制帽材料 hatting
帽胚 hat felt
帽里 lining
帽圈 hat band
帽边 hat brim
帽檐 cap peak;peak;visor
帽顶 top of hat
帽护耳 cap tab;earflap;earlap;the ear tab
帽徽 cap cockade;cap insignia;cockade
帽饰绒球 cap pomp-on
帽饰流苏 cap tasl
帽带 hat ribbon
帽木模 hat block;block;cap piece;blockhead
帽撑 cap stretcher
帽架 hat tree;hatrack;hat stand
挂帽钉 hat peg
头饰 headwear / headgear
运动帽 sports cap
棒球帽 / 六页顶额帽 baball cap
空顶帽/太阳帽 sun visor
牛仔帽 cowboy
spring brother
渔夫帽bucker hat
北大青鸟电脑培训空顶帽 visor
双面盆帽 reversible hat
盆帽 bucket hat
护耳帽 earcuff hat
时装帽 fashion hat
新时代帽 new era hat / fitted cap
卡车帽/货车帽 truck cap
贝雷帽 beret
太阳帽 sun hat
高尔夫球帽golf cap
礼帽 top hat
童帽kid hat
开普帽/鸭舌帽 flat cap
草帽straw hat
巴拿马帽 panama hat
钟形女帽 cloche hat
软尼爵士帽 fedora hat
大沿帽 large brimmed hat
针织帽 knitted hat
羊毛帽 fleece hat
网帽 mesh cap
防瑶珠套装 anti-pilling polar t
贴帽 felt cap
可折叠帽 foldaway hat
无边女帽 / 童帽 bonnet
阔圆的女帽 sundown
八页顶大头帽 baker boy cap
五页顶急帽 flat cap
htr帽围 / 头围 circumference / perimeter
帽冠 crown
帽大身 shell
顶钮 top-button
帽顶 top button
帽圈 hat band
帽舌 peak / visor
帽护耳 earflap / earlap
帽带 hat ribbon
帽饰流苏 cap tasl
帽饰绒球 cap pompon
帽撑 cap stretcher
舌面 upper peak
舌底 under peak
弯帽舌 curled peak上帝的选民
平帽舌 flat peak
三名治帽舌 sandwich peak
塑料帽舌 plastic peak
纸质帽舌 paper peak
lilian帽舌包边 binding on peak / binding peak
嵌条 piping / piped
气眼 / 鸡眼 eyelets / ventilation hole
绣眼 / 锁眼 wn eyelet
金属气眼 metal eyelet
1英8针 8stitiches per inch
尼龙双针 nylon inner tape
渔丝线 / 透明线 finishing thread
锁边 / 加衬 interlock stitches
套里 / 加衬 lining
前2片粘衬 glued lining under front panels
前片半圆网衬 / 前片半月网 half moon mesh under front
银色抛光帽扣 silver polishing buckle
毛刺口/魔术贴 velcro / nylon fastener tape
拉链扣 zipper buckle
鞋扣帽扣 shoe buckle
织标 knitted label
织带 woven strap ;knitted band/tape
顶部双针 double stitches on top
双针条 double stitches tape/band
帽片 panel (eg. 6 panels 6片顶)
帽舌车线 stitches on peak
配色线 matching color stitches
撞色线 contrasting color stitches
帽边 brim
边圈全磅线 full stitches on brim
里衬 lining
挑动尺寸 size
直径 diameter
半圆形 mi-circle
粗硬布 glued lining / buckram
前片定型 constructed / structured front paneltri
低头帽-前两片贴头帽型 low profile cap
中头帽-前两片贴头帽型 mid profile cap
高头帽-前两片贴头帽型 high profile cap
帽后收口 back closure / back opening
帽后片同大身面料+金属帽口 back with lf fabric +metal buckle
古铜帽扣腰扣 antique brass buckle / bronze buckle
银光抛光帽扣 sliver shining buckle
银光哑光帽扣 sliver matte buckle
对叉扣 press buckle
气孔塑料扣 plastic buckle
伸缩扣 stopper
弹性扣elastic band
汗带 sweatband
补丁 / 条纹 patches / stripe
滚边 piping
绳子+伸缩扣 string +stopper
丝印 silk screen
绣花 embroidery
印花 printing / imprint
贴布绣花 applique embroidery
植毛 floss
国际潘通色号 Pantone PMS no.
绣花章 embroidery badge
凸绣 3D embroidery
金属绣花线 metallic embroidery thread
Parts of cap
后扣 back closure / backstrap
布带+铜扣 fabric strap+ metal buckle
皮带+铜扣+牛眼 leather strap+metal buckle+wn gronment
魔术贴后扣 long velcro closure
金属圈 metal ring
塑料夹扣 plastic grip
PP 织带 PP strap
插扣扣调节PP织带 PP strap w/front relea buckle
磨毛 brushed
不磨毛 unbrushed
水洗 washed
漂洗 bleach washed
酵素洗 enzyme washed
酵素石磨洗 enzyme stone washed
酵素沙洗 enzyme sand washed
布片/色片 swatches
色差 color variation
颜色褪色 color fade / losing童趣的翻译
防水 water-proof
布洗 garment washed
主唛 main marks
侧唛 side marks
内盒 inner box
礼盒 gift box
大箱 export carton
封箱胶带 adhesive tape
包装袋 / 黏胶带 binding tape
箱尺寸 dimension
挂牌 hangtag
贴纸 sticker
条形码 barcode / UPC code
价格牌 price tag
塑袋 poly bag
环保标志 green point / recycled symbol
织标 woven label
印唛 printed label
洗水唛 care label
警告性文字 waring text