Aerospace Structures Access to Space
Advanced Space T ransportation Systems Aerodynamics Air T raffic and Air T ransport Asteroids Comets
Disaster Mitigation
Dynamics and Controls
Engineering and Science in Earth-bad Extreme Regions
Human Exploration and Development of Space International Space Station and Microgravity Rearch In-Situ Resource Utilization and Development Instruments and Sensors Life Support Systems Mars Materials
Mineral Processing on the Moon, Mars, Asteroids Mobility Moon
Near-Earth Objects Planetary Excavation Planetary Mining
Planetary Site Preparation Regolith Mechanics
Regolith Operations, Mobility and Robotics Remote Sensing, GPS, and GIS Space Engineering and Construction Professional and Ethical Issues
Spaceport and Operations Space Business, Commerce, and T ourism Space Environment Space Policy on Orbit Refueling and Servicing Space Power Systems Structures T erramechanics
T errestrial and Space Architecture in Challenging Environments Water Resources and Hydrology Wind Energy
Abstracts must be received from all who wish to prent their work at the Conference. The abstracts should be less than 300 words and may contain figures. Submissions will be reviewed by members of the Steering and T echnical Committees to determine their suitability for the prentation at the conference.
Papers from all authors who abstracts are accepted will be
solicited to be published in the Conference proceedings. The papers must adhere to the publication formats of ASCE. Papers should be a minimum of five (5) pages and a maximum of 10 pages. The p
apers will be reviewed by the editorial team of the T echnical Committee.
Authors will be limited to a total of three papers (3).
Papers are required from all prenters at the Conference. However, in some cas, abstract-only prentations will be considered if approved by the Conference Chair or Symposium Chairs. Abstract-only papers will not be published in the Conference proceedings.The authors contributing a paper to the ASCE Journal of Aerospace Engineering (JAE) Special Issue on In Situ Resource Utilization (ISRU) are granted a prentation spot at the ES2012 conference and prent the topic discusd in their paper. However, they are required to submit an abstract and register for the Conference.Abstract and Paper templates in Word format may be downloaded from the Conference website.F inal P aPer D ePosit F ee
Authors who abstracts are lected must submit a final paper along with a paper deposit fee of $150.00 (USD) by November 15, 2011. Submitting an abstract for the Conference constitutes agreement that, if their paper is accepted, the author will pay the paper deposit fee, register for the Conference at the appropriate fee(s), attend the Conference, and make their prentations in person.
Paper deposit fees are paid at the time of final paper upload. The paper deposit fee will be credited towards the Conference registration for the author submitting the final paper.
Authors uploading more than one paper will pay only one deposit fee. All paper deposit fees are non-refundable and non-transferable, and payment of the paper deposit fee does not guarantee the author a copy of the proceedings. Authors must attend the Conference to receive the proceedings.
If an author is unable to pay a paper deposit fee, he or she must register for the Conference and pay the full registration fee at the time of paper upload. All authors must register for the conference by 12:00 Midnight (EST) on January 10, 2012. Should an individual fail to register by that date, the author’s paper will be removed from the Conference program and proceedings, and the $150 deposit will not be refunded.
Individual abstracts must be uploaded to the Earth & Space 2012 website by August 16, 2011. Final papers must be uploaded to the Earth & Space 2012 website by November 15, 2011. No exceptions will be made.
C onFerenCe P roCeeDings
Papers prented at the Conference will appear in Conference proceedings published by ASCE. Papers will also be available in
ASCE’s Online Library. The proceedings will be available onsite at the Conference.B est P aPer a WarDs
Several best paper awards will be lected by the Conference T echnical Committee and the Aerospace Division’s technical committees.s tuDent C omPetitions
Student Vibration Design Competition:
The competitions are open to any university, college, or high school team, and students from all relevant disciplines are encouraged to participate. T eam sponsorship and advising is also open to industry. For more information, plea contact Gangbing Song, Ph.D., A.M.ASCE, at GSong@Central.UH.Edu.
Student Paper Competition:
Student papers and prentations will be evaluated from each
symposium and the ones with the best combined score will be lected for an award. For more information plea contact Paul van Susante, S.M.ASCE, at
howeverConference Prentation Topics
Aerospace Structures Access to Space Advanced Space T ransportation Systems Aerodynamics Air T raffic and Air T ransport
Asteroids Comets
Disaster Mitigation
Dynamics and Controls
Engineering and Science in Earth-bad Extreme Regions Human Exploration and Development of Space
International Space Station and Microgravity Rearch In-Situ Resource Utilization and Development
Instruments and Sensors Intelligent Sensor and Actuators Life Support Systems Mars
Materials Mineral Processing on the Moon, Mars, Asteroids Mobility Moon Near-Earth Objects Planetary Excavation Planetary Mining Planetary Site Preparation Regolith Mechanics
Regolith Operations, Mobility and Robotics Remote Sensing, GPS, and GIS Smart Structures and Materials Space Engineering and Construction
Professional and Ethical Issues
Spaceport and Operations Space Business, Commerce, and Tourism Space Environment
Space Policy on Orbit Refueling and Servicing Space Power Systems Structures
Terramechanics Terrestrial and Space Architecture in Challenging Environments Water Resources and Hydrology Wind Energy
Symposium 1: 5th NASA/ASCE Workshop on Granular
Materials in Space Exploration
Co-Chair: J uan Agui, Ph.D., M.ASCE,
NASA Glenn Rearch Center
Co-Chair:P hil Metzger, Ph.D., M.ASCE,
Kennedy Space Center
Symposium 2: E xploration and Utilization of
Extraterrestrial Bodies
Co-Chair: K ris Zacny, Ph.D., M.ASCE,
Honeybee Robotics Spacecraft
Mechanisms Corporation
Co-Chair:R obert Mueller, M.ASCE母亲节英文
NASA Kennedy Space Center Symposium 3: M echanics of Advanced Materials and Structures Chair: P izhong Qiao, Ph.D., P.E., F.ASCE,
Washington State University/Hohai
University, China
Symposium 4: H ydraulic and Earth Structures
Chair:P izhong Qiao, Ph.D., P.E., F.ASCE,
Washington State University/Hohai
University, China
Symposium 5: N ew Development and Challenging Issues in 21st
Century Engineering Education in Dynamics,
Controls, and Structures
Co-Chair:G angbing Song, Ph.D., A.M.ASCE,
University of Houston
Co-Chair:X uemin Chen, Ph.D., A.M.ASCE,
T exas Southern University
Symposium 6: B allistic Impact and Crashworthiness Respon of
Aerospace Structures
Co-Chair:W ieslaw Binienda, Ph.D., F. ASCE,
University of Akron
Co-Chair: R obert Goldberg, Ph.D., A.M. ASCE,
NASA Glenn Rearch Center
Symposium 7: I ntelligent Sensors and Actuators
Co-Chair: Ramesh B. Malla, Ph.D., M. ASCE,
University of Connecticutpower star
Co-Chair: Arup Maji, Ph.D., P.E., F.ASCE,
University of New Mexico
Symposium 8: “Vision Theme” in Aerospace Engineering
Chair: Ahmed K. Noor, P.E., F.ASCE,
Old Dominion University
Is your company interested in increasing its exposure to the aerospace
engineering profession? If so, there are numerous opportunities for
organizations to increa their visibility through sponsorships at the
Earth and Space 2012 Conference.
For more information on how you can reach your target audience,
plea contact Sean Scully, ASCE Sales Manager, at 703-295-6154 or
C onferenCe C hair
Kris Zacny, Ph.D., M.ASCE
Honeybee Robotics Spacecraft Mechanisms Corporation, Pasadena, CA
C onferenCe V iCe-C hair
Leslie Gertsch, Ph.D., A.M.ASCE
Missouri University of Science and T echnology, Rolla, MO
S ympoSium C hairS
S tudent V ibration d eSign C ompetition C hair Gangbing Song, Ph.D., A.M.ASCE, U niversity of Houston
S tudent p aper C ompetition
C hair
Paul van Susante, S.M.ASCE, Colorado School of Mines
S ponSorShip C hair
Kris Zacny, Ph.D., M.ASCE, Honeybee Robotics Spacecraft Mechanisms Corporation
Pasadena, California • April 15-18, 2012* * subject to change
EARTH AND SPACE 2012 CONFERENCE Important Conference Dates
Abstracts Due: ................................................AUGUST 16, 2011 Author Acceptance/Rejection Notification ......SEPTEMBER 15, 2011 Final Papers Deadline: ....................................NOVEMBER 15, 2011 Early Bird Registration Deadline: ...................FEBRUARY 9, 2012 Advance Registration Deadline: ......................MARCH 20, 2012
Hotel Rervation Deadline: ...........................MARCH 27, 2012 Conference Locationemotiona什么意思
glazePasadena is home to the world-renowned NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, CalT ech, and the Ro
Bowl and is within easy driving distance to Mojave SpacePort and number of aerospace companies such as SpaceX, Boeing, and Northrop Grumman. Pasadena is
also home to veral noted civil engineering companies. Watch
the Conference website for more details: content.asce/ conferences/earthspace2012/index.html.
Special Attractions
The organizers are currently planning the following tours for Thursday (after the Conference ends) as part of the ES2012:
Monday Evening’s Ice Breaker Reception
• SpaceX
• Mojave Air and Space Port
• NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory content.asce/conferences/earthspace2012/index.html