Note : All information contained in this data sheet has been carefully checked and is believed to be accurate as of the date of publication; however, this data sheet cannot be a “controlled document”. Current revisions, if any, to the specifications are maintained at the factory and are available upon your request. We recommend checking the revision level before finalization of your design documentation.
© 2001 Elantec Semiconductor, Inc.
EL2245C, EL2445C
General Description
The EL2245C/EL2445C are dual and quad versions of the popular EL2045C. They are high speed, low power, low cost monolithic oper-ational amplifiers built on Elantec's proprietary complementary bipolar process. The EL2245C/EL2445C are gain-of-2 stable and fea-ture a 275V/µs slew rate and 100MHz bandwidth at gain-of-2 while requiring only 5.2mA of supply current per amplifier.
The power supply operating range of the EL2245C/EL2445C is from ±18V down to as little as ±2V. For single-supply operation, the EL2245C/EL2445C operate from 36V down to as little as 2.5V. The excellent power supply operating range of the EL2245C/EL2445C makes them an obvious choice for applications on a single +5V or +3V supply.
The EL2245C/EL2445C also feature an extremely wide output volt-age swing of ±13.6V with V S = ±15V and R L = 1000Ω. At ±5V,output voltage swing is a wide ±3.8V with R L = 500Ω and ±3.2V with R L = 150Ω. Furthermore, for single-supply operation at +5V, output voltage swing is an excellent 0.3V to 3.8V with R L = 500Ω.
At a gain of +2, the EL2245C/EL2445C have a -3dB bandwidth of 100MHz with a pha margin of 50°. They can drive unlimited load capacitance, and becau of their conventional voltage-feedback topology, the EL2245C/EL2445C allow the u of reactive or non-lin-ear elements in their feedback network. This versatility combined with l o w c o s t a n d 75m A o f o u t p u t -c u r r e n t d r i v e m a k e t h e EL2245C/EL2445C an ideal choice for price-nsitive applications requiring low power and high speed.
Connection Diagrams
EL2245CN/CS Dual
EL2445CN/CS Quad
•100MHz gain-bandwidth at gain-of-2
•Gain-of-2 stable
•Low supply current (per amplifier)= 5.2mA at V S = ±15V •Wide supply range
= ±2V to ±18V dual-supply = 2.5V to 36V single-supply •High slew rate = 275V/µs
•Fast ttling = 80ns to 0.1% for a 10V step
•Low differential gain = 0.02% at A V =+2, R L = 150Ω
•Low differential pha = 0.07° at A V = +2, R L = 150Ω
•Stable with unlimited capacitive load
•Wide output voltage swing =±13.6V with V S = ±15V,R L = 1000Ω
= 3.8V/0.3V with V S = +5V,R L = 500Ω
•Video amplifier
•Single-supply amplifier •Active filters/integrators •High-speed sample-and-hold •High-speed signal processing •ADC/DAC buffer •Pul/RF amplifier •Pin diode receiver •Log amplifier
•Photo multiplier amplifier •
Difference amplifier
Ordering Information
Part No.Temp. Range Package Outline #EL2245CN -40°C to +85°C 8-Pin P-DIP MDP0031EL2245CS -40°C to +85°C 8-Lead SO MDP0027EL2445CN -40°C to +85°C 14-Pin P-DIP MDP0031EL2445CS
-40°C to +85°C
14-Lead SO
EL2245C, EL2445C
Dual/Quad Low-Power 100MHz Gain-of-2 Stable Op Amp
September 26, 2001
EL2245C, EL2445C
Dual/Quad Low-Power 100MHz Gain-of-2 Stable Op Amp
E L 2245C , E L 2445C
Absolute Maximum Ratings (T A
= 25°C)去日本留学好吗
Supply Voltage (V S )
±18V or 36V
Peak Output Current (I OP )Short-Circuit Protected
Output Short-Circuit Duration
A heat-sink is required to keep junction temperature below absolute maximum when an output is shorted.clamped
Input Voltage (V IN)±V S
Differential Input Voltage (dV IN )±10V Power Dissipation (P D )
See Curves Operating Temperature Range (T A )0°C to +75°C
Operating Junction Temperature (T J )150°C
Storage Temperature (T ST )-65°C to +150°C
Important Note:
All parameters having Min/Max specifications are guaranteed. Typ values are for information purpos only. Unless otherwi noted, all tests are at the specified temperature and are puld tests, therefore: T J = T C = T A .
DC Electrical Characteristics
V S = ±15V, R L = 1000Ω, unless otherwi specified Parameter Description
Temp Min Typ Max Unit V OS Input Offt Voltage
V S = ±15V
25°C 0.5 4.0mV T MIN , T MAX
6.0mV TCV OS Average Offt Voltage Drift [1]
All 10.0µV/°C I B
Input Bias V S = ±15V
25°C 2.88.2µA Current
9.2µA V S = ±5V
25°C 2.8µA I OS
Input Offt Current
V S = ±15V 25°C 50300nA T MIN , T MAX
nA V S = ±5V
25°C 50nA TCI OS Average Offt Current Drift
All 0.3
Open-Loop Gain
V S = ±15V,V OUT = ±10V, R L = 1000Ω25°C 15003000V/V T MIN , T MAX
V/V V S = ±5V, V OUT = ±2.5V, R L = 500Ω25°C 2500V/V V S = ±5V, V OUT = ±2.5V, R L = 150Ω
25°C 1750
V/V PSRR Power Supply Rejection Ratio V S = ±5V to ±15V 25°C 6580dB T MIN , T MAX
60dB CMRR Common-Mode V CM = ±12V, V OUT = 0V 25°C 7090dB Rejection Ratio T MIN , T MAX
Common-Mode Input Range V S = ±15V 25°C ±14.0V V S = ±5V 25°C ±4.2V V S = +5V
25°C 4.2/0.1
V V OUT Output Voltage Swing
V S = ±15V, R L = 1000Ω25°C ±13.4±13.6V T MIN , T MAX
±13.1V V S = ±15V, R L = 500Ω25°C ±12.0±13.4V V S = ±5V, R L = 500Ω25°C ±3.4±3.8V V S = ±5V, R L = 150Ω25°C ±3.2V V S = +5V, R L = 500Ω
25°C 3.6/0.4 3.8/0.3V T MIN , T MAX
3.5/0.5V I SC Output Short Circuit Current 25°C 4075mA T MIN , T MAX
Supply Current (Per Amplifier)
V S = ±15V, No Load
25°C 5.2
7mA T MIN 7.6mA T MAX
mA V S = ±5V, No Load 25°C
EL2245C, EL2445C
Dual/Quad Low-Power 100MHz Gain-of-2 Stable Op Amp
EL2245C, EL2445C
R IN Input Resistance Differential 25°C 150k ΩCommon-Mode 25°C 15M ΩC IN Input Capacitance A V = +1@ 10MHz 25°C 1.0pF R OUT Output Resistance A V = +125°C 50
Power-Supply Operating Range
Dual-Supply 25°C ±2.0±18.0V Single-Supply
1.Measured from T MIN to T MAX .
DC Electrical Characteristics (Continued)
V S = ±15V, R L = 1000Ω, unless otherwi specified Parameter Description
Temp Min
Typ Max
Unit Clod-Loop AC Electrical Characteristics
V S = ±15V, A V = +2, R L = 1000Ω unless otherwi specified Parameter Description
Temp Min Typ Max Unit BW
3dB Bandwidth (V OUT = 0.4V PP )
ecotourismV S = ±15V, A V = +225°C 100MHz V S = ±15V, A V = -125°C 75MHz V S = ±15V, A V = +525°C 20MHz V S = ±15V, A V = +1025°C 10MHz V S = ±15V, A V = +2025°C 5MHz V S = ±5V, A V = +2
25°C 75MHz GBWP Gain-Bandwidth Product V S = ±15V 25°C 200MHz V S = ±5V
25°C 150MHz PM Pha Margin R L = 1 k Ω, C L = 10pF 25°C 50°CS Channel Separation f = 5MHz
25°C 85
dB SR Slew Rate [1]
英文建站V S = ±15V, R L = 1000Ω25°C 200275V/µs V S = ±5V, R L = 500Ω25°C 200V/µs FPBW Full-Power Bandwidth [2]V S = ±15V 25°C 3.2
4.4MHz V S = ±5V 25°C 12.7MHz t r , t f Ri Time, Fall Time 0.1V Step 25°C 3.0ns OS Overshoot 0.1V Step
25°C 20%t PD Propagation Delay 25°C 2.5ns t s Settling to +0.1%(A V = +1)V S = ±15V, 10V Step 25°C 80ns V S = ±5V, 5V Step 25°C 60ns dG Differential Gain
NTSC/PAL 25°C 0.02%dP Differential Pha [3]NTSC/PAL 25°C 0.07°eN Input Noi Voltage 10kHz 25°C 15.0nV √Hz iN Input Noi Current 10kHz 25°C 1.50pA √Hz CI STAB
Load Capacitance Stability
A V = +1
1.Slew rate is measured on rising edge.
2.For V S = ±15V, V OUT = 20V PP . For V S = ±5V, V OUT = 5V PP . Full-power bandwidth is ba
d on slew rate measurement using: FPBW = SR/(2π *
3.Video Performance measured at V S = ±15V, A V = +2 with 2 times normal video level across R L = 150Ω. This corresponds to standard video levels
across a back-terminated 75Ω load. For other values of R L , e curves.
EL2245C, EL2445C
Dual/Quad Low-Power 100MHz Gain-of-2 Stable Op Amp
E L 2245C , E L 2445C
Test Circuit
EL2245C, EL2445C
Dual/Quad Low-Power 100MHz Gain-of-2 Stable Op Amp
EL2245C, EL2445C
Typical Performance Curves
Frequency Respon
Inverting Frequency Respon
Frequency Respon for Various Load Resistances
Equivalent Input Noi
Output Voltage Swing vs Frequency
Open-Loop Gain and Pha vs Frequency CMRR, PSRR and Clod-Loop Output Resistance vs Frequency
2nd and 3rd Harmonic Distortion vs Frequency Settling Time vs
Output Voltage Change
Supply Current vs Supply Voltage
Common-Mode Input Range vs Supply Voltage
Output Voltage Range vs Supply Voltage
EL2245C, EL2445C
Dual/Quad Low-Power 100MHz Gain-of-2 Stable Op Amp
E L 2245C , E L 2445C
Gain-Bandwidth Product vs Supply Voltage Open-Loop Gain vs Supply Voltage Slew-Rate vs Supply Voltage
Voltage Swing
vs Load Resistance
Open-Loop Gain vs Load Resistance Bias and Offt Current圣诞英文祝福语
vs Input Common-Mode Voltage Offt Voltage vs Temperature Bias and Output
Current vs Temperature Supply Current vs Temperature
Slew Rate vs Temperature
Open-Loop Gain PSRR and CMRR vs Temperature Gain-Bandwidth Product vs Temperature