1、Alliteration(头韵) It refers to a repeated initial consonant to successive words and it is the most striking feature in its poetic form. In alliterative ver, certain accented words in a line begin with the same consonant sound. It usually have a caesura in the middle and two stress (or accents) in each half. The number of unstresd syllables in the two halves may vary. Yet, the same consonant is repeated at the beginning of the accented syllables, either twice in the first half of the ver line and once in the cond half, or vice versa. Or we can say there are generally 4 accents in a line, three of which show alliteration, and it is the initial sound of the third accented syllable that normally determiners the alliteration. Alliteration makes Anglo-Saxon poetry very musical in sound and acts almost the same part that rhyme plays in later poetry. English poets till today still love to u alliteration
e.g. “True is the tale (caesura) I tell of my travels,/ Sing of my afaring (caesura) sorrows and woes.
2、Blank ver无韵诗,素体诗(不押韵的五音步诗行): also called unrhymed poetry, has been the dominant ver form of English drama and narrative poetry since the mid-sixteenth century. In 1540, from Italy, this ver form was brought into English literature by the poet Henry Howard (Earl of Surrey), who first ud it in his translation of The Aeneid.
狐狸爸爸Unrhymed lines of iambic pentameter. It is a very flexible English ver form which can attain rhetorical grandeur雄伟壮观 while echoing the natural rhythms of speech. It was first ud by Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey, and soon became a popular form for narrative and dramatic poetry.
E.g. Paradi Lost by Milton
3、Comedy of humours: The comedy of humours is a genre of dramatic comedy that focus on a character or range of characters, each of whom exhibits two or more overriding traits or 'humours' that dominates their personality, desires and conduct. the English playwrights Ben Jonson and George Chapman popularized the genre in the closi
ng years of the sixteenth century. In the later half of the venteenth century, it was combined with the comedy of manners in Restoration comedy.In which the prevailing eccentricities and ruling passions of character are expod to ridicule and satire
E.g. Every Man in His Humour
Every Man out of His Humour
idrop4、Dramatic monologue:a kind of poem in which a single fictional or historical character other than the poet speaks to a silent ‘audience’ of one or more persons. Such poems reveal not the poet‘s own thoughts; this distinguishes a dramatic monologue from a lyric,while the implied prence of an auditor distinguishes it from a soliloquy.
E.g. My Last Duchess by Browning
5、Epic (史诗)appeared in the the Anglo-Saxon Period It is a narrative of heroic action, often with a principal hero, usually mythical in its content, grand in its style, offering inspiration and ennoblement within a particular culture or national tradition. A long narrativ
e poem telling about the deeds of great hero and reflecting the values of the society from which it originated. Epic is an extended narrative poem in elevated or dignified language, like Homer’s Iliad & Odysy. It usually celebrates the feats of one or more legendary or traditional heroes. The action is simple, but full of magnificence. Today, some long narrative works, like novels that reveal an age & its people, are also called epic.
隔离霜的用法E.g. Beowulf ( the pagan异教徒cular(非宗教的) poetry)
Iliad 《伊利亚特》Odysy《奥德赛》 Paradi Lost 《失乐园》The Divine Comedy《神曲》
6、Gothic Novelsscrew tales of macabre, fantastic and supernatural happenings, t in haunted castles, graveyards, ruins and wild landscapes and often with a weak or innocent heroine going through some horrible experiences. Derives its name from similarities to Medieval(中古的,中世纪) Gothic architecture.A thriller designed not only toterrify or frighten the audience, but to convey a n of moral failure or spiritual darkness. The Gothic in England begins with The Castle of Otranto in 1760, by Horace
Walpole, which emphasized the supernatural mixed with the grotesque in a medieval tting.
E.g. Anne Radcliffe in Mysteries of Udolpho
Frankenstein(1817) by Mary Shelley
7、vivictionHeroic Couplet(英雄双韵体) Heroic couplet refers to the rhymed couplet in iambic pentameter Heroic couplets are lines of iambic pentameter that rhyme in pairs (aa, bb, cc). The Heroic Couplet: 1) It means a pair of lines of a type once common in English poetry, in other words, it means iambic pentameter rhymed in two lines. 2) The rhyme
is masculine. 3) U of the heroic couplet was first pioneered by Geoffrey Chaucer.
E.g. Cooper's Hillby by John Denham(德纳姆)
8、Iambic pentameter: a ver lines of feet of the iambic rhythm
Iambic(adjective of iambus): a metrical foot consisting of one unstresd syllable followed
by a stresd one. (cf. Trochaic/trochee: a metrical foot consisting of one stresd syllable followed by an unstresd one)
Pentameter: a ver line of 5 feet.
E.g. sonnet 18 by Shakespeare
9、百度翻译在线Ode:a poem intended or adapted to be sung in the ancient time, but a rhymed lyric poem often of an address in the modern times, with dignified and exalted or simple and familiar subjects. a long lyric poem, rious and dignified in subject, tone and style, sometimes with an elaborate stanzaic structure, often written to commemorate or celebrate an event or individual.