Lesson 17 Always young 青春常驻
My aunt Jennifer is an actress.She must be at least thirty-five years old.In spite of this, she often appears on the stage as a young girl.Jennifer will have to take part in a new play soon.This time, she will be a girl of venteen.In the play, she must appear in a bright red dress and long black stockings.Last year in another play, she had to wear short socks and a bright, orange-coloured dress.If anyone ever asks her how old she is, she always answers, 'Darling, it must be terrible to be grown up!' New words and expressions 生词和短语
appear v.登场,扮演stage n.舞台 bright adj.鲜艳的 stocking n.(女用)长筒袜 sock n.短袜 参考译文
1.Always young 青春常驻 1)always [ˈɔ:lweiz] adv.1.at all times;on every occasion总是;每次都是: e.g.她每次都是7:30到。She always arrives at 7:30.她事事都迟到。She‟portugues always late for everything.我们并不总是这么忙!We‟re not always this busy!2.for a long time;since you can remember一直;一贯
e.g.玛丽一直喜爱园艺。Mary has always loved gardening.我们一直是这样干的。This is the way we‟ve always done it.3.for all future time(将)永远
e.g.我将永远爱你。I‟ll always love you.4.If you say a person is always something is always happening, you mean that they do it, or it happens, very often, and that this is annoying(讨厌地)老是;一再 e.g.她老是批评我。She‟s always criticizing me.那个电话总是响个不停。That phone‟s always ringing.她老是将东西搬来搬去。She was a
lways moving things around.IDM: as always as usually happens or is expected和往常一样;和料想的一样: e.g.杰克和往常一样,上学又迟到了。As always, Jack was late for school.2)young [jʌŋ] adj.(younger [ˈjʌŋɡə], youngest [ˈjʌŋɡist])
1.having lived or existed for only a short time;not fully developed幼小的;未成熟的: e.g.幼小的孩子/动物 young children/animals 新成立的国家/公司 a young country/ yet old;not as old as others年轻的;岁数不大的;相对年轻的: e.g.年轻人 young people
上海计算机培训他们结婚很早。They married young.(=at an early age)他母亲去世得早。His mother died young.3.suitable or appropriate [əˈprəupriit] for young people年轻人的;青年的;适合青年人的: e.g.年轻人的时尚/想法 young fashion/ideas
她穿的衣服显得过于年轻了。The clothes she wears are much too young for her.IDM: 1.not be getting any younger(spoken)ud when you are commenting[ˈkɔment] that time is passing and that you, or sb.el, is growing older老了;岁月不饶人
2.young at heart thinking and behaving like a young person even when you are old人老心不老 n.[pl.] 1.(the young)young people considered as a group(统称)年轻人,青年人
2.young animals of a particular type or that belong to a particular mother幼崽;幼兽;幼鸟 youngster [ˈ海上钢琴师经典台词jʌŋstə] n.(informal)a young person or a child年轻人;少年;儿童
e.g.这次活动是为8至14岁的少年儿童安排的。The activity is for youngsters aged 8 to 14.其他的孩子则没有这么幸运。Other youngsters are not so lucky.1935年时我还只是个孩子。I was only a youngster uth [ju:θ] n.(pl.youths [ju:ðz])1.[u] the time of life when a person is young, esp.the time before a child becomes an adult青年时期(尤指成年以前):
e.g.他年轻时很有音乐天赋。He had been a talented musician in his youth.2.[u] the quality or state of being young 青春;朝气;年轻: e.g.这个队如今既经验丰富又充满朝气。
The team is now a good mixture of experience and youth.她在工作中能把朝气和经验结合在一起,这是很难得的。
She brings to the job a rare combination [ˌkɔmbiˈneiʃən] of youth and experience.3.(also the youth)[pl.] young people considered as a group(统称)青年,年轻人 e.g.当代青年 the youth of today 青年失业问题 youth unemployment 她对这个国家的青年一代没什么好影响。
She‟s not a very good influence on the youth of uthful ['ju:θfl] pical(['tipikəl] adj.典型的;有代表性的)of young people年轻人的;青年的;青春的: e.g.青春的激情/活力 youthful enthusiasm/ung or eming younger than you are年轻的;显得年轻的 e.g.她65岁了,但显得非常年轻。She‟s a very youthful uthfully n.[u] youthfulness 2.My aunt Jennifer is an actress.She must be at least thirty-five years old.我的姑姑詹妮弗是位演员,她至少也有35岁了。
1)–ess suffix(in nouns 构成名词)female女„;雌„;母„
actress ['æktris] 女演员
actor 男演员 : 以-or,-er结尾,是男性 其他的例如:
名人轶事waiter 男服务员
waitress ['weɪtrɪs] 女服务员
prince 王子
princess 公主;王妃
goddess ['gɔdɪs] 女神
lion 公狮子prime rate
lioness ['laiənis] ['laiənes]母狮子 host [həust] 主人;东道主
hostess ['həʊstɪs]女主人;女房东
2)least det., pron.(usually the least)smallest in size, amount, degree, etc.最小的;最少的;程度最轻的(little less least;many/much more 他虽然经验最少,却是最出色
He‟s the best teacher, even though he has the least experience.这是我所能帮忙做的最起码的事。It‟s the least I can do to help.(= I feel I should do more)IDM:
1.at the(very)least ud after amounts to show that the amount is the lowest possible(用于数量之后)至少;最少
e.g.这至少需要一年时间。It‟ll take a year, at the very in the least not at all 一点也不;丝毫不:
e.g.说真的,我一点也不累。Really, I‟m not in the least tired.--“我开电视机你介意吗?” “Do you mind if I put the television on?”低碳生活从我做起