Excite———excited———excitedly———exciting———excitingly v(使···兴奋)adj(感到兴奋的)adv(感到兴奋地)adj(令人兴奋的)adv(令人兴奋地)
1.surprid//surprising amazed//amazing embarrasd//embarrassing frustrated/frustrating
2.interested/interesting thrilled/thrilling terrified/terrifying plead/pleasing=pleasant
3.satisfied/satisfying frightened/frightening tired/tiring bored/boring四级考试多长时间
5.worried/worrying confud/confusing
2.动词:放主语后做谓语,分为系动词和实义动词——考点:B卷谓语注意时态,非谓语注意to do,ing还是do
7.冠词:a,an,the。——考点:a university/uful book/uniform an hour/
Angry;beautiful;able;attractive;busy; careful;careless;dark;dead;different; difficult;enjoyable;excited/exciting;free;
foolish;happy;harmful;hot;helpful/helpless; hungry;ill;friendly;honest;dishonest; sleepy;hungry;kind;high;long;
名词—形容词copper colour
Color;day;energy;Europe;education; home;friend;fog;hope;humor; knowledge;live;love;luck;meaning; medicine;music;nature;noi;pain; person;peace;science;south;salt;
Achieve;adverti;agree;argue;disagree; attract;compete;expect;explain;discuss; educate;decide;describe;express;
graduate;operate;organize;instruct;invent; invite;pollute;pronounce;solve;permit; appear;perform;end;begin;train; mean;say;Beg(乞讨);behave;
know;fly;mix;press;choo; discover;fail;memorize;ll;rve;
Fill;enjoy;follow;thank;forget; wonder;die;excite;surpri;interest;
U;help;hope;marry;worry;clo; Know;taste;break;speak;
Polite;hopeful;careful;honest;able; advantage;appear;convenient;correct;fair;
like(prep);understand;smoker;pack;perfect; tie;uful;
quite与quiet different与difficult invite与invent except,expert与expect affect与effect desrt与dert latter,later,latest与lately abroad与aboard match与March police与politics store与story though,through与thought tax与taxi weather与whether rai与ri
metal与mental与model与modern a number of与the number of hard与hardly
too much与much too leave与leave for lie—lay—lain与lie—lied—lied
One Two
Good/well many/much
little bad/ill
冠词a an the撒娇英文
介词about after at for from in of on under with
名词afternoon apple April art August aunt bag ball banana baball bat bed birthday black blue book bookca box boy bread breakfast brother brown burger hamburger card carrot chair chicken Chine class classmate classroom clock clothes color(colour)computer cousin cup dad daughter day December desk dictionary dinner dog dollar egg e-mail English erar evening family father favorite February festival
find(found)food Friday friend fruit fun game geography girl grandfather grandma grandmother grandpa grandparent green habit hat head help history hour ice-cream jacket January July June key know lesson library love lunch map March math May middle milk modal mom(mum)Monday month morning mother
music name next notebook November number October orange pair parent party P.E.pear pen pencil
phone photo picture ping-pong plane player price purple question quilt radio red rice ring room ruler salad sale Saturday school schoolbag science September t shoe shorts sister skirt soccer sock sofa son sport star store strawberry student subject Sunday sweater table tape teacher telephone tennis term test thanks thing
Thursday time tomato trip trours T-shirt Tuesday TV uncle vegetable volleyball watch Wednesday week white woman (women)yellow
动词am are ask be buy call come do eat excu finish get go has have help is let like look lost(lo)love meet need play say e ll sound spell take thank think want
助动词do to
情态代词can must如果这都不算爱
代词he her hers his I it me mine much my our she some that their them the they this tho us we what who you your yours
形容词all big black blue boring brown busy Chine cool dear difficult easy English fat favorite fine first free fun good great green happy healthy interesting last late long middle much next nice old pur
ple red relaxing right short small some tidy uful welcome what white yellow
副词always everywhere here how not now OK only really sure then there too very when where why
数词eight eighteen eighth eleven fifteen fifth first five four nine ninth one cond ven six ten third thirteen thirty three twelfth twelve twentieth twenty two zero
连词after and becau but so
语气词bye hello hi no oh OK plea thanks well yeah yes
缩略词 A.M.Mr.Mrs.Ms.P.M.HB CD BBC NBA P kg S M L UFO CCTV地名China 语块think about ask…for…come on thank you for…watch TV
first name ID card last name middle school modal plane pencil box soccer ball tape player telephone number a pair of a t of for sure from…to…in English
Can I help you?excu me Good morning!Good afternoon!Good evening!Happy birthday!Have a good day!Have a good time!Here you are.How about…?How are you?How old…?How much…?See you!What about…?You’re welcome.hunting ason
连词before if or
介词across along around as before behind between by down into like near over past
语气词woof wow
名词actor actress Africa age air American animal answer artist Australia baby badminton bank beach
beef bike boat bowl bridge brush build bus butterfly cabbage cake Canada candle candy car cat center(centre)chess child(children)cinema club country countryside cow crime criminal crossing dance danger dish dragon dream dress drink drum dumpling ear elephant end Europe exerci eye face farm farmer fight fire fish flag flower forest front gift giraffe glass group guide guitar hair half hall hallway height home homework hor hospital host hotel hou idea India ivory jeans job juice kilometer(kilometre)kind kitchen kite koala lake language left leg life lives lion luck man meat message minute money moon mountain mou(mice)mouth movie muum musician mutton neighborhood newspaper night noodle north no office onion order painting pancake panda park pa
y people person pet piano place police pool porridge post potato practice problem quarter race rain restaurant ride right river road robot ropeway rule Russian sheep shop show shower singer size sleep snake snow snowman soup south special state station study subway summer sun sunshine supermarket surpri swim symbol talk taste tea tent Thai tiger tofu tomorrow tonight tooth(teeth) town train tree uniform vacation village villager violin visitor walk water way weather weekend winter work world worry year zoo
动词answer arrive blow bring brush camp clean climb cook cross cut dance describe draw dream dress drink drive enjoy exerci farm feed feel fight fly follow forget grow grew hear heard join jump keep kill learn leave listen live make milk miss move order pay pick practice put rain read relax remember ride run save shop shout show shower sing sit skate sleep snow speak spend start stay stop story street study surpri swim talk taste teach tell turn u visit wake woke walk wash wear wish work worry write
情态代词could will would
代词another any anything each everything half him lot many more other
形容词afraid American another any baby bad beautiful best blonde cheap cloudy cold curly cute dark
delicious different dirty dry each early every excellent exciting expensive far fast free friendly funny handsome hard heavy high hot important interested large lazy little lovely lucky many medium more natural new noisy north other outside past popular quiet rainy real round Russian scared scary shy slow smart snowy sorry south special straight strict sunny tall terrible Thai thin tired true warm windy young
副词again ago also around as away back best differently down early easily either far fast hard high home just later left luckily never o’clock often out outside quickly quite right sometimes soon still today tomorrow tonight up usually yesterday yet
数词eighty fifty forty hundred ninety venty sixty
短语blow out bring good luck to call(sb)back come true cut down cut up do(one’s)homework do the dishes drink tea eat out enjoy reading feed chickens fly a kite follow the rules get a surpri get dresd get lost get popular get up go along go out go to the movies help(sb)with sth listen to make a wish make friends make(one’s)bed make soup milk a cow play chess play the drums play the piano play the violin put up read a newspaper ride a bike ride a hor run away shout at shout to speak English spend time stay up late take a message take a shower take a walk take one’s order take the subway talk to think of turn right/left wake…up up and down
would like a little across from all in all around the world between…and…by bike in front of in the countryside in the end be good at be good with be in(great)danger be interested in(be)made of(be)of medium build(be)of medium height(be)on time be strict(with sb)either…or…
dining hall Dragon Boat Festival fire station high school kung fu living room pay phone police station post office radio station South Africa the UK(the United Kingdom)the United States(of America the US,the USA)every day kind of lots of on(a)vacation on weekends one(large)bowl of quite a lot(of…)