Dysfunction 1: Abnce of Trust | |
❑Trust lies at the heart of functioning, cohesive team. Without it, teamwork is all but impossible. ❑Definition: In the context of a team, trust is the confidence among team members that peers' intentions are good and that there is no reason to be protective or careful around the group. In esnce, teammates must get comfortable being vulnerable with one another. ❑Vulnerabilities include weakness, skill deficiencies, interpersonal shortcomings, mistakes, and requests for help. ❑It is not being able to predict a person's behavior bad on past experience. | |
Members of teams with an abnce | Members of |
❑Conceal their weakness and mistakes from one another ❑Hesitate to ask for help or provide constructive feedback ❑Hesitate to offer help outside their own areas of responsibility 新东方老师戚颖❑Jump to conclusions about the intentions and aptitudes of others without attempting to clarify them ❑Fail to recognize and tap into one another's skills and experiences ❑Waste time and energy managing their behaviors for effect ❑Hold grudges ❑Dread meetings and find reasons to avoid spending time together | 知道的英文❑Admit weakness and mistakes ❑Ask for help ❑Accept questions and input about their areas of responsibility ❑Give one another the benefit of the doubt before arriving at a negative conclusion ❑Take risks in offering feedback and assistance ❑Appreciate and tap into one another's skills and experiences ❑Focus time and energy on important issues, not politics ❑Offer and accept apologies without hesitation ❑Look forward to meetings and other opportunities to work as a group |
Suggestions for Overcoming Dysfunction 1 | |
❑Personal Histories Exerci: Low risk; questions about personal histories; encourages greater empathy and understanding; discourages unfair and inaccurate behavioral attributions. ❑Team Effectiveness Exerci: Medium risk; team members identify single most important contribution that each of their peers makes to the team, aw well as one that must be improved upon or eliminated; begin with leader ❑Personality and Behavioral Preference Profiles (MBTI, etc.) ❑360-Degree Feedback | |
Role of the Leader: Demonstrate vulnerability; create environment that does not punish vulnerability; displays of vulnerability must be genuine | Connection to Dysfunction 2: By building trust, a team makes conflict possible becau members know that they will not be punished for saying something that might otherwi be interpreted as destructive or critical. |
Dysfunction 2: Fear of Conflict | |
❑All great relationships require productive conflict in order to grow. ❑The higher you go up in the management change, the more you find people spending inordinate amounts of time and energy trying to avoid conflict that is esntial to great teams. ❑It is important to distinguish productive ideological conflict (concepts and ideas) from destructive fighting and interpersonal politics (personality-focud, mean-spirited attacks). Both types of conflict have the same external qualities: passion, emotion, frustration. ❑When team members do not openly debate and disagree on important ideas, they often turn to back-channel personal attacks. ❑Ironically, people avoid conflict in the name of efficiency. Addressing conflict saves time. Not doing so dooms a team to revisiting unresolved issues over and over. 打电话 英文 | |
Teams that | 稀罕的近义词是什么 Teams that engage |
❑Have boring meetings ❑Create environments where back-channel politics and personal attacks thrive ❑Ignore controversial topics that are critical to team success ❑Fail to tap into all the opinions and perspectives of team members ❑Waste time and energy with posturing and interpersonal risk management | ❑Have lively, interesting meetings ❑Extract and exploit the ideas of all team members ❑Solve real problems quickly ❑Minimize politics ❑Put critical topics on the table for discussion. |
Suggestions for Overcoming Dysfunction 2 | |
❑Mine Conflict: Assign the "miner of conflict" to a team member to extract buried disagreements, and force team members to work through them. ❑Real-Time Permission: Coach each other not to retreat from healthy debate. ❑MBTI and Other Asssments: There are a variety of personality style and behavioral preference tools available to help team members understand one another better. | |
Role of the Leader: Demonstrate restraint to "protect" people during conflict; allow resolution to occur, even if it is messy. Esntial: Role model appropriate conflict behavior. By avoiding conflict when it is necessary and productive, you will encourage this dysfunction to thrive. | Connection to Dysfunction 3: By engaging in productive conflict and tapping into team members' perspectives and opinions, a team can confidently commit and buy in to a decision knowing that they have benefited from everyone's ideas. |
Dysfunction 3: Lack of Commitment | |
❑Commitment is a function of two things: clarity and buy in. ❑The two greatest caus of the lack of commitment are the desire for connsus and the need for certainty. Connsus: Great teams find ways to achieve buy-in even when complete agreement is impossible. They ensure everyone's ideas are genuinely considered, creating a willingness to rally around whatever decision is ultimately made. When that is not possible, the leader makes the call. Certainty: Great teams are able to unite behind decisions and commit to clear cours of action even when there is little assurance about whether the decision is correct: a decision is better than no decision. It is important to note that conflict underlies the willingness to commit without perfect information. ❑One of the greatest conquences for an executive team that does not commit to clear decisions is irresolvable discord deeper in the organization. Employees that report to tho executives will inevitably clash when they try to interpret marching orders that are not clearly aligned with tho colleagues in other departments. | |
A team that fails | A team |
❑Creates ambiguity among the teams about direction and priorities ❑Watches windows of opportunity clo due to excessive analysis and unnecessary delay ❑Breeds lack of confidence and fear of failure ❑dyeRevisits discussions and decisions again and again ❑Encourages cond-guessing among team members | ❑Creates clarity around direction and priorities ❑Aligns entire team around common objectives ❑Develops an ability to learn from mistakes ❑Takes advantage of opportunities before competitors do ❑Moves forward without hesitation ❑Changes direction without hesitation or guilt |
Suggestions for Overcoming Dysfunction 3 | |
❑Cascade Messaging:shady At the end of a meeting, explicitly review the key decisions made during the meeting, and agree on what needs to be communicated to employees or other constituencies about tho decisions. ❑Deadlines: One of the best tools for ensuring commitment is the u of clear deadlines for when decisions will be made, and honoring tho dates with discipline and rigidity. Committing to deadlines for intermediate decisions and milestones is just as important as final deadlines. ❑Contingency and Worst-Ca Scenario Analysis: Clarify the worst-ca scenario for a decision. This helps realize the cost of no decision and incorrect decisions. ❑Low-Risk Exposure Therapy: Have the team demonstrate decisiveness on a relatively low risk situation to build confidence. | |
Role of the Leader: The leader must be comfortable with making a decision that ultimately could be wrong. The leader must push the group to closure and adherence to schedules. Do not place a premium on certainty or connsus. | Connection to Dysfunction 4: In order for team members to call each other on their behaviors and actions, the must have a clear n of what is expected, and accountability can only be done if things are made clear in the first place. |
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