©Breakthrough Management Group International. All rights rerved. No portion may be copied, rewritten, reproduced, or published
Reference: Price Waterhou Coopers
The Classic Change Curve
dress怎么读L e v e l o f P e r f o r m a n c e
Light at the end of the tunnel
Valley of III. Resistance
•negative questioning or doubting •stubbornness/complaining •
IV. Exploration
energized •creative
•overworked but commitment •
small wins
•enthusiasm •problem solving •teamwork
clear direction/focus
II. Denial
•passiveness •indifference •apathy
•minimize information •minimize involvement
I. Initial Excitement
•excitement •enthusiastic
阻抑* Adapted from Mastering the Change Curve-Dr Jaffe
2010年英语四级真题©Breakthrough Management Group International. All rights rerved. No portion may be copied, rewritten, reproduced, or published
Goal #2: The goal is to maximize
performance in new environment
The Goal for a Change Leader is to move people whohide是什么意思
don’t want to be moved through the Change Curve and to create an environment that understands, drives, and sustains the change
kingjGoal #1: The goal is to minimize the drop in productivity at implementationtake after
L e v e l o f P e r f o r m a n c e
Valley of Despair
The Change Curve
* Adapted from Mastering the Change Curve-Dr Jaffe