1. The importance of learning about culture
1.Understanding foreign cultures is not only important for companies that operate in more than one global area and market internationally. It is just important for organizations at home that employ workers from more than one culture. 2.Understanding culture is also important for individuals who work in the global workplace. 3.the two important reasons for understanding culture are to learn how others make n of(搞清.的意思) their environment, and to prevent mistakes and miscommunications.
2. 对待差异的态度(Responding to Different Cultures):1.hostility (敌对) to difference 2.Curiosity about difference 3.Denying difference: Assumptions of superiority(优越); Ethnocertrism(民族中心论); Assumptions of perating with difference自考网365
3. Minimize and prevent mistakes across cultures:1.Knowledge about one’s own culture, with this, knowledge about another culture is easier to ivation, the drive to know and to u the knowledge.3.implementing(贯彻) knowledge, and behaving in a way that makes n in the other culture, the one in which you want to do business.
4. culture is the coherent, , shared view of a group of people about life’s concerns, expresd in symbols and activities, that ranks what is important, furnishes(提供) attitudes about what things are appropriate, and dictates behavior.conversational
5.文化三特征:1Coherent:each culture, past or prent, is coherent and complete within itlf—an entire view of the univer2.Learned:culture is not something we born with3.The view of a group of people:is shared by a society.
三功能:1.Ranks what is important: teaches values or priorities.2.Furnishes Attitudes:attitudes are bad on beliefs as well as on values.3 Dictates how to behave:behavior comes directly from attitudes about how significant something is –how it is valued.
6.Onstage and backstage: Onstage culture is the behavior we display,it is easy to change.(interchangeable)Backstage culture is not so visible, it is difficult to change.(the esnce of people’s culture)
7.Transaction culture:a transaction culture exists when interactants respond to cultural cues and modify their own behavior, creating-or co-creating—a new, temporary culture.(调整行为,适应对方or共同产生新行为) mrThe amount of adjusted behavior depends on veral factors:1 their level of knowledge about the other culture2 their willingness to experiment with new behaviors and attitudes 3their previous experience with successful intercultural interactions.
8.Culture shock: Culture shock is the n of dislocation(转位) and the problems-psychological and even physical-that result from the stress of trying to make the hundreds of adjustments necessary for living in a foreign culture.
7.Transaction culture四个阶段:1. Experiencing a new culture is usually euphoria(欣快)2.Downturn as disillusionment(幻灭)and frustration(沮丧)ari3.adjustment4.integration(融合)
Euphoria: everything about the exciting new adventure is wonderful—no longer two weeks.
The cond stage is a downturn as disillusionment and frustration ari. It is a feeling of not being in step with the members of the culture.
Adjustment.---as the sojourner(寄居者) learns more about the backstage culture and how the other culture works, he or she is able to cooperate more effectively with members of the host culture. the fourth stage, integration, occurs when a sojourner becomes fluent enough in the other culture to move easily within it and not be thrown by the different attitudes, beliefs, and values, and the behaviors they generate.
Rever culture shock: a similar adjustment period with its accompanying symptoms usually occurs when a sojourner returns
necessarya9.Self-knowledge and understanding one’s own culture: Having a good understanding of one’s own culture is the best foundation for developing the ability to understand the communication behavior of people from other cultures. To achieve it---Mental reprentation: u mental categories that hold information items grouped together.
10.Mental Reprentation三个心里表征:prejudice(racism,ageism);bias; discrimination
桂冠的意思英文文章格式11. Prejudice generalizations that are bad on limited knowledge, and that express an evaluation-usually negative-are prejudices.
Bias a bias for something is really nothing more than a preference. A bias against something is a negative attitude that ranks it low高中英语单词下载
heart to heartDiscrimination when bias or prejudices are acted on, the actor is showing discrimination. Discrimination is the act of sifting(过滤) out and lecting according to bias toward something or someone, and treating them differently.
12. Are cultures merging into one global culture? (文化定义;onstage, backstage)
13. Approaches to studying cultures:1.focus on a culture as a whole (emic studies一个文化不同层面, etic studies多种文化的共性)2 focus on individual(individuals may have any number of experiences, personal insights, personal goals, interests and expectations that
are part of googletranslationtheir idetities.