底部 在购买平板闸阀的时候,看到一连串的英文加数字的闸阀型号,初次接触的人往往摸不着头脑,那么它们究竟代表什么意思,下面是世界泵阀网整理的平板闸阀的型号编写说明。
阀体材料代号 Body material code
压力等级代号 Pressure grade code
密封面材质代号 Sealing formation code
结构特点代号 Structure manner code
结构形式代号 Design feature code
连接形式代号 Connecting type code
驱动方式代号 Driving manner code
阀门类型代号 Valve type code
特殊要求代号 Special requirement code
●特殊要求代号:K—抗硫型 L—调节型 counter是什么意思ZB—自动补偿
Special requirement code:K—Antisulphur model L—Adjustment type ZB—Auto compensation
Valve type code:Z—Gate valve
●驱动方式代号:4—正齿轮传动 5—伞齿轮传动 6—气动 6s—气动带手动 7—液动 9—电动(手轮传动略) 9B—防爆电动
only的意思Driving manner code:4—Spur gear transmission 5—Bevel gear transmission 6—Air driving 6s—Take pneumatically manually 7—Hydrodynamic driving 9—Electric driving(Hand wheel driving omitted) 9B—Explosion electric driving
●连接形式代号:4—法兰连接 四级多少分及格6—对焊连接
Connecting type code:4—Flange-connecting 6—Butt welding connecting
●结构形式代号:3—明杆平行式单闸板 4—明杆平行式双闸板 7—暗杆平行式单闸板
Design feature code:3—Rising-stem parallel single-disc 4—Rising-stem parallel double-disc 7—Dark pole parallel single-disc
●结构特点代号:W—无导流孔(有导流孔省略npc是什么意思) P—轻型
Structure manner code:W—Non-diversion hole type(Diversion hole type omitted) P—Light-duty
●密封面材质代号:Y—硬质合金 H—合金钢 D—渗氮钢 F—增强聚四氟乙烯
Sealing formation code:Y—Hard alloy H—Alloy steel D—Nitriding steel F—Intensified polytetrafluoroethylene(PTFE)
Pressure grade code:The 10 times of the nominal pressure MPa,pound grade io practical number
●阀门材料代号:C—WCB I—WC6、ZG1Cr5Mo V-WC9、ZG20CrMoV P-ZG1Cr18Ni9Ti Ps-CF8 P3-CF3 R—ZG1Cr18Ni12Mo2Ti F—LCB N—LC3 R8-CF8M R3-CF3M
Body material code:C—WCB I—WC6、ZG1Cr5Mo V-WC9、ZG20CrMoV P-CF8、ZG1Cr18Ni9Ti R—CF8M、ZG1Cr18Ni12Mo2Ti S—CF3 L—CF3M F—LCB N—LC3
rat 举例2:KZ9B44Y-150Lb
注释:压力等级为Class 150、防爆电动、法兰连接、有导流孔、抗硫明杆平行式双闸板闸阀,阀体材质为WCB,密封面材质为硬质合金。