like being hit in the head with a crowbar once a day. 那就像是每天头都会被铁橇敲上一记
Who have they got? 除了他们的外野手还不错之外
Who have they got besides good groundkeepers?他们有什么厉害的?
Say, we'd like to get started. 我们要开始了
Forgive me, gentlemen. I didn't mean to keep you waiting. 对不起我不是故意要你们等我Baltimore! 巴尔的摩队!
OK, if I can have your attention. 好了各位请注意听我说
You fellas can handle this thing any way you want. 你们想要怎么做都可以
u know, I'm not gonna make any rules. 我不打算制定任何规则
We can, well, discuss it first, then vote on it. 我们可以先进行讨论再来表决
That's, that's one way. 那是一种可行的方法
And, well, we can vote on it right now. 当然啰我们也可以立刻进行表决
I think it's customary to take a preliminary vote. 我想依照惯例我们得先进行假投票Yeah, let's vote. Who knows? 我们来投票吧谁知道呢?
Maybe we can all get outta here. 或许我们可以立刻离开这里
OK. Then I think that you know that 好吧大家都知道
we have a first-degree murder 这是一宗一级谋杀案
and if we vote the accud guilty, 如果我们裁决被告有罪
we've got to nd him to the chair. 那等于是送他坐上电椅
- That's mandatory. - I think we know that. 那是必然的结果-我们知道
Yeah, let's e who's where. 好了现在来表决吧
Anyone doesn't wanna vote? 有人反对进行表决吗?
It's fine with me. 我没意见
OK, then, just remember that 记住不论如何
this has to be twelve to nothing, either way. That's the law. 我们都得达成共识那是规定OK, are we ready? 大家都准备好了吗?
All tho voting guilty, plea rai your hands. 认为他有罪的人请举手
One, two, three, four, five, six, 一二三四五六七
eight, nine, ten, eleven. 八九十十一
OK, that's eleven guilty. 十一个人认为他有罪
Tho voting not guilty? 认为他无罪的人请举手
One. Right. 一票好吧
Eleven guilty, one not guilty. 十一票有罪一票无罪
Well, now we know where we are. 至少现在我们有结论了
Boy, oh boy! There's always one. 天啊! 总是会出现唱反调的人
So, what do we do now? 我们现在该怎么办呢?
- I guess We talk. - Boy, Oh, boy. 我猜我们得好好讨论一下-天啊
You really think he's innocent? 你真的觉得他是无辜的?
I don't know. 我不知道
You sat in court with the rest of us. 你跟我们一样坐在法庭里
You heard what we did. The kid's a dangerous killer. 你应该可以看得出来那孩子是个危险的杀手
He's 18 years old. 他才十八岁
Well, that's old enough. 他已经够大了
He stabbed his own father four inches into the chest. 他拿刀子往他父亲的胸口戳去把他给杀了
be动词的用法They proved it a dozen different ways in court. 在法庭上他们不断证明了这一点
Would you like me to list 'em for you? 你要我一一跟你说明吗?
No. 不必了
Then what do you want? 你到底想怎么样?
I just want to talk. 我只是想谈一谈
What's there to talk about? 你想谈什么?
Eleven of us think he's guilty. 十一票有罪
No one had to think about it twice except you. 除了你大家都达成了共识
I want to ask you something. Do you believe his story? 我想问你你真的相信他的说词?
I don't know. Maybe I don't. 我不知道或许我不相信
So how come you voted not guilty? 你为什么会认为他无罪?
There were eleven votes for guilty. 十一个人都认为他有罪
It's not easy to rai 我真的很难举起手
and nd a boy off to die 送这个孩子坐电椅
without talking about it first. 完全不去讨论这件事英语关联词大全
- Well, now, who says it's easy? - No one. 谁说这很容易了? -没人
What? Just becau I voted fast? 你以为我是胡乱举手的吗?
I honestly think the guy is guilty. 我真的觉得那孩子有罪
Couldn't change my mind if you talked for 100 years. 就算谈上一百年也无法改变我的想法I'm not trying to change your mind. 我不想改变你
It's This is somebody's life. 但这个判决攸关一条人命
We can't decide in five minutes. 我们不能以5分钟就决定一个人的命运
Supposing we're wrong? 假设我们错了呢?
Supposing this building fell on my head? 假设这栋房子会倒塌
You can suppo anything. 什么事都是有可能的
That's right. 一点都没错
What's the difference how long it takes? 要花多少时间又有什么差别
Supposin' we take five minutes? 或许我们花五分钟就能解决此事
Let's take an hour. 我们可以花一小时来讨论
The ball game doesn't start till eight o'clock. 球赛八点才会开始
Who's got something to say? 谁有意见?
I'm willing to sit for an hour. 如果只有一小时应该没关系
Great. I heard a good story 太棒了我已经听过所有说法
That's not why we're sitting here. 那不是我们坐在这里的原因
All right, then you tell me. What are we sitting here for? 好吧请你告诉我我们为什么要坐在这里?
I don't know. Maybe no reason. 我不知道或许那是没有原因的

本文发布于:2023-06-02 12:58:18,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:知道   有罪   孩子   大家   被告   觉得   没有   合理
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