April 25th
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本文来自BBC Learning English。如需获得更多内容请访问我们的网站。BBC Learning English. com 英语六分钟节目。
Neil: Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English, the programme where we explore an interesting topic and bring you six bits of uful vocabulary. I'm Neil.
Rob: And I'm Rob. Today we're talking about first impressions – and how they're often wrong.
Neil: So let's start with the term first impression – it's the idea or opinion that you have about someone after meeting them for only a short time.
快乐的英文怎么写>paratedRob: It's very natural to make a quick judgement about someone bad on their appearance or facial expression广州太奇.
Neil: We're going to be hearing about the rearch of Professor Alexander Todorov from Princeton University in the US. First, a question: how long does he say it takes to form an impression about someone's face? Is it a) under one cond b) one cond c) six conds
Rob: I'll go for b) one cond.
Neil: Well, we'll find out if you're right or not later on the programme.
Rob: So – Alexander Todorov has been rearching our impressions. His tests asked people to decide whether they thought faces were dominant, competent, trustworthy or extroverted.
Neil: Let's just look at tho words for a cond. Dominant means being strongest or most important. Competent means being able to do things.
Rob: While if you're trustworthy it means people trust you – you are worth their trust. And being extroverted means you are energetic and enjoy spending time with others.
Neil: So what did he find out? Faces that look happy and feminine – like a woman - were rated as more trustworthy.
Rob: While faces that were more masculine – like a man – were en as more dominant.
Neil: Wider faces with big eyes were en as more extroverted.
Rob: Now the important thing that Todorov says is that the judgements aren't accuratesilas marner. Someone who looks competent isn't necessarily competent!在一起together
Neil: So, what does this mean in practice? Here's Professor Todorov:
Trustworthiness, dominance and attractiveness are the three big things that we form impressions of people. But interestingly we have done some work predicting the electoral success of politicians, and the judgement that is most predictive of who is going to win the election is perceived competence. And this is not random a
t all, becau if you ask voters what is the most important attribute万圣节快乐用英语怎么说 of a politician, competence is the one on the top.
Neil: OK, so this is actually quite significant. People say that the most important attribute – or quality – for a politician is competence – the ability to do things.
Rob: That sounds fair enough. But becau we make judgements bad on appearance – this can actually affect how people vote.
Neil: If voters believe – or perceive someone to be competent – they're more likely to vote for him or her.
Rob: He says this applies especially to people who are less educated about politics – they are more likely to be influenced by appearance.
Neil: He says this applies to around 25% of voters – so the number of people who go with their gut is large enough to influence the outcomes of elections!
Rob: Wow. To go with your gut. That means to make a decision which isn't bad on rational thought – it's bad on instinct, on a feeling, on your gut.