L1签证,跨国经理人或者跨国公司调派人员(Intracompany transferee Visas) 签证,顾名思义,谈到跨国经理或者跨国职员,就得有跨国公司,通俗的讲,就是中国有公司,以中国公司的名义在美国成立分公司,子公司、附属公司,以跨国经理,主管或者技术人员的身份到美国去工作,去经营这个分公司,是一种工作签证,允许有移民倾向。
The United States L1 visa is a non-immigrant visa which allows companies operating both in the US and abroad to transfer certain class of employee from its foreign operations to the US operations for up to ven years. The employee must have worked for a subsidiary, parent, affiliate or branch office of your US company outside of the US for at least one year out of the last three years.
新知堂剑桥少儿英语网Companies operating in the US, may apply to the relevant USCIS rvice center for an L1 v
isa to transfer someone to the US from their overas operations. Employees in this category will, initially, be granted an L1 visa for up to three years.
There are two types of employee who may be sponsored for L1 visas:
The legal definition of management and executive roles for the purpos is quite strict, and a detailed description of the duties attached to the position will be required. In particular, the executive or manager should have supervisory responsibility for professional staff and/or for a key function, department or subdivision of the employer. Such personnel are issued an L1A visa, initially for a three year period extendible in 2 year increments to a maximum of 7 years.
This category covers tho with knowledge of the company's products/rvices, rearch, systems, proprietary techniques, management, or procedures. Staff in this category are issued an L1B visa, initially for three years extendible to a maximum of five years.
L1 visa period:
美国新公司:美国移民局一般对美国新公司的L1 先批准一年,条件好的公司会批准三年,之后可以作延期。每次延期一般为两年或三年。
For a newly established company: a one-year period will be granted by US Immigration Department , or three years for a company have good condition. After initial entry, a two-year or three-year extension will be granted.
美国老公司:美国移民局一般对美国老公司的L1 批准两年或三年,之后可以作延期。
For an existing company: a period of two-year or three-year will be granted, and you can apply for extension.
L1 A 总共不能超过七年。L1B总共不能超过五年。
The maximum stay for L1 A is no more than 7 years, and for L1 B is no more than 5 years.
Family members of L1 visa:
L1签证人员的家属(配偶和21岁以下的未婚子女)可以获得L2 的身份,跟随来美国。办理相关手续后, L1数据线 英文签证的家属可以在美国公立学校就读并可享受本地学费。这对重视教育的华人很有吸引力。借鉴的意思2002 年新的法律还允许L1 的配偶在美国申请工卡,合法工作。
Spous and/or children under the age of 21 who wish to accompany or join you in the U.
S. for the duration of your stay can apply for L-2 visas. Spous are eligible to take up employment after obtaining an employment authorization document.
*想全家(指配偶及未满 21 岁的未婚子女)移民,拿绿卡;
Benefits of the L1 Visa
A. You can expand business into US market
B. Your spou can apply for a work permit 5and engage in employment
C. Your children can study in US.
D. Your dependents can live with you in the U.S.
*L-1 签证对申请人无学历、英语能力要求,申请人要在中国公司从事经理或者主管,技术人员一年以上(三年内连续任职)。
Requirements for the L1 Visa:
A qualifying relationship must exist between the U.S. company and the company in China;
Both the Chine company and the U.S company must remain open, active and viable for the entire duration of your employment in the U.S. Failure to maintain required levels of operation results in the loss of L1 status.
A foreign parent must own at least 50% of a US subsidiary, and have veto powers over the subsidiary's actions;
The US company must have employ staff in USA, creating jobs;
US laws have no requirements to the amount of investment, while the amount should be keep in a reasonable number as to do business in United States, usually 5000 to 8000 dollars;
There is no requirement education and English level. The applicants should have been employed by the Chine company as least three years.
力求 L1签证属于非移民签证类,是针对那些在美国已经设立,或者准备设立子公司、分公司和关联企业的跨国公司需要调派高级管理人员赴美国工作而设立的。被调派到美国工作的申请人必须是公司高层管理人员、经理或是具有专业知识的专业人员。它可以分为多次往返签证或一次性签证。
Key factors for L1 visa:
1、美国公司和中国公司属于同一个集团、公司或实体;only human