木材防腐傲慢与偏见英文简介: wo d prervation 木材防腐剂: wood prervative 木材防腐处理: wo d prervative treatment 木材保管: wo d protectionin
原木保管: log protection in storage 锯材保管: sawntimber protection in storage 木材防火: wood fire prevention 木材败坏: wood deterioration
生物败坏:biodeterioration 物理和化学损害: physical and chemical
degradation 怠速真菌:fungus 细 菌 :bacterium 昆虫:inct 海生钻孔动物: marine borer
腐朽:decay/rot 变色:stain
蛀孔:bore hole 天然耐久性: natural durability 天然耐腐性: natural decay resistance 含水率:moisture tera官网content
自由水:frgummoe moisture /fre water 结合水:bound 少儿英语培训哪里好moisture/bound water
纤维饱和点: fibre saturationpoint 平衡含水率:equilibriummoisture content
木材吸湿性: hydroscopicity of wood 木材吸水性: water-absorbing capacity of wood 木材透水性: water permeability of wood 细胞壁:cell wall
jade木材硬度: hardness of wood 生材:green wood
气干材: air-dried timber 干裂:asoning check 轮裂:ring shake
年轮:annual ring 晚材:late wood
心材:heart wood
木材密度: density of wood 木材强度: strengthof wo d 湿材:wet timber
裂纹:check 环裂:shake
弧裂:cup shake
生长轮:growth ring 早材:early wood 边 材 :sap wood 熟材:ripe wood
针叶树材: coniferous wood/soft wood 阔叶树材: broadleaves wood/hard wood
健康材: sound wood 腐朽材: decayed wo d/ro ted wood
变色材: stained wood 素材:untreated wood 二、木材败坏
菌 害 考研英语二国家线:attack by fungi and bacteria ndto木材腐朽菌: wood destroying fungi
担子菌纲: basidiomycetes 子囊菌纲sing and dance:ascomycetes 半知菌类: fungi-imperfecti/deuteromyetes 结合菌类: Zygomycetes 多孔菌目: polyprales/polyporaceae 变色菌:stain fungi
霉菌:mould 菌丝:hyphae
菌丝体:中学生行为规范 mycelium 子实体:fruit body
孢子:spore 酶:enzyme
蓝变 blue stain 边材变色: sap stain
边材腐朽: sap rot 心材腐朽: heart rot
干基腐朽: butt rot 白腐:white rot
褐腐:brownrot 干腐:dry rot