Life is a choice
Dear my classmates:
氨基酸缩写 Good afternoon! My name is jelly. I am Beijing, experimental school attend to Capital Normal School. I am very glad to be here to give you a speech.
Plea look at this picture. There is a glass of water .When you e it, what can you e? Half water or half empty? Some people will say: half water; Some people will say:half empty. Our life looks like the glass of water. Your answers are different, so your choice about life are different, too.
One day in Mo-Mo, I learnt that “ life is all about choice. When you cut away all the junk, every situation is a choice . You choo how you react to situations. You choo how people will affect your mood . you choo to be in good mood or bad mood . It is your choice how you live life .
Life is a choice. Bad things happen to everybody. It is hoe you deal with it that matters.
Obstacle is a part of life. It could be a divorce, a layoff, an illness, an accident, a bankruptcy, a robbery .All the things can happen to everyone. All of us, in no matter what the situation, have a choice. The choice will affect your life.
There are many people who have gone through divorce, an illness, an audient, a robbery, a bankruptcy, and disability and they have not give up, while others have just put up the towel.托业英语培训
We all have a choice. Do we wake up and try your best to find the way to go through an obstacle or do you just let it stand in our way? Each obstacle is unique, but our goals of independence, time and freedom are the same.
Persisting on our dream. Napoleon Hill ‘s son was born without ears. He got his first prizes in college , which was hearing aids. After he graduated from the college, he went to work with the company to improve them. And he succeed at last. How about Rick Hann? A tragic accident put him in a wheelchair ,did he give up?
T he great example of persistence is Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln had to face many defeats throughout his life. He lost eight elections, twice failed in business and suffered mental stress, causing a nervous breakdown. He could have quit many times, did he give up? Did he give up? No, he became one of the greatest presidents in the history of America. Lincoln was a charmpion and he never gave up.
For me, life is a choice , too. When I read the article about Abraham Lincoln . It reminded me of my unique summer of 2002. I lost my first chance to study in university for nearly 10 points.
Sometimes I felt so depresd that I did not want to live .Going to the university was my biggest dream when I was a little girl. I studied very hard in my high school. I spent a lot of time on my homework. However , my dream broke at that time. Going to the college or still studing in high school for another year to persist my dream? If I went to the college , I would lo my dream. If I cho to study in high school ,I would had to study harder and spend another 10,000yuan. Can you guess what is choice ? At the end of that summread all about it
er , I cho to stay in high school. It is the biggest challenge in my 27 years- old life. After one year , I entered the Capital Normal University .I never regret making that choice at that special summer .So, my dear classmates, If you have a dream in your heart ,you can try your best to persist on it. You can do it !
Attitude is everything . Charles Swindoll said :” Attitude ,to me, is more important that facts . We can not change our past .We can not change the fact that people will act in a certain way ,the only thing we can do is play on the string we have ,and that is our attitude.
The beginning of everything is hard . I felt a lot of stress when I started to work for the first year . I could not know how to commicate with students. Although I tried my best to work ,I did not know how to make my students love me. The children are lovely but not easy to be teached for me ,and I pretended to smile to them . However they did not afraid of me . Some students dared to talk if they wanted to do it . That made me very angry . I did not want my class looks like that .So I became a very strict teacher . When they talke鸭肫怎么读
d in my class, I would blame them. They were so quiet .However, I thought they are too quiet. And they did not want to talk in English. I did not how to do it. So one day I asked the the leader of English group what to do. She asked me a question :” Do you love the children ?Do you really love teaching? “ “Do I really love teaching ? “ I asked mylf. I did not know . Working, for me, was just a lot stress .When I entered the gate of school ,. I felt nervous in my heart .I paid too much attention to how people will affect me, and thought of the results of teaching . What I really should do is relaxing mylf. So I could not have good mood .If I could not relax mylf, It was hard for me to teach them . From then on ,I treat my work as a challenge . I changed my attitude . I singed the English children songs and played interesting game in my English class. But , I would be very strict if they dared to talk without my permission. After class, I talked with them as their friends. I found that they love me gradually. So things will be different, if you change your attitude.
疯狂动物城英文版 Life is a choice. Sometimes, we make the right one. Sometimes, we make the wrong one. But whatever happens we still the caption of our own ships .Whether we know it or n鬼的英文
Life is a choice .When you open your eyes every morning , you can choo them by yourlf.