Clo on THEODORE’S face (30s). We hold on him for a long time. He’s looking at something off camera, deep in thought. He starts quietly dictating a love letter into a small 快速阅读记忆microphone.
THEODORE: To my Chris, I have been thinking about how I could possibly tell you how much you mean to me. I remember when I first started to fall in love with you like it was last night. Lying naked beside you in that tiny apartment, it suddenly hit me that I was part of this whole larger thing, just like our parents, and our parents’ parents. Before that I was just living my life like I knew everything, and suddenly this bright light hit me and woke me up. That light was you. Theodore, arching for the right words, quietly enjoys writing the letter. As he continues, he is moved by the memories he’s describing.
THEODORE (CONT’D): I can’t believe it’s already been 50 years since you married me. And still to this day, every day, you jean dujardinmake me feel like the girl I was when you first turned on the lights and woke me up and we started this adventure together. Happy Anniversary, my l
ove and my friend til the end. Loretta. Print. Cut out to reveal a computer monitor he’s sitting at. On the screen we e the letter he’s been dictating, transcribedfif into a handwritten letter on blue stationery. As he says “Loretta,” we e “Loretta” being handwritten at the bottom of the letter. He proofreads his letter. Also on the screen are photos of a couple in their 80s. The couple is tagged “Chris” and “Me - Loretta.” Underneath is a bullet point email from Loretta: anniversary letter to husband Chris, married fifty years, love of my life, met right after college, have had the greatest life together. Theodore pushes print and the letter comes out on a beautiful robin’s egg blue piece of stationery, with ball point pen可可英语学习网站 handwritten older-female cursive. He looks at it, not happy.
He puts the printed letter on a stack of other printed letters to Chris and starts a new one. There is also a stack of finished letters in their envelopes - an assortment of beautiful stationery in all shapes and sizes.
THEODORE (CONT’D): Chris, my best friend. How lucky am I that I met you fifty years a
go? How lucky We track off of Theodore, down a line of cubicles, hearing bits of letters being written and eing photos of who they’re being written to on the screens.
MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN LETTER WRITER: Dear Nana, Thank you so much for my truck. I love the color and I play with it every day. It’s the best truck I’ve ever en. Love, Tommy. We e photos of Tommy and Nana on the screen, and five-year old hand writing. Moving off of her, we find another letter writer.
LETTER WRITER 2: What a beautiful wedding and what a gorgeous bride. There wasn’t a dry eye in the hou, especially mine. Your aunt and I are so proud of 分钟的英文you. I hope you and your lovely new wife will come visit us in Florida.
LETTER WRITER 3: He rved our country with honor and dignity. I’m grateful I was able to fight along side him. He
will live always in my heart. We continue tracking, revealing dozens and dozens of cubicles full of letter writers. We hear someone answer the phone.
RECEPTIONIST (O.S.): , plea hold.
LETTER WRITER 2: Love, Uncle Doug.
Theodore walks through the reception area. The office is almost empty except for him and the receptionist, PAUL. Theodore begins to scan each letter through a scanner on the front desk, then puts them in the outgoing mailbox. Paul is sitting at a desk across the room, reading 如何自学英语handwritten letters on a computer monitor.季度英语
PAUL: Theodore! Letter Writer 612.
THEODORE: Hey, Paul.
PAUL: Even more mesmerizing stuff today. (re: letter on his screen) Who knew you could rhyme so many words with the name Penelope? Badass.
THEODORE: Thanks, Paul, but they’re just letters. (beat) Hey, that’s a nice shirt.
Paul is wearing a bright yellow button down shirt.
PAUL: (lighting up) Oh, thank you. I just got it. Itabnormal reminded me of someone suave.
THEODORE: Well, now it reminds me of someone suave. Have a good night, Paul.
PAUL: Buh-bye.
Theodore enters an oversized, corporate elevator. He puts a hands-free device in his ear. There are a few other people in the elevator with the same devices in their ears.
THEODORE: Play melancholy song.
Melancholy song starts. Long beat.
THEODORE (CONT’D): Play different melancholy song.
Different melancholy song starts. Hold on everyone in the elevator, they’re all murmuring inaudibly into their ownthermalexpansion devices.
Slightly in the future, the city’s been developed even more with massive office, apartment
and mall complexes. It’s a city designed for comfort and ea. The LA basin is more crowded and den, rembling Shanghai, with buildings as far as the eye can e. Construction cranes loom overhead. Clo 日剧 不结婚on Theodore walking through the commuter crowd.