1.labor - n. work; workers as a group 劳动力
2.legal - ad. of or in agreement with the law 合法的
3.legislature - n. a government lawmaking group 立法机构
4.liberal - ad. one who usually supports social progress or change 自由主义的
5.loan - n. money borrowed that usually must be returned with interest 6.payments; 借款
7.majority - n. the greater number; more than half 多数
8.manufacture - v. to make goods in large amounts 制造
9.march - v. to walk in a group like soldiers; to walk together in a large group to protest about something 游行
10.market - n. a place or area where goods are sold, bought or traded; an economic system in which the prices of things are decided by how many there are and how much money people are willing to pay for them 市场
11.mass - n. an amount of matter having no special from and usually of a large size 大量事物
12.mate - v. to bring together a male and a female to create another creature 使配对
13.mayor - n. the chief official of a city or town government 市长
14.an action taken 措施 a legislative proposal 议案
15.member - n. one of a group 成员
16.memorial - n. something done or made to honor the memory of a person or event 纪念的
17.message - n. written or spoken news or infromation; a note from one person to another person or group 消息
18.method - n. the way something is done 方法
19.minister - n. a member of a cabinet; a high government official ("prime minister," "foreign minister") 部长
20.mob - n. a large group of wild or angry people 暴徒
21.mourn - v. to express or feel sadness 哀悼
22.negotiate - v. to talk about a problem or situation to find a common solution 商议
23.neutral - ad. not supporting one side or the other in a dispute 中立的
24 nominate - v. to name someone as a candidate for an election; to propo a person for an office or position 北京托福考试取消提名
25 obey - v. to act as one is ordered to act 遵从
26 object - v. to show that one does not like or approve; to protest 反对; 27 operate - v. to do work or a job 执行
28 oppo - v. to be against; to fight againsttyrande 反对
29 opposite - ad. different as possible; completely different from ; exactly the other way
("North is the opposite direction from south.") 相反的
mamba是什么意思30. oppress - v. to make others suffer; to control by the u of unjust and cruel force or power 压迫
31. oust - v. to force to leave; to remove by force 剥夺
32.overthrow - v. to remove from power; to defeat or end by force 推翻
33 parliament - n. a government lawmaking group 议会
34 permanent - ad. never changing; lasting for a very long time or for all time 永久的
35 permit - v. to let; to make possible 允许
37 plot - v. to make cret plans密谋; n. a cret plan to do something wrong or illegal 阴
38 policy - n. an established t of plans or goals ud to develop and make decisions in politics, economics or business 制度
39 politics - n. the activities of government and of tho who are in public office 政治
40 posss - v. to have; to own; to control or be controlled by 拥有
41 postpone - v. to delay action until a later time 拖延
42 prent - v. to offer for consideration bit超市表明 ("We will prent our idea to the committee."); n. a gift 礼物("I gave them a prent for their anniversary."); now ("The prent time is a good time."); ad. to be at a place remember的用法出席的 ("I was prent at school yesterday.")
43 prevent - v. to keep or stop from going or happening 阻止
44 progress - n. movement forward or toward improvement or a goal 发展
45 propo - v. to prent or offer for consideration 建议
46 protest - v. to speak against; to object 抗议
47 common physical similarity, such as skin color 种族
48 rebel - v. to act against a government or power, often with force; to refu to obey 反抗;
49 refrom - v. to make better by changing; to improve; n. a change to a better
condition 改革
50 refugee -难民
51 reject - v. to refu to accept, u or believe 反对
52 relations - n. understandings or ties between nations; members of the same family;
people connected by marriage or family ties 关系
53 relea - v. to free; to permit to go 释放; to permit to be known or made public 发布
54 religion - n. a belief in, or the honoring of, a god or gods 宗教
55 remain - v. to stay in a place after others leave; to stay the same 保留
remains - n. a dead body 遗体
56 resign - v. to leave a position, job or office 辞职
57 resist - v. to oppo 反对; to fight to prevent 反抗
58 resolution - n. an official statement of agreement by a group of people, usually reache
d by voting 决议
59 responsible - ad. having a duty or job to do ("He is responsible for preparing the levels
report."); being the cau of ("They were responsible for the accident.")英语小谜语 有责任的
60 restrain - v. to keep controlled; to limit action by a person or group 抑制
61 restrict - v. to limit; to prevent from increasing or becoming larger 限制
62 revolt - v. to protest violently; to fight for a change, especially of government小鹿的玫瑰花教学设计 反抗
63 riot - v. to act with many others in a violent way in a public place 骚乱the trax; n. a violent action by a large group of people 暴乱
64 rub - v. to move something over the surface of another thing要求的英文 摩擦
65 ruin - v. to damage verely; to destroy 毁坏
66 rule - v. to govern or control; to decide 统治