This guide is the result of 2 years of my rearch into the best methods to have more power and choice with the opposite x.
In a nutshell, I put this guide together to help other men do better with women. I think that ultimately what every man wants is to meet that ONE
special woman. Unfortunately, you may have to meet dozens, if not hundreds,
of women before you’ll find “the one”. And if you don’t have the knowledge and experience to deal properly with women in the first place, odds are you’ll bl ow it when you finally meet that special woman. I’ve en it…firsthand.
When the woman of your dreams DOES come around, you’re going to have to
say and do everything right. Truly spectacular women are few and far between,
so you’d better be ready. This guide is designed to give you a comprehensive, ur-friendly system in order to be ready when that time comes.
About half the contents of this guide are a compilation of my thinking and experience. The other half are compiled from the excellent material and ideas from:
David DeAngelo ()
Tyler Durden ()
Swinggcat ()
Mystery ()
Moderated (mASF) (), and the great contributions to that board by Tyler Durden, Style, Mystery, Papa, jlaix, and many othersjrc
Cliff’s Newsletter ()
The Don Juan Newsletter (),
Thundercat’s Seduction Lair (www.)
The Player’s Guide ()
Tony’s Lay Guide ()
Ross Jeffries’ Speed Seduction ()
You can investigate the websites and their material on your own, however
with thi s guide I’ve done all the work for you, and “trimmed the fat” in their systems to give you the bare bones of what works. Just as I’ve taken from others, feel free to take what you find herein and adapt it to your own style