(1)Jim Doherty ……1) gets by 2)temptation 3)get through 4)picked up 5)improvement 6)aside from 7)suspect 8)supplement 9)profit 10)primarily 11)spraying 12)stacking
(多才多艺英语2)homesteader……高考课程1)while 2)escape 3)begin 4)becau/as 5)quit 6)start 7)on 8)but (also) 9)be 10)clo 11)have 12)cutting 13)cook/prepare 14)cities 15)however 16)family
(3)The 1)Underground Railroad was……2)forged 3)stand up 4)transport 5)compelled 6)convictions 7)liberating 8)mission 9)abolish 10)intent on 11)risk
(4)Despite the name……1)who 2) 3)along 4)in 5)that 6)throught 7)not 8)as 9)referred 10)escape 11)where 12)If 13)in 14)even 15)until 16)in stead 17)as
(5) 1)Statistics show that crime……2)rural 3)era 4)stood for 5)on the latch 6)Vulnerable 7)brriers
8)at bay 9)electromc 10)reflection 11)puzzle 12)civilized
(6) Statistics show that……1)wor/scarier 2)tougher/harder 3)yes/ture 4)barricading 5)from 6)not 7)every 8)However 9)say 10)back/at bay 11)chances 12)There fore 13)when 14)leave 15)Don’t 16)head/brains
(7) OK, I made a mistake……1)deputy 2)complicated 3)on account of 4)caught sight of 5)go over 6)appearance 7)nationality 8)isolated 9)locality 10)organizayion 11)garbage 12)leave 13)alonetemporary
(8) Many extraterrestrial archers…… 1)with 2)buried/drowned/lost 3)at 4)always 5)from 6)sign 7)However 8)later 9)figured/famd 10)aliens 11)conducted 12)None 13)at 14)times 15)but 16)like 17)so
(9汽车美容装饰学校) Alex Haley was 1)at a when……2)Turning over 3)rever 4)got to 5)repay 6)gratitude 7)appreciated 8)asmbled 9)immerd in 10)unloading 11)swift
(10)One of the strongest similarities…… 1)all 2)reason 3)better 4)for 5)year 6)to
gether 7)becau 8)by 9)brings 10)that 11)for 12)the 13)harvest 14)from 15)if 16)reward 17)itlf 18)food
(11)工作执行力I had only known Johnsy……热烈欢迎英文1)victim 2)ture 3)scarcely 4)in a whisper 5)cling to 6)merry 7)sat up 8)nonn 9)fancy 10)fierce 11)sin 12)masterpiece
(12)Five years ago a female……1)As 2) 3)that 4)or 5)jail 6)Her 7)so 8)buy 9)not 10)figured 11)callect 12)when 13)into 14)delive 15)including 16)feel 17)take 18)Bring 19)in 20)simple
(13)It’s been a long day…… 1)off…feet 2)signature 3)commission 4)on the phone 5)laid up 6)surgery 7)reprentative 8)territory 9)disorder 10)linger 11)applying for 12)dignity
(14)Imagine how you would fill……weatherproof1)in 2)on 3)read 4)But 5)for 6)and 7)on 8)worry 9)Now 10)becau 11)then 12)the 13)or 14)have/bother 15)doing 16)in 17)looking 18)Why 19)money 20)really 21)no
(15)”What do you think of 1)cloning ?”……2)am oppod to 3)terrifying 4)offensive 5)normally 6)curiosity 7)in principle 8)potential 9)transplamting 10)immune 11)genius 12)identical
(16)Since Dolly came into existence……1)on 2)producing 3)of 4)that/which 5)both 6)Despite 7)took 8)with 9)human 10)for 11)not 12)but 13)by 14)who 15)opposition/condemnation 16)of 17)what 18)from 19)with 20)when哈尔滨工业大学mba